Can we buff Bastion plz?

Instead of a permanent shield he could have a temporary shield ability that he activates for situations like storm arrow, pulse bomb or junkrat.

Another thought is giving him another transformation ability.

Anecdotally speaking, I rarely see anyone playing Bastion.

-Silver player

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I have trouble finding a reason to pick him if thatā€™s what you mean.

~Another silver player

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If you increase his skill floor, then lower ranks will also have a harder time using him. The plan to remove/rework Ironclad also takes away his safety net, meaning mistakes are more deadly.

Redoing Ironclad is kind of a rework, but he doesnā€™t need anything major. If you do too much, he becomes another hero entirelyā€¦ he still needs to have Sentry be the main focus of his kit.

A temporary shield works, but it seems like it would be somewhat annoying to play against because he can just heal it when the enemy either isnā€™t shooting him, or canā€™t shoot him because of another shieldā€¦ I like the idea, but it seems like it could get out of hand pretty quick.

Tank on E is a pretty popular rework. Hereā€™s a thread I made on that a while back. A bit too much to explain here, especially on mobile, but that thread is pretty detailed.

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I say it again,as i did in some old thread.

First,Bastion promotes an incredibly boring playstyle, nobody wants him with his current kit in the meta.

Second, You can only make Bastion better as an individual hero without a bunker comp,if you make it that way,where its simply a disadvantage grouping up to him. The ONLY solution for this,if you make a reversed and modified hammond shield for him.
The more teammate is around you, your turret mode gets weaker,both on damage and shield. And the less teammate is around you, your strength goes up. This way,its simply not worth pocketing a Bastion and he is significantly better than he is now when he is alone.

If Sentry stays as the focus of his kit he will never trully become part of OW. The game is too fast for this to work.

Btw in Rainbow 6 Siege there is a guy called Tachanka. His main way of dealling damage is with a stationary machingun. And he too doesnā€™t work.

And if Sentry doesnā€™t stay the focus of his kit, then heā€™s just a worse version of Soldier, and thereā€™s no reason to ever pick him.

Speed isnā€™t everything in every comp, some are slower than others. Deathball and GOATS tends to be slower than dive for example. Weā€™re not asking for Bastion to be good against every comp, heā€™s going to be countered by some or even most of them, weā€™re asking for him to be good enough to do his job properly, and itā€™s up to the player to make him good in their current situation.

Again, Bastionā€™s nobility isnā€™t his issue. His issue is the amount of time players need to stay immobile to get anything done due to his spread. Old Bastion didnā€™t have this problem, the player could swap to sentry, get a pick or two, then relocate. Thatā€™s what we want back.

Yes, Iā€™m aware of Tachanka, I played him a fair bit back when I actually played siege. He works fairly well if you play him smart. Set up in a reasonable place, surprise the enemy, either move or ditch the gun so they donā€™t know where you are. I played him before his shield too, during the first year of release.

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Negative winrate Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Ok, buddy.

Hes literally just a coffee table ay. Wanna see some bastion love hes so underpicked.

There are those who donā€™t find his playstyle boring. I like the idea of trading mobility for damage, which is why I normally play shooters with either an LMG or sniper. I donā€™t like playstyles such as Genjiā€™s or Tracerā€™s. Thatā€™s what makes Overwatch good, the fact that many different kinds of players can all find a hero they like to play. If they were all super fast paced like Tracer/Genji, then this would just be call of dutyā€¦

If you make Bastion better without a bunker comp, fewer people will run it because itā€™s boring. If you had the option between playing Reinhardt and just stay on a Bastion the entire game, or playing whatever hero you want and actually participating, youā€™d probably go with the latter. If Bastion is able to do work without having 3 teammates watching him at all times, then those teammates will be free to do what they want instead of protecting the Bastion. Plus, the new Torb ult counters bunker comps really well already.

If you nerf Bastion based on his teammates, then people will just use it to troll. If you nerf his damage, people will just stand around him because they either donā€™t like the player, or they donā€™t like Bastion. Look at what already happens with Mei wallsā€¦ Actively discouraging team-play will destroy the game.

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