Can a really good support or tank carry a team at any rank?

Ml7 did an unranked to top 500 Ana only.

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Of course. I’ve often been the biggest playmaker on my team as Winston or Orisa leading us to a decisive win.

You can carry as support and I would argue it is a whole lot easier than carrying on dps. It just takes a slightly larger sample size to climb large jumps in rank because of the ‘limit’ to what a support can contribute when a team is dragging them down–whereas dps have heroes like widow and tracer which have ‘infinite’ potential if you press literally every button perfectly.


game is carried by a tank. absolutely hard carried by a reinhardt, against the best players in the world.
if you think you can’t carry as tank against worse players you’re delusional.


Depends really.
I was genuinely able to carry as mass rez mercy back in season 4-5. Both teams may be brain dead in silver, but the brain dead team with the far superior healer who constantly brings their team back will win 9 times out of 10. She’s lost a lot of her solo carry potential now that her impact isn’t as direct, but she’s still good if you pocket a trusted dps. I used Mercy to climb from 1600 to 2200.

It’s harder to carry as Lucio, but you can definitely set up your mediocre team well and make them a great team with fast ults and knowing when do do a cheeky flank to get a pick. I used Lucio to climb from 2200 to 2800. At that rank I didn’t really make much use of speedboost since people didn’t really understand how it was beneficial, so I had very high healing per 10 minutes for reference.

I was ble to carry a lot in the dive meta of seasons 6 and 7 as I used her to climb from 2800 to 3000 sr, where I would say the thing I did that made me better than other’s was using my matrix on allies about to take critical damage but not just obvious things like ulting Pharah. Things like matrixing your Zen peeking a corner with volley or your Widow when engaging in a 1v1 with another Widow. They seem like obvious things for to do, but it really helped me climb.

I used Reinhardt to get from 3000-3200. It was harder to carry as him for me since I wasn’t as free to do damage, so it was more just about not being worse than the other teams Reinhardt for me. Similar to I found that small things like tilting one edge of my shield to get an ally behind it faster really helped with climbing as him.

I can’t carry anymore, as 3000-3200 is my limit without lots more improving but I still use those heroes to mantain my rank (mostly Rein and Lucio now with the meta shifting away from Mercy and recently, and a little Zen too!).

Long post but moral of the story is you can do it!! However if you find yourself slumping a bit, I would recommend making a dps or tank player friend for when you just get too sick of rough games.

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It’s a little rough carrying with a support tbh because you have to make plays that are counter intuitive for most lower ranked supports. You have to take calculated risks KNOWING that if you mess up or go slightly too deep or tunnel vision slightly, you can and probably will die. Things like on rialto first point after the bridge, going around into the left mini health pack room to land a sleep on their rein letting your rein have a free shatter or launching a zen volley from that same corner onto their healer or throwing a nasty anti as ana or the quick flank dps orb+damage kill as moira and fading back to your team, etc. Sometimes, when someone is pushing cart, you can (and should imo) push up as a support too and not only keep them healed up or use a fast charging ult to keep them back/up, etc. For example, on KR after caping first point, pushing into streets phase before the cart gets there and landing volleys as a zen, sleeps as ana, picking people off as moira.

Carrying as a support is possible, it just takes a little more than a dps because a 1 for 1 trade when you are the support puts the enemy team at an advantage because your team is losing a support, not a dps.


Carried my friend out of bronze on a bronze smurf playing only zenyatta and ana. There wasnt a game I didnt have gold elims and gold damage.

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Mercy/Zen/Brig main (2800sr)
I can carry as zen in bronze to low gold range, despite being trash at him since I’ve played so much Mercy recently. Getting back into him though.

I can carry as mercy until low silver, in low low bronze shes useless because your teammates cant take value of good heals if they cant play jhygtfr

Brig can carry in any rank tbh. Esp lower ones.

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hes probably top 3 Ana in the world tho…

I’m pretty sure most tank mains have above 70% win rate when playing 200-300 below their SR. I can definitely vouch that i can maintain that while playing tank below 2700 on my main. it slowly drops off as you play enemy players good enough to stop the plays you are trying to make

Also I can definitely carry with sup up to 300-200 below my max on lucio as well. I just kill everyone. Deal damage, save my teammates, kill more enemies. watch my teammates die, kill more enemies.

You’ll notice the focus on killing. you need to kill to carry

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JJonak carried NYXL in OWL so… you can carry on any role.

I define carry as zen as “if you have trans up for every team fight and use it to successfully negate enemy ults with team wipe potential on a regular basis”. I was doing that in a lot of games as zen in gold and I wasn’t several levels above that elo skill wise.

So I disagree with your statement that support can only carry if they are way above that elo

I keep seeing people complaining about hackers… but i’ve played 500-600 games of comp this season and haven’t seen any suspicious plays/anything that makes me think someone is hacking… smurfing is another story but… haven’t seen anything that makes me believe people are cheating

DPS Moira and cackle into the mic that you have all the gold medals, easily works thru plat.

