Bye they buffed soldier

Dont forget Sojourn as well with her also unnecessary buff(Granted not as atrocious as Soliders buffs, but neither of them needed any buffs in the first place)

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as someone who plays a lot of soldier im still confused on WHO THE FUNK thought these changes were necessary. he was an A tier hero at LEAST for god knows how long. soldier was doing fine LOL

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But why’d they buff everything about him, though? I thought he’d get a small damage buff or something, but they literally buffed all his stats?


What’s that? Its time to reinstall Overwatch? Well, okay! If only for one match to test out the changes.

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3 for 1 combo. I’m loving it.

Ashe most definitely, in no way, sucks. She also doesn’t need mercy pocket to perform well.

Although yes it is almost always better to play cass and widow. Not cause ashe sucks but because those 2 other options are just busted.

They really just buff soldier whenever they feel like it and it is always a completely random change. How many times has his bullet damage bounced around between 17 to 20 at this point? So miserable to play against because he is so easy to play.

Wake me up inside
(Save me) Call my name and
save me from the dark

I really thought he had the right amount of balance and everything else should scale to him. The heal change might have been okay or just the rocket but idk about changing all the numbers or primary. They’re just shuffling things around to artificially change the meta. :\

widow is most definitely not “busted” anymore

Still going to lose shield at the same pace if not quicker since Soldier is going to be in every game lmaoo

I miss when Rein was the main go to tank. Hes actually fun to play both with and against imo.

100%; the over whelming majority of you who claim to be leaving won’t do it. Just more outcries and attention seeking on the forums.

She most definitely is because guess what 50 meters is still out ranging every single hero in this game. i’m sorry, but you are borderline delusional if you think otherwise.

Widow is still dumb.

“Fair to play against”. +9 damage per second after the patch is cool, but not game breaking, imo.

missing the biggest one for me. MATCHMAKING!

I collected all the reasons for any dps buffs/nerfs according to your own words :slight_smile:

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proving that bap and brig nerfs from their original state was invalid af. day 1 brig and bap was completely valid considering the overpoweredness of orisa and ramatra ults. nerfs backfire. nerfs create imbalance.

Meanwhile a hero with no pick rate receives “power shift” while soldier gets straight up buffed

Partially reverted to his viable state is not BUFFED my friendo.
20 damage, and revert helix back to 80 splash and 8s cd, then this hero will be good.

Legs did not need a buff. However, since they don’t want to properly nerf supports I say buff everyone up to their level.

Then he needs his recoil and spread back to original values. He shouldn’t be a laser with the amount of damage he’s now capable of. If you think he’s fine, you’re probably someone who will abuse his OP state for your own boosting.

This is not fine, you don’t nerf two under performing heroes, and then buff a completely fine one, because “He wasn’t doing well in higher ranks.” SO F-ING WHAT?! Not every hero is viable in high rank, do you see them dropping multiple buffs on them? No, this is blatantly a disconnect between devs and player base.

Simply put: You don’t buff an easy to use hero into must pick territory. Not only is he a hit scan, but he literally does not get recoil or spread until a solid second of holding down fire. They also stated they wanted to make Mercy more engaging and less pockety, then they turn around and buff a hero that now will shatter breakpoints with damage boost.

Ending note: Revert this buff, and rework Mercy to be less of a pocket and more of a team supporter.

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