"but the majority likes 1-3-2"

Just buff the supports and I’d be fine with it.

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According to the Devs the majority of the feedback has been negative? I mean raid boss mode is kind of amusing, but the balance is garbage and it is more of a novelty.


You’re late, brotha. They already did that with 2-2-2

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You take tank and intra tank synergy out of the equation.
Off tanks ability to peel is one of the biggest wild cards you have to consider before engaging.

Tank are far more shallow. It boils down to facetanking and draw aggro from being in their face, that is a huge problem. Shifting strategic aspects away from tanks to DPS while simultaneously taking it away from supports make it more shallow for 2 of 3 classes

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The forums definitely seem to be more against than pro. The topics bashing 132 get a ton of likes. It’s almost like solo tanking blows and i could have told Jeff that without him having to make an entire experimental card for it.


Thank you, now that’s a much better argument.

I agree that single-tanks wouldn’t do as much without the combination of an off-tank, and I think Blizzard has already made strides to address this by giving many of the 1-3-2 tanks a second role (team healing roadhog, longer matrix dva to block ults better and protect from hitscans). Players will need time to figure out how to make better use of these abilities. One worth trying is D.Va McCree. McCree deadeyes in a really open high-ground and the D.Va matrixes the McCree. Lots of 3k+ doing that, haha.

I would argue that supports will have more depth because they will become a greater focus of enemy fire, and thus the stronger supports will improve on their own positioning and watching flanks. Heroes like Moira and Lucio can also ENABLE plays in flanks instead of being stuck with dual tanks. If you send a death squad of two dps on a flank it might work, but you throw a Moira in there and those two dps can rip the enemy back line to shreds, AND get away.

That sounds like a whole lot of fun for both the support and the dps

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Which is actually the reason why I stopped playing Overwatch. I came back again for 2/2/2 and I’ve never had more fun. If I have to solo tank again, I’ll quit. It’s that simple. And I know that not every tank main agrees, but those who do feel like me are legion.

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I think 1-3-2 would be a really cool arcade mode.

But it shouldn’t replace 2-2-2, unless they drastically reshape how CC/Snipers work.


Snipers are inherently problematic due to map design, solo tanking just makes it even more apparent yes


This could work on higher tier where teamplay actually exists.
Plat and below is: I don’t give a f about my teammates.
A Mcree waddling into the backline and waddling out? Yep I have it seen all
As a support you are alone, you can’t keep your positioning because your teammates break LOS all the time and are out of positioning

this would be the first step.

next would be a nerfs to a few dps.

From there I’d make a more informed opinion.

Right now, stuff dies way too fast. Sustain is practically non-existent.

Nobody seemed to care about that when role queue was added so why should anybody care now?

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It’s a made up fact regardless of which side of the arguement is stated to be true.
Majority love or hate it is still a made up stat to help the person making the statement spread propaganda in hopes that the forum sheep will herd themselves into cage ‘A’ or cage ‘B’

I see what you mean. DPS and Tank players would be better able to climb on individual skill as well, but I can see supports having a harder time below diamond. Agreed.

Eh, it’s hard for me to call them problematic per se, because deaths to a sniper are usually from not knowing where the sniper was. Snipers are meant to lockdown space, and the enemy has to either take a disadvantageous fight to reclaim that space, or concede that space.

I wouldn’t touch Widow or Hanzo’s damage though, because then they lose that utility. Changes like increasing Widow’s hookshot cooldown helped, and knocking 25 health off the snipers (just an example, not saying it’s good) could help non-snipers retake space against them.

I wish the experimental card would have been based on comp with similar rating.
Tank skill is on average atrocious.

Oh 100%. The skill rating is REALLY skewed in experimental, so I think masters and GM DPS players are unintentionally hammering the impressions of 1-3-2.

The problem lies in the fact that snipers have ridiculously long sightlines can go well behind their team’s backline combined with the fact that the only decent counterplay to one–besides a better sniper on your own team–is one of three tanks. Already it was stupid that my main tank Winston has to go up the enemy’s buttcrack to dislodge Widow rather than be with the team he’s supposed to be protecting, but now he has to do it as a solo tank? Fuggetaboutit.


Good statement.

I would also like to add that the true value of 1-3-2 won’t become apparent until after some of the people currently trying out the tanks return to their more typical roles in the Experiment.

I currently believe the good queue times are an aftereffect of people wanting to see the massive changes that have been put on the tanks. If the queue times are durable then maybe a case can be made for the effect being true to the mode but if queue times start to look like 222’s again…

The main counter is a Genji