༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ Buff Reaper, Bastion and Hog ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ


And secondly:

Bastion does so little Damage that he Can’t reliably defend himself at close range.
Why do you think the best strat is to protect him?
Because he only almost functions when an entire team puts their resources into keeping him alive… Even just against ONE Enemy.


If your going to tell me 290 dps aint great within 20 meters which teamfights usually happen I don’t know what to tell you

It is correct he needs a team if your using sentry and using as your primary source of damage but I just use recon the rare times I use bastion but on the chart at 0 meters it says he pumps out 450 so he can theoretically

On Paper, It’s a perfect situation against a single enemy, Within those ranges…

Do you Realize How genuinely easy it is… To shoot a stationary target?
That’s why he needs to be Dangerous Up close… Not just “Maybe almost kinda potentially annoying if the stars align


Buff Reaper. Buff Hog. Mini-rework Bastion.


Agreed. Agreed (As long as hook stays the same for once… -.-) And Agreed… Either a rework or a revert. Whichever one.

Don’t forget about symmetra, she’s still crap after the rework.


That too^^

I want the old game back tbh. ;-;

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Still even so you can use recon to make up for that fact to stop being a stationary target but on slow moving targets like rein or Ana it works

“Just don’t use it”

Is NO Excuse for it being less Functional.

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I wonder how bad people must be at this game who don’t want a Roadhog buff in his current state.


People clearly don’t want BASTION Buffed.


It still has that damage output that I’m referencing from your chart but what I’m saying is save it for slower moving targets and use recon for everything else

Yea… Except for the fact that any time you enter Sentry, you basically hit the “Send me to spawn” Button.

Trust me.
It’s one of the worst things in this Entire game right now.

Also… the dps output is Unreliable Due to the trumpet of spread he has.

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I prefer the rework prospect as Bastion shares a problem with Old Sym and Old Torb. He’s too niche and either has to be pirate ship or protect the president.

I have an idea, albeit not a very good one, that Bastion could use another resource meter. Using it would massively increase his fire rate as long as the button is held down. Over-using it and completely expending the meter would deal some recoil damage. (The recoil damage seems all bad but, since he can self-heal, it may turn into some cheeky ult charge)

She needs buffs and tweaks but otherwise she’s fine. Primary needs an upgrade to make it more useful or more incentivised to use. Turrets are fine. Teleporter should start up faster. And Photon Barrier, albeit situational, can actually be pretty powerful if used correctly, it’s just not a team-wipe or team-save kind of Ult so its value is hard to judge sometimes.


It is an interesting idea, But it may be easier to make base changes to his kit first…

Such as tightening the spread, and adding headshot modifiers back to Sentry mode.

Most agree on the removal of 100 ammo as well.

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I disagree with the turrets are fine part, 10 second cooldowns are just to much also

I feel like you’re saying revert the primary fire…:eyes:

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I want my old friend back, with bendy beams of Genji roasting divine justice.

The fact that i may NEVER Get to play “Symmetra” again… Literally makes me a little emotional tbh.


And remember, nothing discourages the enemy team like their allies corpses hovering in their face.

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This isn’t the same game anymore… I don’t know what this is.

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Forgot to mention that, I 100% agree with this.

I am not actually. While I won’t say I haven’t been tempted by the mystical curves of the old photon projector, I think having to aim a bit more in exchange for increased potential is an okay trade off.
The best idea I’ve seen thrown around is the primary not only draining shields (Barriers, shield health) for ammo but also temporarily adding to Sym’s own shields, giving her some much needed survivability.

Also are you like the Voice of Reason for the forums or something? I see you everywhere and you’re always making down-to-earth comments or reeling someone who may have gone a bit far back in.

Too soon :sob: