Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

That’s irrelevant. Rez into death is still rezzed into death.

It’s literally the same amount of promise as after a Zen trans?

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So rezzing into death in a game where you cannot rejoin the fight otherwise and rezzes are on 30 minute timers is exactly the same as rezzing into death in a game where you can rejoin the fight in under a minute and rezzes are on a 30 second timer?

Your logic just keeps getting better and better.

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Nope. And you don’t have to run into the enemy guns blazing just because you got rezzed. You could jump off a cliff or into enemy fire if you so desperately wanted to actually die. You could run the heck away from the fight. You could try to stall the point/payload. You are fully in charge of what you do with your extra life, just like you are fully in charge of what you do when you are nano’d.

Sym’s teleporter requires confirmation because it would be extremely easy to accidentally step into the thing without meaning to. Sym does not need anyone’s permission to put it down or to use it herself. She can put down teleporters all day long even if nobody uses them. She has full access to that ability, and is free to be smart or stupid in how she makes use of it.

Mercy’s rez is not only on the longest cooldown in the game, she can only rez if someone is dead, and she has a small window of time in which it is even possible, and even then her cast time makes her vulnerable to getting interrupted or killed when trying. There are already lots and lots of circumstances which outright prevent Mercy from being able to use her ability at all. A teammate refusing the rez would be adding yet another factor to the mix where Mercy doesn’t get to weigh whether or not a rez would be helpful or smart, because the stars have to align for it to even be possible.

Mercy’s rez is her ability. She can’t just drop a rez every 30 seconds and see if someone wants to hop in. She has to decide to use it, and have the gamesense to use it well, for it to be successful and aid the team. Using it poorly can make another person pay for her mistake and can set the team back, but that goes right in the bag along with a whole bunch of other abilities (particularly among the tanks and healers) where successful pushes live or die based on their decision-making.

And like I said in my previous post, I have been the person who got rezzed and didn’t want it, and it is indeed frustrating. But it’s no worse than having a healer who is tunnel visioning and forgetting to heal, or a tank who wishes they were a DPS, or a DPS who is so obsessed with their big fancy 5-man flank that they don’t deal with the pressing threat, or the Torb who doesn’t know how to do anything but babysit his turret, or the people yelling for heals when they haven’t peeled for you and you’re dead, etc.

Fundamentally, asking to reject a Rez is asking for the ability to take away an ability from your teammate and to not allow them to make decisions about their gameplay. If rez was a passive—Mercy keeps it up like old Sym shield gen or something—then by all means, opt in and out on a 30 sec cooldown, and it’s no skin off the Mercy’s nose. But for her to be trying to use an active ability, and be locked out of it based on a teammate’s decision for her, would just feel really crummy all the way around.

Where did I say


Prettiest of pleases show me where I said it was exactly the same.

Hmmmmm not sure how I feel about this

My only problem with this is I’ve had MANY clutch resses or I will res a target, intending for them to die so the focus is pulled off my team to further ensure a hold/push. It’s a sacrifice I deemed necessary for the win.

In one of my comp games on my alt last season, we were on Horizon and the enemy team killed and staggered most of my team outside of Reinhardt and I. The team was close to reviving, but my Rein would’ve been heavily staggered, and I would’ve also died before they got back as well. This would’ve staggered both the main support and main tank heavily.

In an instant, I thought if I super jump res to res my Rein, A. it has the chance to cancel, leaving me alone against their team to stall for another second or two and our team continues to stagger in, B. the res is successful, but I die in the process, leaving Rein to hold longer than I could for the rest of my team, or C. the res is successful and I live, allowing both Rein and I to hold off long enough for the team and to have all 6 players to hold.

The res went off and I lived. Rein and I held together, our team got back, we wiped the enemy, and won the game because of my decision to res.

With the ability to decline a res, not only is Mercy wasting 2 seconds of doing nothing for the res to be denied, denying HER any value, whether healing/DBing OR ressing. I can guarantee no Rein would’ve accepted the res I deemed was necessary to hold because they would’ve saw the team was dead and said “lmao you’re stupid. I’m not accepting that”, leaving not only me to die, but the team to stagger more when I made a quick decision believing it was the correct choice.

Yes, bad resses suck, but they don’t happen all the time. Nor do the game-saving ones. Why deny the chance of game-saving resses be out of the equation at all if the ressed target doesn’t think it is the correct choice, when I’m fact, it very well could’ve been.

I both like and hate this idea.

The idea of res is all based on how good the Mercy is at decision-making. Of course bad resses suck, as stated above, but that shouldn’t blind the idea of game-saving resses in situations where the player would assume its lost to negatively impact both Mercy’s value and her ability to support other teammates on something that doesn’t even have to be accepted.


