Can a really good support or tank carry a team at any rank?

Depends on who you play. An amazing Zen or D.Va player could probably more consistently carry a bad team than an amazing Rein/Mercy player.

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Disagree, Boombox solo carried UK in the qualifiers for the 2017 World Cup, you can absolutely carry on support. Well on Zen and now Ana you can.

One of the UK players said ā€œwe are not worried about pharah mercy we have boombox heā€™ll counter themā€

I see where youā€™re coming from, but doesnā€™t work like that at low ELO.

When I played Orisa at mid gold I did okay. Iā€™d Halt enemies and dps would kill them. In silver my dps run ahead of my shields to die like dogs. Expecting them to respond to a Halt is sheer foolish optimism. Leeroy Jenkins is the dps default mode.

Pbsr is a crock of shtt. Had a 60% win rate as Mercy and couldnā€™t climb. I wasnā€™t rezzing enough apparently. Gave up, Mained Torb and got given SR like candy for just hammering my turret all game. Getting 65% win rate helped with the climb as well, but super generous Sr, not bugged to heck like Mercyā€™s helpedā€¦

Massive inconsistency in skill at low SR. Eg silver Genji places plat on alt account. Drops like a stone as heā€™s silver skill, but massively overplaced. Was featured in a Unit Lost video.

I gave the Reaper example above. He was able to consistently 1v3 my teamā€™s dps as they were bloody terrible. I had to go dps to deal with him myself.

Iā€™ve played from 1300 to 2500 and itā€™s easier to support and get good assist stats the higher you climb. At low ELO youā€™re trying to tank and support feeding fools.

Howā€™s a Mercy going to carry? Damage boost? 1.3 x 0 is still zero. Heal and rez dps that canā€™t get kills? Theyā€™ll be dead again soon enough.

At low ELO team with best dps wins. Iā€™ve even seen 6 dps teams win. They just massively out kill more balanced teams with ineffectual dps.

Just my 2 cents, down at low ELO levelsā€¦

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Not sure about that stat (where you got it from) but I was just sayin a good tank/support most likely would be able to carry matches that are below their real rank. Thatā€™s pretty much how this game works in general, like if you are a diamond level player in a gold game you could carry it. Or a master in a plat game etc.

okay lets put a GM zarya into plat see if he gets out

Bit rambling, but Iā€™ll get on topic eventuallyā€¦

Was playing some quickplay last night and queueing for several games with a top 500 Zarya main and a top 500 Widow main (PS4, so ā€œonlyā€ around 4k SR).

Iā€™m a silver scrub (1750) and was playing with Moira most of the games. Also Lucio for one of them. We won (Or I got hard carried, however you want to look at itā€¦) most of the games.

I recall one POTG with a Widow triple headshot kill, and another with Zarya on 99% energy, lit up like a Christmas tree, melting four enemies like a hot knife through butter.

So, my question would be, if the Zarya swapped off to healer and I played dps, would we have done anywhere near half as well? If the Zarya had swapped to Mercy, would we have done anywhere near half as well?

My own rule of thumb in a mixed skill team is that the most skilled players play dps and the less skilled play support.

Whatā€™s better? A GM Zarya with bronze Mercy pocket? Or a bronze Zarya with a GM Mercy pocket?

Iā€™d expect the former to do better IMOā€¦


Tanks have less game impact in solo queue than others roles, basically you are just a sponge,if your DPS are trash and also your healers completely clueless I mean literally having a Mercy pocking Lucio while you past 30 cm around then in 100 hp and die because they have worse tunnel vision than a hamster.

You only wish and should play tank when you play with friends/party w.e otherwise enjoy the most infuriating experience ever.

If you really need to carry your team and not dps, Off tanks are the best characters.

Ya block a crapton of shatters and ult well. If your team still loses, you tried

it depends on the support or tank. Zen can frag and carry. Lucio can frag and carry (also both have ults that are GREAT). Moira can frag and carry in unorganized teams. Ana is much harder to carry but at low ranks, can pretty well. Mercy can never carry imo and brig can carry until the other team has long range dps that just focus you down. Zarya can get charge and carry (high charge +grav and you can solo kill most of the other team too). hog can carry. dva can carry. the common trend is if the hero has a kit that allows them to kill things, you can carry.

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Short Answer: Absolutely! You can actually climb well with filling for you team, in spirit of how the game is supposed to be played!

Long Answer: Google: ā€œThis is how sad Overwatch isā€

Main tanks that outplay enemy tanks = win.

Meanwhile 5/6 players in gold teams fight over who.gets to play DPS.

After reading this thread, I have to admit that I have no idea what the word ā€œcarryā€ means anymore in OW. I thought it meant that one person covers for 5 inept teammates and wins the match more or less singlehandedly. Given that definition, how could a tank possibly carry a match? You can put up (or throw down) the shield, but you canā€™t make people stand behind it. As support, how do you heal people who seem to be actively trying to get as far away from you as possible?

I guess maybe ā€œcarryā€ now means ā€œto do well in a match.ā€ Or something.

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I was playing on a team with a top 500 healer and he hopped on Mercy and healed a pretty bad team seamlessly. Not a single person had to run back, rezzed them all. So yeah, they can carry.

Exactlyā€¦ You canā€™t win matches healing people who canā€™t effectively kill things.

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If you want to carry on Plat and below Roadhog is highly recommended, heā€™s got nice damage, crowd control, and can heal himself so he doesnt have to rely on the healers that much, but remember to have cover like corners and such if youā€™re in battle to avoid getting hit too much or else you will be feeding the enemy a lot of ultcharge, if roadhog isnt played properly, heā€™s nothing but an ult charger for the enemy team.

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Youā€™ll usually have to be a more dps support, like Zen, Brig, or Ana to carry in the low ELOs. Iā€™d imagine it would be a lot harder with Mercy in particular, and a little easier than Mercy with Lucio or Moira.

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Iā€™ve started to pick up Hog. Something just viscerally fun about dragging someone in and murdering them with a shot to the face.

Lots of works needed on mechanics, but I can quite reliably hook and one shot Mcree, Pharah, Mercy and other larger squishies. More work needed to get Tracer kills.

But main thing is that heā€™s fun.

No, doesnā€™t matter how skillful I am with Moira and Zarya. I cannot carry a team myself. I used to carry my friend around but I cannot carry him into Diamond Rank. Heā€™s around Gold-Platinum by himself.

Casual and still needs to learn things. He didnā€™t know could eat Moira Damage or Healing Orbs for example.

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Lul what?
Dps need space created by -> Tanks
Tanks need healing from -> Supports
Supports need protection from -> Dps

Only a few heroes can turly solo carry like Brigitte, Roadhog and Tracer.

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