Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Hm… not sure about that.
I mean, if Mercy opts for a rez, it’s her tactical decision, not mine.
So if I as the target don’t want that, she should have warned me (via voice, preferrably).
When I die, I usually use that time for deciding about if I should switch.
So an unannouced rezz may be worse than not doing it.

Maybe something like “50% CD when rejected” would be a good compromise.
But I like the idea in itself.

Ehhh… on paper its a good idea.
But in practice, Mercy players will take risks for a Res. If that risk doesn’t pay off in any way, she unnecessarily puts the team and herself in danger.
Besides, there are already workarounds through voicechat/gamechat if you don’t want a Res.

That’s also true for a “successful” rezz, when the rezzed player or she herself get’s killed in the proccess or shortly after.
Being abe to reject the rezz, would not make this any worse.
The Mercy would need to have the very same thought process.
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Note the “Should I rezz that” node. It’s important, but often neglected in the heat of the fight. The average Mercy just rezzes like a bot. Often even without considering “Can I rezz that”.
So I feel like this option would have a lot of pros.
The Mercy just should not be sad when it gets rejected. Because she can’t know what that other player has seen or thunk to make him/her reject it if it wasn’t communicated beforehand.

I think they could add a prevent Rez that shows a GUI to mercy that the hero doesn’t want and can’t be rezzed. Bind it to space bar or interact so the player can toggle it easily.

Well, on the other hand, you could also say “please don’t rez me” before Mercy does it.

Then this whole idea wouldn’t be neccessary, and then we don’t need to take away Mercy’s self-governance on when to use abilities or not.

It’s similar to someone’s ult-usage being blocked by a teammate because they don’t think it has value at the moment. It’s not right. But IF such a feature is added for some reason, then pressing Q and the ult getting blocked, shouldn’t result in losing any ult charge, right?

Yes. Allow rez rejection. Even as a Mercy player, I want this.

I mean how I interpret the entire thing is:

I rez a teammate, but they wanted to swap. I get it off, but they just run in and feed/go die and that leave me with Rez on cooldown still. When instead if they reject is and it goes on say a 5 sec cooldown-that means it saves them from feeding, and I no longer have to wait the 30secs on a rez somebody didn’t want.

Yes VC is a thing, but I will always remember rezzing somebody and they went “Mercy no I wanted to watch the kill cam” and “Medi, I was gonna switch.” I mean I rez when I can and see that they are either close to ult or have ult…though if they think switching would have been better, then I wish I could have given them the option.

Yeah, if the Mercy is rezzing me in the middle of the enemy team and I’m Widow, I’m not getting a damn thing done except handing the enemy some free ult charge.

Wow. This thread just… Became a cesspool while I was gone. Y’all really out here acting like mercy just enjoys throwing and everyone enjoys throwing over a Rez.
If I were a mod I would have locked this thread :roll_eyes:
I’ll try again.

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I think this is a pretty interesting idea. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been rezzed as D.Va right in the middle of a scrum. No time to re-mech, I just get to die again, feeding as I go. The lowered cooldown on a rejected rez seems reasonable to me.

This is a great idea. Partly because when you play mystery heroes and you end up as Mercy, then you die and your teammate who also happens to be Mercy decides it would be funny to rez you.

Meh…I know I’m terrible to friends if I’m on mercy. Dmg boost only, Rez into ults or when they are being countered. But we are friends so it’s not actually horrible…but it is kind of messed up that I can lol


When I play Mystery Heroes with friends, I like to make them suffer with me if I end up as Mercy. If they get a character they don’t like and die, I’ll rez them. Once had a round of mystery heroes where 4/6 members of the team were Mercy. We did a rez train.

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Because quick play is a mess, my friends and I often wind up playing against another. So if I’m with a stack, against another stack, I’ll make my stack miserable same with the enemy stack mercy. I’ll Rez my hog into the enemy reaper over and over. And the enemy rein can never switch to address our sombra.

You chose this life. You’ll DIE IN IT MWAH HA HA lol

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