Buff Mercy Please!

No but seriously why is it that I have been coming to the forums for like 10 seasons and no matter what there is at least 3 active post talking about Mercy?


It’s like having something that’s really sugary. Then having another thing that’s really sugary, but it doesn’t taste sugary because you’re used to it. I don’t know where my point is really going, but because she was OP for so long, and she get nerfed to being arguably balanced, people just need to get used to it. Get me? I don’t tbh.


She got a bad rework. Made her Op, so people complained. And now she’s supposedly underpowered (I don’t really think so) and People complaing, and then people complaining about people complaining. And it just keeps going.


I feel attacked XD defs a circle of perpetuation.

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Or maybe because she its been two months and she now has the second worse win-rate, only better than Roadhog and that’s by 0.2%.

No one said she wasn’t OP post-rework, but 14 Nerfs while the other supports got buffed sound bad to me.


Really second worst? Like worse than torb and sym?

Which would you prefer?

  • 55 healing per second on Staff.
  • 1.25 sec cast time on Rez.

People talk about her all the time because she’s constantly being altered. People don’t dedicate tons of threads to Tracer because Tracer has been essentially static since launch.

Yes. Torb and Sym have low pickrate but they have high winrate because people only use them in the very niche scenarios where they excel at.

I would prefer 60 Healing since her healing was never the issue, and Ress on either a Chargeable Resource or her Ult.

Well I do prefer her pre-nerf healing more than anything. But then again, people should realize she can’t soloheal anymore and adjust before talking about buffs+nerfs. I’m pretty happy that she CAN’T soloheal anymore because I personally don’t think any game should run only 1 healer, anyway. Off-healers bring nice ults, and other mainhealers bring more utility along nice ults. 1 healer should remain a bad option.

mercy is okay right now but she doesn’t feel impactful. Whether she needs a buff or rework I am not sure. Her ult isn’t that impactful or helpful in team matches and with all the damage currently she can’t keep up. At the least her healing needs to go back up to 60.

I think most people would agree Mercy was overpowered last patch. So I think it might be better to give Mercy a smaller buff, and see how that goes.

I just don’t think this discrepancy between her and all other healers, when they all got buffed since then(making them even more stable), is the ideal and its been how many months of constant nerfing and “waiting for the dust to settle”?

Well Mercy was basically overpowered for a year, up until the the last nerf.
And the last nerf was a bit too much.

But the end goal of buffing Mercy shouldn’t be “make her overpowered again”.

I dont play her but I feel like her chain healing doesn’t work as advertised. Is it broke?

So we should change her because now she is bad but it is alright for roadhog to be in the gutter for almost a year, how is that fair ? Remember, mercy was still picked and player prior to the healing nerf. Also, would you rather the devs take baby steps nerfing a hero or have them sledge hammer them into f tier. Whilst the former is slow, it is better for the game in my opinion.

Just because Roadhog was mistreated doesn’t mean Mercy needs to be too.

Make both heroes fun and viable.

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While that is true, we have more pressing matter to address than the whole mercy is not fun/ good to play. Also, it isn’t easy as you make it out to seem.

So slap a bandaid fix on Mercy:

Caduseus Staff

  • 55 heals per second, up from 50.


  • 1.25 second cast time, down from 1.75 seconds.

And then do something like this for Roadhog:

🐖 [Roadhog] Changes I want
🐖 Hog fix, without buffing shotgun

While I agree a band aid fix might work for hog players, I doubt it will slow down or even stop the mercy complaining. You have to remember that the mercy players are a very vocal group, at least on the ow forums.

A lot of people have to remember that blizzard’s balance philosophy has always and will always be a flavor of the month balance ( it is been like this with a majority of their games), i.e. a couple of heroes are meta for x amount of time. Once mercy was dethroned as top dog people started having a fit over it. Lets be real here, mercy was a must pick for far too long.