Can anas sleep dart not be so frustrating?

I just hate the sleep dart she has so much. Why are people fine with it? Sure supports and DPS aren’t going to be hit by it as much, but half the game you’re sleeping if you’re on tank. It’s awful. I’m honestly so tired of it. I get ana needs it to be long, but THAT long? Seriously? Ugh, even the MINIMUM duration is the longest stun in the game. And it’s even worse that it’s not being adjusted for OW2.


It’s her only defense against flankers and dive, maybe it should last a little bit less on tanks? (Expect Winston :smirk:)


Make it any shorter and it is no longer really a sleep dart. But yeah, I see where you’re coming from. It wouldn’t hurt for it to receive a projectile size nerf.

Nah, make it last longer. That gives you more time to cycle emotes.


Absolutely, and yes even winston. It’s silly the duration on tanks.
Also the minimum duration absolutely needs to be dropped.

I don’t care tho! Even 4s is still plenty… But I think it just needs less duration on tanks…
I don’t think a projectile size nerf would help considering tanks have hitboxes the size of mars.

Tho we can compensate else where if ana starts to struggle.

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Then I guess that’s just difference of opinion. I don’t really have a problem with the ability as 99.9% of the time it’s completely avoidable and telegraphed like hogs hook.


Now that’s just nonsense dude and you know it. Avoidable 99.9% of the time? Seriously?


I am the .1 percent. They never see the cross map flank darts coming… Never.


*90%, my b

Even 90% is a ridiculous figure. How are you supposed to avoid it? It’s not like you can “outrun” it. And it has a massive projectile size.

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Yes, that way I have a couple more seconds to aggressively spam crouch

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Oh no… you’re one of those anas… the ones who use sleep dart on the enemy rein barrier? For uh… barrier breaking!

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My best friends A, D and space bar for starters.

Also any movement abilities your character has don’t hurt either. It has a laggy startup for a reason.

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Space bar will make your movement more predictable, and adad spamming will actually LOWER your chances of avoiding it because the ana will just shoot the centre of where you’re adad spamming since the projectile size is huge. And like, how are you supposed to avoid it on a tank? Unless the ana is bronze.

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When you purposely try to bait flash, see the animation, jump behind the wall and… And… Are you kidding me? I am actually asleep?

*5 seconds later anti splashes behind the wall too.

Intense pig squeals
:eye: :sweat_drops: :pig_nose: :eye: :sweat_drops:

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Barrier. DM. movement. Positioning. Idk man, I seriously rarely get hit by them. It’s as easy as avoiding a hog hook.

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I mean, the sleep dart often punishes bad positioning. I would say they need to address the airborne effect, because the sleep can only be broke when the target it’s on the ground.

Other than that, the sleep serves his purpose. Reducing duration or the size wouldn’t solve. The ability itself it’s to provide counters those counters demands teamwork, but also a bugfix it’s needed to enable any kind of damage break the sleep even while it’s still in the air.

Often genji, winston, doomfist and wreckingball suffers more because they keep their mommentum on air and often took several hits before touch the ground. That’s an issue they should address. Other than that sleep as is it’s really fine.

Hogs hook and Crees stun exist but people have issue with Anas sleep dart… the most inconsistent and difficult to land out of all 3 :eye::lips::eye:

Good anas will easily outplay all of those things. Maybe you’re just lucky and fighting bad anas, Idk. They’ll wait for DM cooldown, use dart around barriers, etc. It’s not hard. Good anas dont use sleep dart into rein shield

What if I told you hogs hook is not easy to dodge either? :thinking:

It’s also got the longest duration by far and is not that difficult to land :eye::lips::eye:

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It is called a read, Yourself. Sure, maybe that one didn’t work, but you will be very impressed when I time it correctly and the people actually shooting at his barrier wake him up immediately. “Woah, sick dart like a roo hopping out of the great emu war” you will exclaim!

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