Can a really good support or tank carry a team at any rank?

Down in silver.

Tanks create space and shield dps. Dps run ahead of shields to be shot down like dogs, or go on mad flanks, leaving tank to be murdered then show up 10 seconds later to be killed by the entire enemy team.
Supports desperately trying to heal tanks and the dps that are separated all over the map, asking for healing through walls half a map away.
DPS wondering why they’re not getting heals or shielding as their tanks and support are obviously terrible…

Tanks and support players get fed up with terrible dps and decide that they’re going to dps now. Soon we get 5+ instalock dps.

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i did say you are a bit more reliant on your team, but if you play plat or below you can win team fights with your ult or killing one or two on the other team. which if you play as zen isnt that hard to do. You can also snipe someone with right click or enable quick pick to any flankers on your team with discord. So as long you play good you should be able to climb or carry

i gonna hire you :p. I can climb out of bronze by myself, but i cant climb out of silver with a team.

You’re confusing being self-sufficient with carry-ability. Those are two different things.

Certain heroes don’t need other heroes in order to be effective, or to get the most out of their kit. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are able to Carry…

Carrying means you are outputting enough damage, eliminations, or healing, to compensate for someone else on your team who is not effectively doing their job.

Carrying literally means putting someone on your shoulder and carrying them to safety.

That term stems from what soldiers would do during war if one of their platoon were injured and couldn’t continue. Someone would pick the injured soldier up, and carry them to safety.

So when people talk about carrying in overwatch that’s what they mean… It basically just means they are covering the dead weight that’s on their team.

Ultimately, it’s pretty insulting and Douchey to even say you’re carrying because it implies that one or more people on your team we’re not doing their job well, and you had to do it for them. Carrying them to victory .

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Your situation is a good example of the fact that yes, people can carry games…of ALL of their teammates are at least TRYING. Second one of them starts throwing or being too stubborn to switch, it all goes downhill

false info



ez carry herroes.

14% win rate with roadhog.

try harder.

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just because i have played 2 games with hog doesnt mean nobody can carry with it lol

what a weird response.

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Tanks and supports cannot carry games, no matter how good you are.
They rely too much on team synergy.

On the other hand if you are really good with some of the dps heroes such as widow,genji,tracer,hanzo or doomfist you can carry the rest of the team, because of how effective they are on their own.

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That’s a lie and you know it. The only reason you are saying it is because you are a tank main and deluded yourself into thinking it’s your teammates fault for dropping from diamond to mid plat.

I agree with you… Partially.

Here’s the thing, when you were playing you only have your perspective. You can gain some additional perspective by monitoring the kill feed, and looking at how your teammates are doing, but it still just 1 out of 12 perspectives, and it’s still only partial-information based solely off of what’s in front of you.

So for many players, they lack the POV to accurately judge someone’s performance… And 99% of the time when someone talks about carrying, it’s because they have two or three gold medals, and it feels like they were popping off for the whole match.

But the reason why I agree with you in some regards, is that outside of someone smurfing three or four ranks below where they belong, no one is going to carry the weight of five teammates for an entire match… It’s simply cannot be done.

I think that any hero can have “Carry plays”, or “Carry moments”, But without the vast majority of your team doing their role effectively, you’re not carrying anything.

And that doesn’t mean someone can’t out-perform their team for an entire match, but that still doesn’t mean that you carried. It just means you did better than other people on your team.

And even when you look at the best DPS players on the planet, the overwhelming majority of their highlights we’re only possible because of amazing healing and good positioning from tanks. A win is not a solo effort.

The day someone can show me a video of someone winning a 1 v 6 match is the day I’ll change my tune about carrying… but that video literally doesn’t exist, because it’s impossible unless you’re playing with bots, or unless you’re a higher rank playing with bronzes and silvers.

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I loved this part. I, as well, have yet to see someone solo win a 6v6 match. But there are a lot of people who seem to suggest this is entirely plausible.

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And I’m not being hyperbolic either… That video doesn’t exist.

I can’t tell you how many games someone got in chat and talked about how sore they were from carrying, while completely ignoring the infinite stream of healing they were getting while popping off, or the barriers, shields, and body blocks that tanks were throwing while they were gathering up kills.

To some extent, so long as the person isn’t throwing, their mere presence is enough to impact the game positively.

There were times with old Sym, Where she would have a room locked down so hard that attacking teams knew they couldn’t push that direction because of the six turrets, and the orb that would pass through their shields and melt their team. So they opted to push in another direction to avoid that, funneling them directly into Widows line of sight or just push them onto a less advantageous route… And they’d end up dying.
Even if Sym didn’t rack up all of the kills on that push, her existence and the known threat was enough to disrupt their plan.

It’s a group effort, and the win is shared by all, regardless of the stats.

That’s part of the reason why I don’t agree with performance-based SR, but that’s an entirely different topic, and that’s not what this thread is about.

Lmao what a ridiculous statement. “Needs team synergy, therefore impossible to carry.” That’s not how it works. I’ve been the biggest playmaker on my team numerous times, playing as a huge range of heroes that are most definitely not exclusive to DPS.

It is amazing how many people playing a team game forget this little fact.

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Brigitte can certainly carry to a degree, I’ve observed many matches where she clearly has been carrying a team to victory. Some other tank or support heroes can too, not all though. However things get much harder if there’s little to no damage from your damage dealing teammates, or if the healers are playing healers as DPS.

After reading most of this, I see a couple things that is wrong with this game…

  1. The cheaters. All of these “Bronze to GM” or whatever you want to call it does nothing more than to hurt the game. Smurfs do nothing more than turns people away from the game. It’s sad that Blizzard did not recognized this. Maybe Activision will do something if there’s an Overwatch 2.

  2. Most people don’t have an understanding of the word carry. Play of the game, gold medals, or even game deciding play does not mean you carried. These are all one play over the course of an entire game. There’s 5 other people on your team, and even when you outperform them, you are still at their mercy. If they sit in spawn, allowing you to be focused 6v1, you aren’t winning the fight.

Here’s a top 500 Tracer going 1v6 vs. enemy team on Anubis point B.

He was doing a flex to GM challenge, but got so fed up with his team’s ineptitude, and a leaver, he took things into his own hands by playing on his dps main.

Can’t see a Mercy or Rein having quite the same impact? Maybe I’m wrong though.

EDIT: To be fair some of his team were there. But, he didn’t really need them once he’d unleashed the Tracer. I love how he just utterly schooled the enemy Brigitte, the Tracer “counter”.

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The players shoud take that as example of how things are on low level like bronze or low silver. A new player leave right away from both side since things start to get bitter, and if they did not have that GM over there they will lose that fight due to a coward leaving.

Can you see why is so hard to climb up in low bronze,silver…?

I really do not care i cant carry bronze and low silver even with my second main. But sometimes it is not fair to lose due to that. a new player, a typically child who will leave and keep QQ for not climb up and instead of learn more how to play. it is very common to have leavers,smurf down here,. I am happy about my perform and how i have improvement myself to be able to joy that low league and my next aim is low gold.

When both side when they were loosing a leavers appeared right away and doomed the team to a lose.

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im sorry but zarya is probably the best carry hero in the game