Can we delete mercy from the game?

This was the issue with Mass Rez that should’ve been discussed before the revert. Invulnerability like this made it so she couldn’t be countered which was a HUGE mistake. Im not saying Mass Rez needs to or should come back. I can see where the frustration did come from when other players couldn’t find the Mercy. Had they tried a LoS and rez cast timer and a damage reduction I think things would’ve been different for her and the other players :smiley:

I’m not going to read this but she should be deleted, not because she can’t be balanced but because I’ve had it with the forum Mercys.

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*forum anti-mercy crowd

Or any “Omeglul/ 4head” mindless zombies

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No I meant, what I said. I’ve never seen a group of people so obvious to what’s in front of them.

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This thread is a Trainwreck, OP is awful at arguing, presents illogical and wrong arguments and is not interested in logical discussion, instead presenting the strawman of “forum mercys”(???) whenever anyone disagrees with him.

People like this should not be allowed to write on forums - nothing good comes of that, no constructive discussion, nothing.


What’s in front of us? A hero called ammain healer, whose base heals are near Zens. And an Ult that is unimpactful. Oh! And her defining ability Rez, is just a secondary ability, in no way tied to ult.

But sure, giving us the slightest revert, labeling it a buff and telling us “we don’t realize what this’ll do for Mercy” when we fully do, because her healing all around was EXACTLY like that before the final execution nerf

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You don’t want mercy threads? Stop making mercy threads. You are part of the problem. There are more posts about complaining about mercy mains than mercy mains making posts about mercy.

You aren’t the hero who is trying to purge the forums of those annoying mercy mains. You are a mercy main who complains about mercy mains instead of mercy.


20 more hp/s is near Zen? Zen pays dearly to have that healing and his discord orb or have we forgotten he has no mobility options to speak of? This is what I’m talking about, you lot don’t see how good you’ve got it. Mercy heals more than most of the supports, has a damage boost, mobility and a magic eraser. She’s fine, the problem is the Paladin running around making everyone that doesn’t work with her useless.

If she’s really boring, learn to play someone else. I picked up Lucio and when I got tired of being batted around as Rein.

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The only two supports that out heal mercy have to manage resources and cooldowns. How is it at all fair that Mercy gets to do the same or more for less input?

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This is an assumption you made without understanding context. @RevertMercy has been following me around, harassing me, and then trolled me and 3 other players pretty hard in a different thread. She’s personally attacked and insulted me and generally responded to comments in a hostile or passive aggressive manner.

It is possible to be rational (as you can see in my post history and throughout this thread) while also refusing to engage with someone who is a known troll on the forums.

I posted another thread – before this one – suggesting a solution to forum mercys that gained no traction. I posted this one after trying to engage in a rational, logical discussion with some forum mercys and instead just shined a spotlight on a problem within this community.

Here is my thread (notice the date it was posted) on my suggestion for dealing with mercy mains, with a grand total of 16 comments.

Not a mercy main, but your wild baseless accusation (similar to many in this thread) discredits any chance that you’d be willing to engage in an open and rational conversation about this. First you state I main a hero that I don’t, then you insult me. None of that is rational or productive.

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Yeah because it’s so hard to manage Moira’s cooldowns eyeroll, more like just spam heal orbs during teamfights or damage orbs in 1v1’s/to charge ults. Plus her heal resource got buffed to charge faster passively AND charges very fast by right clicking. I’ve played both Moira and Mercy in GM/top500 comp quite extensively (those are my two mains in comp), and Moira is MUCH easier than Mercy in higher ranks.

Moira heals more, has better survivability because fade makes her invulnerable and removes all negative status effects AND is independent unlike Mercy’s GA. Moira also has a faster charging ult, better 1v1 and damage capabilities, and is overall easier to play for greater value than Mercy is.


I did not mean mercy main literally. Everyone lumps mercy mains as the “annoying people who complain about mercy”, that’s what I meant. So add the word “main” at the end there and you have what I said.Should I have called you a mercy main hater instead to be even more literal?

As for you asking for a subforum. Nice of you to try but you should have known it’s not going to happen considering we already had the garbage dump that was the mercy megathread, and it was closed.

If another megathread is created, it’s not going to solve anything. And a subforum just for mercy is not the way to go. In that case you have to have one for every hero imo.

