Can a really good support or tank carry a team at any rank?

Curious. How did you do it?

If youā€™re really good, then yeah. Like iā€™m not good so I canā€™t do it. But if you put a Pro or GM/T500 Tank/Support player in bronze they would easily win almost all of their matches


A support can carry up to about 60% of your SR.

So if you are 2000 SR, you can carry in games 1400 SR and below.

There are two strategies:

  • Solo heal - allows your team to field a lot of DPS (3-4).
  • Zen, typically paired up with Mercy, you have three jobs:
    ā€“ Call your discords
    ā€“ Kill stuff (extra DPS).
    ā€“ Keep your mercy alive (orb mercy and/or flankers so mercy can stay safe).

He surely can. Zen for instance can pick off somebody before everyfight with a Right clic. Rein by blocking eartshatter and hitting his own. Having your ult every fight. etcā€¦

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i would say no way in this meta, ive seen more smurfs, hackers and other in the past five hours than when i was ever in gold. Plat is so messed up right now its not even funny.


Havenā€™t seen it yet. My friend is a 3k7 ana(solo). when he received a low gold acc all he could do is make it to plat (solo)

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Not even Top 500 smurfs can carry every game. Kabaji is running an awesome series on his YouTube channel where he started unranked and flexes every game, if youā€™re interested.

You simply can not expect to win every game. All you can do is maximize your chances of winning by improving yourself.


Iā€™ve mentioned this video a few times. Playing at (Iā€™d guess) sub 2K SR and was playing Ana and Zen to a very high standard. But his team was so bad (With a leaver) he had to pick Tracer and frag out in order to winā€¦

Yes definately, ive been matched with ml7 a fair amount of times and his ana really does carry, the impact he has with a support hero is borderline insane. Same can be said for multipile high rated tank players, they have insane impact. Tanks and supports pretty much enable the dps to get their kills. If you keep that genji up in the enemies backline theres a high chance hes gonna be able to score a kill, if that winston got into enemy backline and created a distraction maybe that tracer in your team had a easy kill on a distracted support! Tanks & supports have insane impact on games and can definately carry games, itā€™s just not as obvious.


Yes you can but you are more relisnt on your team then if you played dps. I got to masters with zen, so it is posible even with my terriable aim. Well it was a few seasons back when i playdd a lot more than just my placments as i do now so maybe it changed

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Yes. Look at any of the well known Zen or Ana players. They are carries in gm+ on supports. Also watch some tank play from the pros (not just Xqc) - Zarya and DVa are probably the flashiest, but main tanks can have some games where they make it all but impossible to lose.


I especially love watching Korean main tanks and how they initiate teamfights. Fissure (Seoul Dynasty) and OGE (Dallas Fuel) stream the most frequently in NA servers, I think.

Itā€™s really easy to carry as a good tank. By picking good engagements you never die. Then as Winston you can easily 1v3 worse players than you on squishies. As Orissa itā€™s very easy to carry with gold elims/damage and win every engagement the good haults. And if rein knows how to get in properly he can easily end with gold damage/elims with securing every other fight with a big shatter.

Main tanks pick the engagements. And a good one will basically choose all the free ones and then win them for you.


Some tanks and some supports can solo carry far better than others. Mercy canā€™t solo carry nearly as well as Zen can purely because more often than not its more beneficial to flex Zens ability to delete people where as Mercy enablesthe right people at the right time and keep people consistently healed in order to delete foes. Much like how a Winston canā€™t carry nearly as hard as a Rein can in situations death ball is better, and visa versa for situations that call more for dive comps.

The majority of being able to carry comes from superior game sense, knowledge of engagements, and often better mechanics than those at the same level. The best carry heros are those that make the strongest use of these in the situation you have in front of you.

The answer is no, unless theyā€™re smurfing several ranks below where they should be.

The problem with healing is that you are still at the mercy of other people to kill things, and people have terrible game sense, terrible awareness, terrible positioning, itā€™s terrible understanding of abilities and went to use them, and terrible mechanics, thereā€™s nothing you can do besides heal them until they die.

The whole idea of a carrying a match is something that does not happen very often, at any rank, as more often than not when you win itā€™s because most of the people were doing their job, and when you lose itā€™s either because you got outplayed, or because several of your team members were not able to do their job effectively.

People use the term Carry for anything now And nearly every time I hear used, itā€™s used wrong. The reality is everyone thinks theyā€™re carrying when they do well or when they out-perform their team, but out-performing your team doesnā€™t mean you carried.

There are certainly carry plays and moments, but healers canā€™t carry an entire match, though sometimes it might feel like it. People gotta kill things.


ā€œflexesā€ is not the right word for what he does lol.
He lets chat pick his hero and most of the time they are suboptimal picks.

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Interesting, you think that youā€™re more qualified than a guy whoā€™s gotten multiple accounts to top 500 to decide what is and what isnā€™t optimal? He sure seems to win a lot.

He knows they are not optimal, thatā€™s the point of the ā€œchallengeā€ lmao.
Chat asks him to play symmetra quite often and he has like 35% winrateā€¦his bastionā€™s wr is surprisingly high though

He definitely could hard carry 90% of his games at masters if he played tracer.

He invariably switches and decides what the team needs if something isnā€™t working.

Thatā€™s because he pulls out Bastion when itā€™s needed. He knows what heā€™s doing.

Nobody can carry every game though. Even bronze to GM run pros like IDDQD and ster lost games on the way, always due to brain dead teammates that couldnā€™t even get on the point after a full team kill.