Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Then just leave the game if you see Mercy on your team, if it bothers you so much that she dares to do her job
as a Mercy/ main, I am out of this conversation from now on, there is no point talking to brick wall like you

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Which is what makes it trash. I’m a Sym main, it’s the most borderline useless ability when you are the only one willing to use it. There is another utility as pointed out that doesn’t require consent which is Mei wall so again, not black and white. We’ve heard hundreds of stories of mei blocking teammates los, escapes, and even ults with it but it’s still her ability and she keeps all the control over it, you don’t get to disable your teammates abilities.

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You can do immediately after :woman_shrugging:t5:

If it’s already rejected, why did she expect to Rez me.

Cool. If both of you agree :woman_shrugging:t5:


Up to blizzard. I favor auto Rez

I mean, things happen. If mercy got the Rez off she was the last person, and the enemy killed her before I spawn… I wouldn’t wanna spawn.
Her efforts were a nice try. But I’d rather regroup than feed

Same as rein asking McCree to stand behind and not in front of the shield

Unless it was needed. She might have realized her mistake too late thus all the 'cancel Rez" requests

See above

Your opinion has been noted. Bye

Nope…Mei should change too
It’s the only other ability like this.

Make a new thread

this is actually a pretty good idea, i like the idea of a rejected rez having a 5 second cooldown

this would also really help with mercy’s survival, if she misclicks or ends up in a bad position the player she’s rezzing can just reject it.


Sorry, I thought my post was more specific than just “click: decline”

I want to be sure the Mercy has the ability to know before she flies over. If we’re going to make it a teambased option, then Mercy needs to know all the risk involved, and the way I’m imagining this working, is having a window of opportunity for someone to reject it; otherwise, they’ll be rezzed at the Mercy’s decision.

To be more specific, I don’t think the spawn time should be the entire window, it would have to be a split decision the player makes. This would ensure that the Mercy doesn’t fly over there, expecting a rez and nothing happens because somebody declined it after she’s already in the animation.

Which would mean the orb would have to change colors based on when Mercy can rez or not.

And you can kill yourself after mercy rezes you. Well this turned out to be easy to resolve.

It shouldn’t because it’s her ability. There is no point in having this ability if others control its effectiveness and use. This is why Syms teleporter is not suited for anaything outside highly coordinated games.

I do not have an issue with it, I am showing you that it happens with other abilities as well. Zaryas bubble requires no consent either. It’s a projected barrier that keeps you safe whether you want it to or not. The choice of dying after it is applied on the other hand is up to you, same with rez, same with wall, same with any defensive ult (see our interactions above) or long range peeling ability like what used to be matrix or repair pack, Immortality field. You can choose to die after the player that controls that ability uses it the way they want it to, not before.

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As it’s been explained very clearly at least a dozen times to you in this thread, it doesn’t inherently make it more risky, but it takes the risk/reward equation out of Mercy’s hands.

Now if she goes for a risky front line rez to get Orisa back up and restore a front line which could swing the tides of the game, even if she dies for it, the Orisa can simply be like “nah, I think I’m just going to die again” or “nah, I’m switching to DPS anyways”.

Now Mercy very well used one of her abilities that could have swung a fight and died for it, and your proposal is to give the player the option to just flat out deny her decision and make her have died for no reason for whatever reason their ally felt like.

Either Blizzard says Rez isn’t good for the game and gives Mercy something else, or they leave it as is. Your half-solution of an accept/deny is just not a good idea.


Maybe use your mic?

No… You can’t. It’s not promised. Example: 2cp temple of Anubis

Utility is offered. Not forced. You don’t insta ult once nano hits do you?

Yet Zen works fine even post disc Nerf

Utilizing it is not. You don’t have to make the most of it. Mercy forces this no matter what. Mei wall and mercy Rez are the only abilities of utility eliminating choice.

I did but I was blocked by all mercy players after suggesting she wasn’t all that great

oh i see, all mercy players, right…
excuse me if i seem sarcastic, it may actually be a good idea, but your team would lose way too much if mercy already had come in front of you to rez and then if she couldn’t by a reject, she would probably just die.

It does not. She can offer it, just like every other utility. It’s risky to nano reinn, he might keep shield up.
It’s risky to get in class with Mei. They might kill her. Reward comes in offering.

The fact that Rez is so one sided is wholly unique. I’m asking to reject utility just like I might with an ill timed bubble or nano

That’s the point.

Like a wasted nade or to or imm field…

Works in wow

Feel free to run back to spawn or into enemy widows sight line.

No but I get burst healed, receive damage reduction, damage boost and glow like a lazer show whether I want to or not and it forces the entire enemy team to focus all their cc on me whether I ult or not. Imagine that

You did utilize it. It postponed your death. Same with immortality field. Same with any focused healing, Nanao, Trans, Lucios beat, D.Va speeding in front of you with matrix out blocking all of the incoming damage, Brig forcing you to run around with 100 extra armor, you can’t even escape it because she gets movement speed with it to chase you down and make you gain armor from her ult and the burst heal she applies whether you want it to or not. You’re free to become a suicidal maniac anytime you want once they use those abilities but they choose when and how to use them.


If I wanted to regroup, that seems fine.

Tbh I thought your initial reply was sarcastic. Thus my joke back.
But I can’t force communication. If she isn’t in voice chat, I have 1.75 sec min to type no Rez in chat.
But not everyone is that fast
Console is impossible

None of those are to the degree and explicit rejection of choice like Rez. More difficult and impossible isn’t the same.

I also like how everyone defensive of Rez is kinda implying Rez is usually bad. She just likes to play risky and rejecting of it will be sooooo frequent we never would see it

Why not? You are rejecting the Mercy player that is saving you with her ability. Why shouldn’t you be able to reject Brig giving you 150 health or armor. Lucio dropping the beat and saving you from a junk tire. Maybe you were about to switch to pharah so Junk would be countered but he just saved you from it and now you’re stuck playing torb or something. Armor and shields are utility are they not? They get applied to you whether you want them or not. Why? CUZ IT’S NOT YOUR ABILITY, IT’S THEIRS


It absolutely does. You cannot deny a Nano. They might not run and swing where you want them to, but they received your ability and all the benefits from it. No hero in the game “offers” their ability for some to accept/reject (except maybe Symm TP… and if that’s your shining example you are even in more trouble). Poor and invalid comparison just to try to make your point.

All abilities you cast on allies are one sided. Mercy’s is unique in the fact that it takes you back out of the respawn room, which certainly has repercussions, but doesn’t mean you should deny her the choice to make that decision. If you don’t like it, petition to have it removed from the game, not to the ability to cancel HER ability.

Yes, that is the point? So you’re completely OK with Mercy trying to rez someone to turn a team fight only to give an option for an ally to deny it for completely selfish reasons? I guess you are beyond hope on this topic.

Nobody opted out of taking the immortality field or nades benefits. Again, if those were wasted at least it was wasted by THE PERSON WHO USED THE ABILITY.

You’re seriously grasping at staws if you are down to the point of comparing OW and WoW game play.

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I think Rez mechanics work in other games fine with consent. Wow, fortnite…

Considering Ressurect was/is meant to appeal to WoW players that play druids, priests, paladin, shamans and even warlocks with the lock stone, I’d consider it a valid comparison.

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Yes, because an Accept/Deny works well in a slow paced PvE game where the teams are are 10-30 people, battles can last upwards of 15 minutes, and people can’t even run back to the fight, that means it’ll fit like a glove in a PvP game where team fights and points are are decided in seconds and people can run back and rejoin the same fight multiple times. Totally valid comparison. :weary: