Can someone translate this?

More than likely it’s either Moira, and the team are capturing Widow, or it’s Widow and she’s just killed Gerard

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I hope this is fake because i NEED an event with WidowMaker as a relevant character.
I don’t want Moira again :confused:


No amount of brainwashing forces people to get bad haircuts.


Actually, the more I look into the image and the text translation, the less this makes sense.

The text seems to indicate that you get this achievement you need to complete the event on hard. However, the image of 4 hero icons for every event is for completing it with the 4 heroes, not for beating it on a difficulty.

Also, two healers? With a repeat healer no less?

I’m also pretty weary of that baptiste icon.

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ugh i’m happy they’ll release Baptiste’s young talon skin that skin was badass

oh is it a skin for the event?

Yeah check the bottom right icon in the image it’s the same hair he had when he was a kid/ adult in talon.

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First thing is that is Korean
Second, it is a translation of English but it seems faulty in first place

It says mission- extract result: extract in hard mode
Extract doesnt seem to make sense. Must be clear or something

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Probably just the one for beating hard mode with any of the four heroes in the normal version of the Archives event rather than all heroes.

I think is Wdowmaker Noire OR Moira Scientist


this one? the more i look at it the more i think youre right


Are we able to confirm this thing’s authenticity or is this just something someone whipped up in photoshop?
I’ve got a strong feeling it’s the latter. Don’t have to focus so much on the details if it’s intentionally blurry


It does look like the skin Moira has in her hero origins video (the medic robe with horn like stuff on the head, check the video out cuz I can’t link it)

So it’s looking like we’ll be getting a Moira skin if that’s true

YES this man I was hoping we’d get that skin last year but hopefully we’ll get it this time

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This is what I got from the image text

It says
추출 결과
어려운 난이도로 추출 해라

it even has the 2 studs on her forhead


Definitely a Moira skin.
Line up their hairlines, and you’ll see that they match 100%


To me that’s clearly Moira with that outfit from her origin story.
This leak might be fake though


I think it says “Extraction result: Difficult to extract with extrusion.”

If you compare it to actual achievements, it doesn’t match. I’d say it’s fake.

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