Can someone translate this?

The text in the original post has some typos, but the image is so blurry it’s very easy to mess up the vowels.

“어려운 난이도로” is actually what makes me question it because if it’s supposed to clear the event in expert difficulty mode, why not say 초고수 난이도에서 like the rest of the events?

It may very well be…but It’s fun to speculate

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This was for the last Archives event

It seems we will have:

(Maybe? Not sure about that one)




The top Korean text says ‘Extraction Result’ while the bottom one says ‘Difficulty to extract with extrusion’

So, likely an achievement where you have to extract with everyone alive on a certain difficulty?


Native Korean here.
It says “Extraction result” / “Extract in hard difficulty.”


Hmm… 3D mobility, i wonder if we’re going to get a jump puzzle event.

The question is where did you come with this picture?

추출 결과 Extraction Result
어려운 난이도로 추출해라. Extract at Difficult Mode
I think it’s referring an arcade achievement that can be earned with specific difficulty.

Where did you find this? Looks a lot like the Halloween leak…could have been editied as it’s a bit blurry imo.

I see Sombra, Baptiste, Doomfist but that last one isn’t Moira as she was already in Retribution…but that does look like her icon? It wouldn’t make sense for her to be in another Archives event. If anything, Widow should have been.

I think this is fake tbh. Baptiste’s icon looks like a messed up version of Jack’s. His hair doesn’t look right. Too scrappy I know it’s trying to look like his "young skin, but it looks very edited. Plus, the “Moira” one is too bland as well as this thing has…ears? I don’t know if they would actually reuse the same hero. Wouldn’t people have found this earlier if his was in the PTR like the Halloween one? If not that means someone just “found it”. Also, Baptiste’s icon comes with a beard…this is an edited version of Jack’s icon.

I wouldn’t hold my breath. Odds are is that it’s fake.

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Logically, it should be Widow, but it has bear shaped ears…it doesn’t look right, at all. Widow also has a mask or visor on most times when her icon is shown. This has none. It’s definitely fake.

Thats 100% moria

You can tell because it shows those 2 tube things that connect t the thing on her back.

but remember we know that moira works in talon and blackwatch in same time

its moira look at her blackwatch skin but in her origin story and we know that moira works in both blackwatch and talon so it could be it and whats the problem of having moira in 2 gamemodes lol that is fine

If it’s Moira then the mode will have two healers (Maybe 3 depending if health packs are a thing in the mode)

If it’s not Moira, then if it’s heavily implied Baptiste would be the only solo healer. Which matches with Archives and Uprising having one healer.

It would be interesting to see what skin the last persons for.

Or it could be an elaborate bait and switch and you play as Roadhog, Symmetra, Junkrat and Lucio :rofl:

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it LITERALLY has moira’s unique hairline lmfao

Blame The Controller posted it on Twitter and he said it was from an Overwatch Facebook group or something

Talon Sombra definitely top left, looks to be Baptiste at the bottom right perhaps, Doomfist (doesn’t look like his talon outfit-face/Winston maybe top right? Unsure and Bottom left, maybe Moira, but it doesn’t look like her Talon outfit-face; I’m sensing a new Reaper skin, just how the head pose is looking down, whilst looking up a bit.

If it is Moira, I sincerely hope Blizz has a good explanation for having 2 Healers with some very powerful Healing Output, and for reusing Moira when we have enough heroes for a Unique Talon Team


This can easily be made in photoshop in less than 10 mins. I’m thinking this is BS. This guy made the exact image in minutes in photoshop.