Buff your main(s) without buffing their numbers

Give Ana a secondary weapon: Grapple gun.

Grapple gun provides direct vertical mobility, and nothing else. Vertical range is about as tall as Route 66 gas station sign.

Grapple would not be as fast or versatile as Widowmaker’s. Ana would have to spend a second to climb up.

Junkrat has 100% air control while falling.

roadhogs damage is increased by five thousand percent

uh, I don’t think you read the OP.

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didnt use numbers i said the words instead


You still used numbers though.

Mercy can rez people as new heroes if they select a new hero while respawning.

I had this happen in a comp game, the enemy Mercy rezzed three people as Winstons because it was bugged.


if Sombra or her teammates kills an enemy while they’re hacked than it reduce hack’s cooldown to 2 seconds. Does not affect enemies that have been EMPed.

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Damage boost increases movement speed by 15% for Mercy and her target.

New Guardian Angel targeting option: contextual. Takes Mercy to who she targets, but if she isn’t targeting anyone she goes to her beam target by default.

Angelic Decent starts with 1.5 seconds of hover time before decaying into the normal glide. This effect is reset by either touching the ground, or using Guardian Angel. (This means that Mercy can swap between most ledges on her own)

Superjump is made an official part of Mercy’s kit: press crouch during GA to superjump. This also means that Mercy can superjump while already in the air.

Who needs Valkyrie, when you have mobility like this?

no theyre words cmon bro

“Mada mada” voiceline for Hanzo!

Torbs hammer can now repair armor. 25 armor per swing.

As a sidenote, I always run up to my tanks and pretend I’m repairing them.


Yes Please




Aiming at your deployed turrets and pressing interact key will recall said turret with no cooldown.


Reinhardt ult now hit people who are in range of his hammer when he hit the ground with his normal swing dmg (as him hitting a ground be counted as a melee atack), rest of ult work like before.

-can use Ultimate mid-ability
-can cancel abilities
-can aim his Rocket Punch up and down
-can become Forumfist for a bried period of time, where he can travel across the map instantaneously, has no cooldowns, receives 1000 shields per player on enemy team, and instantly kills every enemy he so much as looks at.

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Wrecking Ball can only be hacked when out of ball mode.

Baptiste can wall run.

BOB is now a passive bot that follows Ashe around and shoots whoever she shoots.

Sombra can hack and shoot while invisible :smiling_imp:


  • Now she has 4 turrets
  • Photon Barrier can’t be destroyed by EMP


  • No more self-damage
  • Now Mercy is her GF

Bastion: Give headshots in turret back.

Moira’s beam can now travel through walls. Enjoy! /s