Lol I saw that post about the Mercy forum and commented, none of the Pro-Mercy crowd were toxic or downright rude. They just disagreed. If you can’t take criticism that’s not them being rude or “shining a spotlight on a problem”


Sorry you can’t hide in a closet somewhere and press Q anymore to get POTG.

So many hero’s do this though? Reapers hide and drop all the time, junk rat hides himself to ult, although thats arguable since he needs to survive, mcree usually flanks and hides himself away for dead eye. Those are just a few examples.

I myself am a former mercy main, I stopped playing her after all the nerfs. buffs, changes, and I personally agree that I do not want mass rez back. Ive become accustomed to valk and I would be sad to see it go. I DO however think rez doesnt belong on an E ability. Put it back on valk, put valks ult charge back to where it was.


Oh god, it’s almost like Mercy mains are real people who have their own view at the game balance. Unspeakable.


There’s a simple solution to fixing Mercy that will appease the players of hers that actually matter: reverting Mercy.

And you did the same, lumping me into the group of people who just complain about mercy mains. If you read my original post, I differentiate between mercy mains and forum mercys. Again, I am respectfully asking you for the third time to please read the original post and some comments before jumping into this argument with half-cocked, incorrect assumptions, especially if you’re going to be condescending about it.

Again, if you read the OP in that post, I think the first sentence said “ideally, we would have a subforum for each hero,” but said if we cannot get a subforum for EVERY hero (especially since some heroes don’t necessarily have an urgent need for their own sub, like Rein mains), at least start by instating a subforum for mercy mains,

OK, well there’s no point armchair coaching and shooting down others’ suggestions if you aren’t going to provide any suggestions of your own.

Never said they were rude in that post? I said in this one.

Please, for the love of god, can you read the original post here and some comments before you jump in with unsubstantiated opinions and accusations that can easily be disproved just by reading the actual content of threads?

Not true. Some mercy mains do not want mass rez back and actually think Valk is better for the game and a more fair hero balance. There is no mass agreement in the mercy main community for specifics on what needs to be reworked. That’s why I suggested a subforum where the mercy mains can collect all ideas, give each other feedback on suggestions, and come up with a balance change they can all agree on and then make pleas to the Devs. Devs are much more likely to consider a hero rework when there’s specifics instead of a wall of text just complaining about her current state.

It’s my understanding after reading comments and watching videos on youtube about Mercy that when Mercy mains are saying to “revert Mercy” they mean to before rez had the invulnerability. The invulnerability is what made mass rez broken, not the ability itself. And with all the new cc we have in the game, it would be easier to counter than when they removed it anyway. Even though they’re probably not going to put mass rez back, I don’t think it would be too overpowered if they did.

Also rez on E is impossible to balance. It’s either too good or irrelevant, not much in between. Right now I’d say it leans more toward irrelevant, what with Ana’s new and improved nano and all.

That might be true (haven’t personally seen any threads advocating for that version of mercy), but that iteration of Mercy was unplayable, it was too difficult for Mercy to get the res off without dying first so a lot of her ULTs were cancelled. Hence the devs immediately implementing her invuln buff.

I disagree. What made mass rez broken was the ability to res an entire team (and while being rezzed those heroes were invulnerable) while simultaneously negating all the ULTs the enemy team used to secure the team fight. This led to a mercy meta where everyone had to run mercy, If you were on a team without a mercy and the enemy team had a mercy, the game was gg. This led to every team running a mercy (her pickrate was insanely high during this time, I don’t remember the exact number) and team fights ultimately turning into a game of hide & seek. The DPS had to pick off the enemy mercy before your own mercy died, because ultimately, whichever mercy lived longer wins the team fight. I played during those seasons, so I distinctly remember this meta.

Highly unlikely mass rez is coming back because the devs have specifically stated it isn’t and the amount of work Blizzard has already put into creating Valk and tweaking it for balance changes likely won’t all be scrapped so the mercy playerbase could go back to having a low skill but EXTREMELY OP ultimate ability,

Agreed, rez needs to be fixed. The cast time is too long, and often, if a player dies out of position, even with a Zarya bubble or a shield it’s risky to try to res an out of position player.

I have seen way more threads about actual changes/reworks regarding Mercy than I have people complaining about her. There are legitimately great ideas that the Mercy community has put together, but the bottom line is that the devs do not want to remove res. That’s all it boils down to.