"but the dps queue times"

People are acting as if the entire player base is gonna quit tank and support just to play Echo…


I do.

And a lot of people will, seeing as Echo obliterates tanks.

What most people who bring this up care about is that your bottom will be back as soon as Echo is out, crying about your precious queues, not understanding why tanks don’t want to play into flying DPS Brig.


Yeah that’s just the best you can come up with. My point stands.


I que up for every role. So i have yet to play dps. If the roles were more evenly distributed the wait time would probably come close to evening out.

your only point was that I have no life, and that comp should be removed. not worth replying to lol

good… i wont use it as arugment… but I dont want to see any queue time problem post after her release… ok?


only time I’ve complained was when the queue broke 40 minutes, and it turned out that was because of the DDOSS attacks and wont continue, so Im sure we’ll be fine :slight_smile:

There is no “skill floor.” She is exactly as braindead.

Unless you suggest aiming a beam into a tank is “skill floor,” in which case you might as well claim Moira ult is one.

(Though it does not surprise me that the same team that released this idiotically overpowered travesty thinks so. I bet they thought the same about release Doomfist - the original “DPS Brig.”)


that tweet is literally from the overwatch team…

echo has an insanely high skill floor

“we will be fine”? I guss you dont read the forums to see how many people are complaining about queue times on dps role (before Echo).

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Thats cool, but more tanks and healers please. Kthx.

First grade calculus has a higher skill floor than Echo does. She’s utterly completely braindead.

I don’t care what the team said. They’re wrong. And as soon as Echo is live, you will see exactly how wrong.


complicated movement mechanics
complicated primary fire with unique spread and projectile speed, Unique secondary fire with unique firerate and projectile speed with no arc
aim intensive beam
decisive ultimate that you have to know how to play ever hero to get value out of

sounds like a high skill floor to me man

I agree

Literally Valk free flight. That’s complicated now, because it’s on a DPS? Could you be less obviously favoritist, please?

…No? Primary fire with no spread and ultra-high speed.

Again, no. That’s not even worth arguing. There’s nothing even unique about it. Ever heard of Sigma?

You do realize that’s gonna be aimed at tanks? If you think aiming a beam at a Rein is aim-intensive, all DPS players should bow before Moira players, for they’re clearly superior beings.

Not with that 6x ult generation it’s not. You don’t need to know how to play a hero to spam 3 ults.

The only thing you’ve shown is that you have no idea what a skill floor is. You’re talking about mechanics you and your DPS ilk called braindead when they were on supports, but now that a DPS has it they’re high skill?

Please, for the sake of everyone, try to be less of an obvious hypocrite.


This game is a total s*** show


What an asinine thread.

You think I want other people to have bad queue times? You think that does not impact me, as another player? Think about that for awhile, realize the world doesn’t revolve around your neck. If DPS gets frustrated or even leave, there’s nothing I win and quite a lot for me to lose, even of I never touch DPS queues in my life.


i play dps, can i use this argument?

and yeah, that is why i do care about dps queue time, and i hoped new support to make situation better.

so your point is just void

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Correction: I don’t play DPS often.

Echo is a lot of fun, and considering how overpowered she is, I don’t expect anyone will be asking me to stop playing Echo if I’m good at her. That gives me good incentive to queue up for DPS more often.

On the other hand, Echo as a tank might have finally given me incentive to go back to that cursed role, which I a year or two ago after being whined at to “play a shield” (not even a shield tank, just the shield) for the millionth time. I know several other tanks who quit the game entirely due to the sheer tedium of the role, who have expressed a willingness to come back if “something changed” or “it they make it fun again” and I think Echo would have been just the answer they need.

I like mercy, and I think shes a high skill ceiling hero, its not favoritism. Also its more complicated than valk since it has momentum and cancelations that change that, as well as bhops. Valk doesnt have those.

OK? it does have a spread, its a shotgun, its just a consistent spread. Its a fast projectile, as in unique projectile speed

Its not at all like sigma, you have to track with a projectile to get all of them to stick or you lose the one shot potential

They’re going to be aimed at half HP targets, yes that will frequently be reinhardt and in those cases rein isnt a hard target to track, but genji, other echoes, lucio etc

Haven’t seen anyone get more than 2, and only really 1.5 before she lost ult. Counting the training room is dumb. Only character you can do that on is tracer, and pulse isnt a high impact ult.

Im assuming you mean valk, which again, I like mercy and dont think shes low skill.

Your statement would make sense and almost be fact if it wasn’t stated as well as known that DPS is the most popular role.

So chances are most people don’t like long lines. And the most popular role got a new hero that a lot of people will want to play in a one limit 50/50 slot chance to get.

By doing this the best way for me or anyone to practice Echo is Mystery Heroes. Maybe No Limits if they let it stay for a week which really isn’t practice.

They could’ve done multi hero release or surprise tanks and supports are fun to play again cause dmg not so crazy.

All this does is confirm like at Blizzcon 2018 how out of touch the state of their game.

It’s not the end of times but stop me if you heard this before about a hero release. Devs make some buffs, nerfs, this time ban to shift the meta. But also release a new hero that does a bit too much despite nerfing recent heroes that did too much.

The only thing they have been consistent in is their inconsistency.

Ya telling me 3 seconds with Dva too much, THICCree no can do, but copying an enemy to build ult at that rate, yeah that’s fair or wait let’s test it.

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