Ryujehong rank 1 on KR leaderboard playing Ana/Mercy/Zen, “supports can’t carry” btw.

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I’d argue thet being impactful as a support is much easier than DPS (excluding Doomfist), but that’s just coming from experience as a support player. There’s the usual expectation that a Zenyatta should pressure the frontline with discords and, if needed, call out flankers or enemies out of position. A “good” Zen (or any support for that matter) will do so much more than that in terms of gameplay decisions. For example, flanking if all the enemes are grouped up and going in the same direction in an engagement, causing distraction and making the enemy question what to do next (engage the rest of the team or go for the out of position off-support? This could also be used to bait the enemy team) If one is capable of making similar decision and evaluating the risk of those, having it actually impact the game, then there is a high chance that you can “carry” as a support. Go for it dude :slight_smile:

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Well done on being GM. Your skills are far greater than mine. Did you place high or work your way up from low ELO?

I’m sure that at super high level, such as Ryujehong plays at, support really can carry.

But op asked about at any rank…

Low ELO is infested with dps that are terrible. One example springs to mind. Route 66. We’re attacking and enemy Reaper springs out of right train carriage and kills a bunch of us. I get back from spawn. He pops out again and kills some of us. My dps are flailing around and hitting the ground as he 1v3s our dps and wins.

I get out of spawn again. I’ve checked kill feed this time and know Reaper not dead. I avoid the area, assuming that the dps have flushed him out. Nope, still there. He death blossoms and wraiths out.

Long story short, my dps are utter trash and fail to kill the Reaper who stays in his carriage for 2 whole minutes. I swap to Junkrat and flush him out in seconds and we actually get to move the payload…

2nd example, Horizon attack. Usual low ELO shtt show with trickling in 1v6 most of the game. I’m doing my best as Mercy, but I’m not supporting a team, just a bunch of random a$$ holes. Suffice to say that I give up, pick Widow for the lol and get a quad head shot POTG… (was bronze, so like shooting test dummies). Sadly that was in last 20 seconds, so too late to make an impact.

In my own experience, I zoomed from 1700 to 2350 with 65% win rate as dps. Once I realised that I had good dps I switched to tanks and support. I enjoy those roles more, but will be dps again next season as I want to get back to gold.

Tldr, low ELO is infested with trash dps that can’t get kills. The skill variance of dps is huge at a given Sr is massive. At low ELO tends to be best dps wins. What’s more impactful, healing and rezzing dps that get no kills, or getting a quad kill and winning a team fight?


To answer your uncertainty regarding my comment (sorry if I’m replying to the wrong person, I’m new to the forums but I assume it’s me you are reffering to, judging by the first paragraph you wrote and how it correlates to my statements), as long as one is consistently playing smarter and better than the average, that person will climb, that’s how the game works and is even promoted furthermore by performance based systems in bronze-plat, wherein teamwork and coordination lacks to a greater degree. Having a bad (or many for that matter) game(s) where your dps are not doing their job shouldn’t be branded as “my dps are utter trash” but rather, “our team are (is?) not working together”. Obviously some games are simply unwinnable, but I don’t believe that the statement “Low Elo is infested with dps that are terrible” means that one should play DPS to get out of that rank, unless that’s what you’re good at, and I can agree that DPS have a higher carry potential, and an even higher carry potential if the other roles are supportive of enabling it, so wouldn’t that just make it easier to “carry” as the other roles (non-dps)? In the end, it’s all subjective of how “good” a player is, and I was trying to answer just that question in my previous reply, without ranked bias. The bronze DPS are bad at their job because… Well… They’re not that good at the game, just like the tanks and supports at that rank, which is why I don’t think it’s fair to blame it on the DPS as a whole. Being good at the other roles (tank, supp) makes one an enabler just as much as (if not more, or less), for the team, as a DPS could by “carrying” in their own way.

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In higher ranks, tanks and supports are the carry.

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Ster literally got to diamond without losing a single game.

Anyway, tanks are the most under-rated when it comes to carrying matches. Tanks in OW still put out a lot of damage. They can get kills, save allies, and have the best ultimates in the game.

At best, it just means you have to adapt your play. If you’re team isn’t cutting it, maybe you can’t play a passive Reinhardt and stand their with a shield. But if you deserve a higher rank, you should be able to go and make plays to open things up.

Exactly one time I played on a silver account. I didn’t want to smurf hard, so I picked Reinhardt and tried to just stand in front of my team. No one got behind my shield. So I just walked forward with it, got to the enemy team, and mindlessly went W+M1. To my horror, I got multiple kills and threw their team into chaos.

Tanks = ez carry. Especially if you are willing to shotcall.