Buff bastion please?

Wrong. He is really low reward. That is the diffrerence betreen pre rework bastion and now. “Nice heroes” are just underpowerd heroes that need buffs. Torb gets a buff, Hanzo gets reworked and also sym. This are you “niche heroes” and they getting love. But not bastion with his niche (junkertown… JUST FREAKING JUNKERTOWN). Stop talking about niches.

Moira is also a niche hero for tank comps. Does that make her bad in other comps? NO! Stop talking about niche heroes if you dont understand what they mean. 90% of the people here almost never played niche heroes but think they know the pain for called a trollpick. Stop it.


yep i know , but the idea is taht your hitbox becomes bigger in which it should make for him easier to hit you but if you move fast enough or unpredictably you can dodge them like i did some times but at the same times it makes you more exposed to other heroes and removes your damage resistance that u had in turret mode

We know that vs some heroes we need to go into recon. We know that you know why? BECAUSE WE ACTUALLY PLAY HIM. But that makes bastion not better in that what he is suppost to do.


Bastion is one of the most frustrating heroes to play against because he takes so much teamwork to counter. He can make many, many heroes feel absolutely useless.

I 100% agree he needs buffs/changes as he is too niche right now, but I also want to see some changes so he doesn’t become some unstoppable monster that is impossible for any team under diamond to counter.


Thx. We also dont want to be oppresive but at least usefull (even in attack). In the moment that is almost not possible.

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I don’t think bastion can survive another buff. The last one made him near useless. I am curious what the next one would be.

Sorry I forgot that on one map for a select time he can be useful.


The last one wasn’t a buff , but a nerf

That was not a buff that was a miserable rework that failed but never was corrigated.


Why don’t you give a few examples on how you can change him?

Take current Bastion: maybe give him, I don’t know, a radar ability to detect an enemy close by so he can prepare himself. Just as an example (I’m not serious with his idea).

Yet they still considered it a buff… Hence why I am saying he can’t survive another buff.

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Here are the buffs he needs. That is all. Like in the old days.


read the topic , there i suggested some buffs such as the ability to shoot down projectiles like dva’s shield(only junkrat ,pharah, hanzos , genji with his minigun)

lol k. I get why you are passionate about bastion not getting love, however he was worse before his last rework. he is now better, just in different ways.

If playing bastion is so difficult and annoying and he is weak then why do you play him?

I love playing Winston, i would play him every game if i could, i played him before dive was a thing and i still play him, but now we are anti-dive meta. Brig makes winston almost useless, turns him into a high risk low reward hero due to high health and armor on the whole team.

so i swap to someone else when Winston doesn’t work.

Again this game is about counter picks, team play, and strategy. I’m not trolling at all, I’m legitimately trying to understand your plight.

if you can’t see that bastion would be broken if they buffed him the way you wanted then i don’t know what to tell you

sure he can be reworked but at the moment his sentry mode damage is too high for him to be given buffs

Even if he does get a buff. All that’s going to cause is either the team will rage induce wipe him out. Or people will wine here. The last time he got that bad buff. My friends made sure whenever we began a match. We checked to see for a Bastion and immediately focused killed him every single time. Getting sick of cheese comps with him, severely limits his use and toleration point.

Bastion was better before the “rework” payin aiming skills with high accuracy and damage output , now you got a high spread lowered damage but some resistance which makes him an noobish character…

Guys what if they gave him back his own little barrier from the closed beta? :o

But not permanent or anything but as an ability while in sentry mode.

Still weak to flanks, and is up to the timing on the bastion to take advantage of it.



I read it. I meant why not make a list that’s better to view over.

im not that good at doing that kind of stuff

that would be just straight out broken

im honestly glad that you’re not in control of the balancing