"but the dps queue times"

I do…

What do you mean I don’t.

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this facade of “oh we wanted this hero for your benefit :)” thats a blatant lie.

Oh, it is, but when I’m saying this was dumb as paint, it isn’t because I don’t dps.

Btw, I’m curious about your critique in this idea I’ve been working on.

I need to rephrase it all, I’m afraid.

But I figure if you can entice DPS players to play offtanks, and make the majority of the games be DoubleOfftank vs DoubleOffTank games. Then you neutralize the main problem with DoubleOffTank.
And you can soak up a ton of otherwise DPS players.

✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

I’ve seen this statement used more as a consolation for bitter support mains saying “At least the DPS queues will be longer”. That’s not much better though as it means that they take comfort in other people’s inconveniences.

Source: The thread I made yesterday was full of such nastiness.

I mean I will be playing less of each since Echo is literally a DPS with the ability to take the advantages of playing Tank/ Support, without the weakness most of them suffer from

Why would I spend every game playing Ana/ Lucio or Brig/ Zen depending on what tanks aren’t nerfed into the ground, when I can just play a DPS and take the benifits from the other team, all while actually having fun

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Support mains think we can’t see through their concern trolling lol

They never gave a crap about dps queue time. It’s just something convenient they can use to cry more about not having their entitlement served on a silver platter.

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Yeah. That is a super dick thing to say.

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You do realise that their analysis isn’t exactly wrong right?

Queue times are going to be horrible.

FFXIV time.

you should haha, i ticked all 3 when i was playing since 222 came out, and not surprise that i played tank and support 99% of the time. now im going to actively queue for damage only. just by a few tank or support doing this, it will create a ripple effect that will cripple the alrd broken system.

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It’s still concern trolling.

And long term, Echo isn’t gonna increase dps queue by any meaningful amount.

When she gets pushed to live yeah we might see spiked queue time because a lot of people want to play her but even then it’s not like all the supports and tanks main will rush to play her anyway, just the flex tank/flex supports and even then, not all of them.

I don’t see Mercy mains or Moira mains or Brigitte mains playing her. I don’t see Rein mains or Winston or Orisa mains playing her. Maybe Ana mains, Zarya mains, Hammond mains, etc.

Echo is super cool. If you ask me to choose between adding her to the roster now with increased dps queue time, or adding a new support with slightly reduced dps queue time, well, I’m gonna take Echo the DPS. I can’t wait to play her.

Oh it totally is.

Long long term sure.

Having a flying tank buster isn’t likely to help keep tanking player numbers up you know, and the flood of dps from covid isn’t going to help much.

I expect it will be bad, and echo wasn’t a good idea at the time but you would expect people to realise that the dps players didn’t ask for this.

Im pretty sure they designed her to be a shield breaker for the upcoming tanks coming out, who I assume from that are going to be main tanks to help both the tank roster and queue times.

In a year. They’ve said no more heroes until ow 2 that won’t come out for a year minimum.

First off, shes not even out yet, and second off how would you even know???

But i actualy do care about q times, even if i play mostly tank.
I was talking about it FROM THE START OF ROLE Q.