Buff your main(s) without buffing their numbers

Suggest a buff for your main but the catch is that it can’t be a simple numbers buff that means no directly buffing their

HP, damage, fire rate, cooldowns, cast times, projectile speeds, movement speed, durations, etc.

Exceptions are made if it plays into your buff. For example, an ability reseting upon kill or a character gaining more speed the lower their health is.

Basically number buffs are only allowed if they require a prerequisite beforehand and just aren’t active all the time.

I’ll start

Sombra can now hack and shoot at the same time.


Doomfist automatically spams “And dey say” whenever an ability is used. He is now God tier.


Lucio’s wallride and ultimate can’t be hacked off


D.Va - any of these:

  • Can fire fusion cannons while using her Defense Matrix (and vice versa).
  • Mech crouching enabled.
  • During flight, mech can strafe sideways.
  • When out of mech, D.Va can perform additional emotes.

Bastion: a not horrible E ability. (healing is currently on RMB so E has nothing bound to it).

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Now slightly less fat, hitbox is still the same but he went to the gym and felt good so he kept going.


I dunno if this counts per OP rules, but…

Sym turrets have 10 armor added while in flight. They lose this armor at the time they attach, ‘open up’ and become active.

Sym can use Photon Barrier 2.0 when she is at 50% or higher Ult charge, at the cost of draining her Ult charge.


Dva ult has radioactive steam that hurts everybody until the game ends


Wouldn’t it be nuclear fallout? Steam doesn’t hang around for long.


Winston: Effects of all CCs are halved in effectiveness during Primal Rage

meaning all slows, boops, hacks, and stuns have half strength/duration; only possible exceptions would be the ones with physically limited times or special effects like Graviton (disables movement abilities) and Charge and Hook (duration depends on distance).

It’s probably overkill now but back when Winston was considered bad, everyone was asking for a buff along these lines.

Damage no longer wakes up a sleeping target. :^)


thats actually evil.

Hog now carries 2 hooks and they reinforced the chains…

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Two words only: cancellable barrage
Oh what a beautiful world it would be
If I could survive more than 1 second
When I ult, Pharah would be perfect to me

This is pretty OP


Mei, ice wall now spreads frost around the ground that slows enemies near it.

Sombra: Hack now is no longer interrupted on damage but instead has the cast speed increased (ala wow spell casting push back)

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When mercy resses someone that guy must wait a little repawn time until it gets ressed, he can choose if he wants tobe ressed or he can cancel it and respawn.
The cooldown of the res is reduced based on the time is given to the ressed players to res.
Also if mercy dies every res is cancelled.

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OP never stated the buffs had to be “fair.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Fair enough. Have a good day

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  • Visual indicators that take the place of voice comms
  • Her reload is no longer cancelled by teleporting
  • Her translocator throw cooldown starts AFTER throwing

No damage buff, no cooldown reduction, it’s a QoL. Just makes her play smoother and reduces the clunky parts of her hit.