"but the dps queue times"

it was a nerf, he couldn’t punch through sustain so we would’ve lost one of our last viable DPS.

dva is 600+150hp and eats the damage coming into her, echo is 200hp and cant block the damage coming into her, but they have the same damage potential.

Echos ult is a new mechanic, we wont know until its in comp how OP it actually is.

We won’t?

I don’t believe she will be as monster as Tempo Rez, launch Brig, or launch Sig. But just watching what average players on stream can, haven’t watch pros use her, I would have Dr Winston fold his hands to meme CONCERNED!

When I saw Storm Arrow debut and melt I was like, that’s ba bit much.

And I wish I could link it or remember the title cause in the Mercy rework ptr someone said exactly what you did. We won’t know until she’s in comp.

My reply was something we may not know but when comparing ults she gets long time respawn allies, heal the team, boost the teams damage, highly mobile, and she gets to murder you. Might be a bit much.

I haven’t played Echo but I don’t see why or have been told why she needs to get that fast a rate from cloning.

The devs have a habit of doing this. It’s like they forgot the ults they previously nerfed and return to a hero doing too much. And instead of toning it down get the hammer and say “It’s Nerf or Nothing”

I think it is too much, if you don’t I just agree to disagree.

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Dude I know you don’t seriously believe that…

yeah they don’t actually care about que times.

they’ve actively pushed they idea that “lol don’t care they can suffer” plenty of times before, now all of a sudden when a character they wanted to be a support is a dps they all of a sudden are crusaders trying to down dps que times



they care about our wait when its to their benefit :confused: suuure dude

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I do think it’s interesting that it’s almost exclusively support players complaining about a potential increase in queue times for DPS.

Also, let’s be real here, we could have a perfect split across the board with 16 heroes in each role and queue times would not be identical. We have more tanks than supports right now, yet tank queues have always been notably faster. Its not about the number of heroes, but what’s the most fun.

This is also a very good point.

Ever since 2/2/2 was released, people have been saying that DPS can go rot in their queues for all they care. It’s what they deserve for being selfish. But now all of a sudden they’re super concerned about queue times and leveling out the field for DPS’s sake? Give me a break.


most people play overwatch to play an FPS game and shoot stuff

its no wonder the DPS queues are the longest, its what people are generally more interested in

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glad there are other sensible people who can see it as well

Now we finally have a shotgun without joke spread.

That’s a really solid argument.

Although the easier argument is “we ain’t getting any heroes any time soon, so why are we even discussing it like that’s a possibility anytime in the foreseeable future.”

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no matter how many tanks/support characters their are. the majority of players will still go dps just to frag

Been having a lot of trouble with people who think otherwise over here.

✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

eh I disagreed with the idea as well I just didn’t comment about it. Honestly I think as good as it is to always have 2 tanks and 2 healers old overwatch was better, you had more frag potential, and the less organized play was part of what made it fun

The gimmick I’m going for is that you could put a lot of DPS players into the OffTank Role, if you make OffTanks into fat DPS with good queue times.

And put most of them into 2OffTank-2 Damage-2Heal games versus 2OffTank-2 Damage-2Heal.

And then for however many barrier tanks you have do
1BarrierTank-1OffTank-2 Damage-2Heal
1BarrierTank-1OffTank-2 Damage-2Heal

But I do play DPS. I play every role. That’s why I want more supports and tanks. To even out the queue times for DPS.


I love it when someone rages about how much they hate DPS players and then at the end of their post says “but u know I’m just concerned about DPS and their queue times!!”

Such manipulative scummy thing to do… lol
They’re pure rage abs hatred is disguised as “but it’s cuz I care bout u!!”


I don’t play DPS because of the queue times, not because I don’t want to

I honestly think the reason so many people play DPS is because it’s the easiest hero to get carried on.

If you queue as Rein and you’re not paying attention, you’re gonna be perma charged and your team shattered every fight.
Same thing if you play support and end up dead on cooldown.
If you’re not paying attention on those roles you lose. But if you play DPS you can just shoot shield and even if you get flanked and die losing a DPS is not as big of a deal.
It used to be like that at least for a long time till double shield meta. Ever since then, with the DPS role’s impact increased to match the other roles, you can play braindead mode anymore and THAT is why a lot of bad DPS players losing games are upset.
The game is at the perfect state for DPS as well as all roles and I’d like to see it kept this way. Btw dedicated DPS player here who started playing all 3 roles after hero bans.

maybe we would if the qeueu times weren’t horrible, there’s still people who would like to flex but aren’t willing to sit in a qeue for longer than actual matches.

stop assuming tanks and supports don’t also would like to play dps sometimes for variety.

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soldier, widow, mccree, tracer, hanzo, sombra

why do you need a homing missile to hit a moving target? bad aim bro?