I’m losing it I’m losing it.
Wake me up. Wake me up inside. I can’t wake up
Ah the classic blizzard megabuff move. Now to wait for the eventual meganerf they’ll pull off in S6
Can’t wait to face this with damage boost every match
Welp, looks like OW is done for me for a while now. Soldier being giga buffed and meta isn’t fun at all.
He needs his recoil and spread back asap if they want him to be this nuke.
40 hp/s on healing too? Well Winston, I hope you can bubble dance like a God. Doing 20 dps because of 40 hps heal is gonna be rough.
Classic triple gigantic buff out of nowhere, never fails.
oh god…why is it always the noobtube hero
why couldnt it be ashe sigh
I guess the soldier + mercy boost from beta (and the reason he got a nerf in the first place) is semi back to terrorize.
Bruh seriously they really buff S76
Please tell me this is a joke
It’s not, it’s official.
Just like I’m officially done with Overwatch.
so basically soldier will be top pick all the way up to masters. he will be complained about since he will be really op where all the playerbase population is. so yea a lot of hate soldier threads in the future.
i rather they rework him to be like tracer or widow where he is top in masters/gm but hard to use for lower skilled tiers. dont know how they would do that tho with his kit
I can sense the pre-emptive 76 threads atm.
the moment i saw this
i knew there is gonna be mercy soldier every game now for 1 month
nice <3
they are so dumb
They’re so out of touch, it’s insane. There’s so many characters that barely see any play and they do nothing for them but Soldier and Sojourn both get unnecessary buffs? Also, no Ana or Hanzo nerfs v.v
are they freaking insane he was already op they just made things worse…
I’m more giggly about the Rein shield buff.
He didn’t need that at all.
But maybe they did it because of the 76 buff? lol
I dont know if i should feel shocked or offended?
Now it’ll break in 3 seconds instead of 2! Rein fixed! -_-
I think the word you’re looking for is disappointed