Bye they buffed soldier

Ohhh, so powercreep the heck out of this game. Gotcha.


Is it truly powercreep when all the current top meta heroes had already been nerf and are weaker than their ow1 version?
We’re currently at the stage of reverse powercreep, for dps at least.

OP be sure to gift the account to someone that will make them happy. Now that you are retiring. You will be missed on the forums.

what’s that new aot opening? WHYYY OHH WHYYYYY

i think the buff was needed!

I climbs from bronze 6 to top 10 thanks to this buff (totally real)

Activision “We don’t f-ing know how to balance our game so we either make heroes sh- or OP AF” Blizzard

The problem is Mercy’s damage boost, not Soldier’s damage. 18 to 19 makes a very small but still helpful difference.

Yeah, most of the other stuff seems fine, the multiple Soldier buffs are weird though. Wrecking Ball certainly didn’t need a buff. Symmetra getting healing while blasting shields… not sure about that either, it might need some downtuning. It’s not like she’s a bad hero before this patch. I’m a Zen player and I’m okay with the discord changes I guess.

Umm… “If you’re good, you’ll climb” No?

Winston quietly depressed in the corner.

I really do not understand this buff, I think S76 was performing fine. If S76 needed this what about Bastion?

People were complaining about Pharah/Mercy.
For once Blizzard listened to them.
So bored of these stuck Mercys…

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I love this comment, I so agree.

I’m getting to that point myself. To me, it’s the way they treat the lower ranked and new playerbase that pisses me off most. It’s nothing but a bullyfest. Alt accounts don’t bother me, but allowing alt accounts to delegitimatize Comp on a massive scale, causing enormously demoralizing matches on a massive scale… it’s just irresponsible. It’s a problem all similar games face, but Blizzard is by far the worst at handling it simply because they don’t. They just ignore it.

I’m desperately looking for another game… I wish there were more “hero shooter respawn” games out there that aren’t Battle Royale or Diffuse Bomb zzzzzzzzzzzz

At least it’s not hanzo on that portrait

I can recall your name as someone I’ve disagreed with before, but absolutely agree with you on this one. Man this whacky dev team :sweat_smile: far out haha

Dont you love when you ask for 1 buff, and they give 3 buffs.

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Because ashe is already insane as is lmfao. They pulled the classic oh this hitscan hero which is meant to be the baseline, isn’t as good as the other hitscan which are actually just too strong.

nerf the other hitscans to soldier level? naaah giga buff soldier for zero reason to be just as strong, if not arguably stronger than the rest!!!

Eh Ashe sucks and is only good with mercy pocket.

Almost always better to play Cass and Widow.

Ashe and Soldier were a good baseline though.

Call my name and save me from the dark