Its one of the things I made a feature in my Resurrect overhaul. Its goal was to add even more counterplay to rez but allow Mercy to regain the fluidity of movement that casting resurrect so abrubtly ends.


So now you didn’t use the word exactly and I showed how ridiculous your statement is you are going to use semantics?

You are like the quintessential representation of a guy on the forums whose run out of legit options to make the original topic sound like a good idea and just tires to divert to silly things.

Or I just think you are being needlessly dense when I know you’re smarter than that and I just don’t agree with you? I share OPs dislike of getting rezzed right into death again and would prefer to have an “I’m not feeding” option. Are all rezzes bad? No, of course not, but I’ve had enough rez me right into an ult because they cared more that rez was up and less that I might not want to feed and change heroes.

Just like there are no actually good reasons to add it, there are no good reasons to keep it the way it is either. You of all people should know that I despise they left rez in after her rework at all, so don’t even come at me with “they should just take it out,” when they won’t.

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Apologies if I came off hostile, but when you tried to back up his argument that a rez is a rez and they function essentially the same in a game like WoW and OW as an argument to accept/deny for rez it just became ridiculous to me.

I’ll leave the topic at this – I think this will never happen because it simply wouldn’t be fair to the Mercy player.

Bad rezzes suck, but it’s on the Mercy to know when to use her own abilities. Introducing something that denies the use of her ability after / while she’s trying to use it would just feel terrible for the Mercy player, so I don’t think it’ll ever happen.

The counter argument is that it feels terrible for the player who gets rezzed into another death? Well that’s OW, it feels terrible when you accidently get Nano on a hero who can’t utilize it well, or when you watch your Zarya’s grav catch nothing. That’s just how the game is.

this is hilarious, “take your rez and shove it you no-good Mercy 1 trick”


Here’s a crazy idea never tested before. Get on VC and ‘mercy dont rez me’ amazing hidden mechanic.

Jesus its like people have lost their tongues, a bunch of mutes play this game.

it’s a good idea. i’ve lost games to bad rezzes before. it’s not a common problem, but it does happen

omegalul, next suggestion from sombra, I wish to refuse zarya bubble on me, she using me for charging and exposing me being invisible. Next suggestion from wrecking ball, I need to refuse zen’s orb on me because when I am beging covered behind low-height cover, enemies can see me even If I covered. Still thinking how to refuse nano and direct heal… any reasons any thoughts guys?

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OR and I know…this sounds CRAZY!
use voice comms and tell her not to Rez you

Yeah, because in over 1200 levels you’ve never had people refuse to join voice chat :roll_eyes:

Until voice comms is 100% mandatory, that isn’t a valid/fool proof alternative.

I could only see it working as a toggle that you could switch during the game on the party screen and making your corpse icon usable for GA but having a huge red outline so the Mercy doesn’t go in risking herself just to realize she can’t rez.

If it would be a button that you can press mid-rez the only acceptable way is not to put rez on any cooldown as it could be used to troll.

Just don’t die, easy. Can’t rez someone who isn’t dead, or jumped off map.

I agree people should be able to refuse a rez because it doesn’t give them the possibility to avoid Mercy having control over their character (even though it’s not a reportable offense as a Mei building a wall inside the spawn room, for instance).

The only problem I see with a Rez refusal is people throwing. Let me explain :

Sometimes a Mercy knows best if it’s important or not for someone to be rezzed or not. Usually, supports have a better tracking when it comes to knowing how many allies are alive on the battfield or if it’s winnable (I’m not saying they’re smarter or anything but tanks and DPS are sometimes busy committing to a big fight and can’t see everything).

I know people want to switch heroes sometimes but if there’s the slightest chance for a rez to allow further contesting or to win a pretty tight fight, I would be pissed if the person just didn’t take this chance and basically “threw” by refusing a clutch Rez and God knows how many people can’t “read” a match very well.

Also, rezzing someone takes a lot of risks for a Mercy, so if the devs add the possibility for people to refuse Rez, Mercy should be granted the Rez cancelation by pressing “e” again, in order to be fair to the Mercy player (because players denying her most powerful ability is unfair).

It would be more than annoying for a Mercy to pull off an incredible risky yet valuable (game changing) rez just so the person refuses it on the spot for I don’t know what reason (maybe just to throw the game because tilted or something).

So yes, more freedom for people that want to refuse the rez but this should go along with less commitment for Mercy when she rezzes (and by that I mean not getting stuck for almost 2 seconds when Mercy presses “e” - being allowed to cancel the rez).

If the rezzed person refuses the rez : Rez doesn’t go on CD
If Mercy cancels the rez : Rez goes on cooldown (as usual as if an enemy cancels it).