"but the majority likes 1-3-2"

That’s cause the only people who prefer it are dps players and they have bad arguments like “we know you like playing with a buddy…” Like don’t patronize us. You are the ones literally trying to get three of yourselves in every game regardless of how much it ruins the experience for the other roles. I just think it’s funny like, waiting 10 minutes for a game is apparently a more despicable thing than completely reworking and altering the playstyle of a role and of each of its specific characters that people have been playing, some for 4 years, majorly.

Jeff Kaplan worked on the development team at WoW that implemented a role based matchmaking system for dungeons/raids. I just want everyone to know DPS queues were incredibly long for those as compared to Supports and Tanks, too. Like sometimes hour long waits. That system is still in place. Guild Wars and Elder Scrolls Online also use a holy trinity role queue system for their games, too— their wait times for DPS are significantly longer than Support/Tank. It shows up in every game that does it. It’s not a fault of the game. It’s not a fault of the system. It’s simply the fact that more people want to play damage. Tanks and Supports are more rare. None of these other games have seen it as justified to literally alter the game at the expense of the other classes for the sake of shorter damage wait times. The common mindset is that you could play the other classes with shorter waits if it’s unbearable for you. Otherwise, if you’d rather wait the time in line than play anything else, that’s fine too.

I’d also like to point out that every single one of you had full control over this issue and still do, if you all just decided to branch out and play other roles in the game from time to time. I queue with dps players for comp that I am good friends with and I wait over 10 minutes every time… and that’s with me queueing tank. It’s 10 minutes. I can practice my aim in the while you wait categories, I can read something, I can go to the bathroom, I can do a bunch of stuff cause I was literally going to just be sitting there playing a game anyway. It’s never been an issue for me. I could see it sucking if it was like 30 minutes or something but good damn.

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Now make the same post, but replace “1-3-2” with “2-2-2”. Nothing different.

From what I have seen in game and the forums, the majority do not like 1-3-2.

The rundown is basically:

  • Tank players either love it or hate it depending on if they like solo tanking or not.
  • DPS players like it but they agree there is less teamwork now.
  • Support players generally dislike it but there are some that do like it. However most support players I have talked with said they do not like it.

Also they said it will only be up for a few more days. So it is implied that they might not add it in anyway. Plus I believe Jeff said they will not add a change this big right away.

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I read a post yesterday by Jeff that said the majority of players seemed to dislike 1-3-2. Unfortunately I don’t remember the topic so I can’t link it or anything.

Where the hell did you pull this one off?

I have not heard anyone who like 1-3-2 on this crap fest of an online forum.

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What do you mean? DPS do not need 3 to actually kill something. Such an absurd statement since often times before lfg, it was only ever a single tank.

I don’t know who made this comment or if you’re merely using it as a discussion point, but I believe it’s far too early to tell, only a day and a half of some testing.

59 shots, 1 kill

im very much for 132, the game feels faster, every tank has a comp that best suits it, and there is tonnes of counterplay, the only i dislike is how much more rien dies cause zarya isnt around and a gripe with current hps numbers. q times are low across the board, games are fun, tanks feel more like superheros, dps can play the game, i think healers need a 10-20 hps buff across the board though, double main heals works wonders, but off supports arent doing very well. but im a tank main, so eh

Que times aren’t High because of how many DPS players there are, it’s their wait time based on Tank players and Support players. 1/3/2 while I despise it because as a support I have to focus solely on the tank to keep them up, it would allow for them to focus on the tanks and stop dividing them between Main tank vs Off Tank, but they’d also have to buff supports to be able to do more so they can comfortably be able to watch the DPS cause at this point all we can do is watch our Tanks to keep them from not dying.

thats part of the problem, in high masters and above 30 min+ is the wait time for dps, streamers sleep and play minecraft while waiting for Q, ive never been below plat but even there its 10 minutes, id rather not wait 10 minutes to q into a game with 10% chance of a leaver and 25% chance of someone throwing obvious games or smurf on the other team, you used to be able to fit 3-4 matches in an hour, now you get 2 when qing for dps, the q times are horrid and need to be dealt with, this might not be the solution, but its working well, and if it hit comp, the lack of coordination would drop, 6 stacks ive been in the past day or so have alot of fun because the game is hella fun in 132, people arent working together because its basically qp, and there is no mmr schedule, this account sits around low diamond high plat and ive qued with and against top 500 streamers and freaking OWL players 2/3 of my 20 or so games in the mode.(hi kariV/agilities, sorry i suck) once people start taking it seriously i think itll just be overwatch, but a little faster with less forced tank lineups.

a big part of that is just that everyone wants to try the new tanks, and no one is playing a tank like a tank, altho i can forgive the rienhardts, its insanely obvious how reliant some riens are on the zaryas they no longer have

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I refuse to touch tank, as a solo tank, thats a big fat nope and guarantee that if this goes through those characters wont see any play time from me xD

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i think its this post Experiment time? - #26 by JeffreyKaplan

Just need to say the huge change in the UK was agreed upon by a 52-48 vote. That is technically a ‘majority.’

but yeah, 3-2-1 is horrific.

This I would have no issue with or a workshop mode. I have just been so admently against it so far because I want to make it clear that it would be a bad direction for the main game. Permanent arcade addition go nuts. I won’t touch it but there will be some takers.

Yes that’s the one! Thanks

I’d be ok with this staying as an arcade mode, it’s actually kinda fun. 2-2-2 is superior though because it’s way more balanced. Doesn’t mean they can’t improve 1-3-2. Some more tanks changes are probably needed to make others more useable but Rein is kinda fun. Especially when nano boosted he really feels like a raid boss lol.

Again, thank you for adding another point to my list.

Except that 48% of the population wont quit the country, or even 1 to be fair

You underestimate just how much remainers hate brexit