Buff bastion please?

they focus bastion for a very good reason

if they don’t, they are gonna die, even golds know this even i knew this when i started playing the game

“they got bastion, he is gonna kill us if we don’t kill him first”

everyone got that mentality because they know how powerful his damage is

No thats not an escape as while transforming to recon you can take a lot of damage and the healing has a delay making it preety useless most of the cases

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he’s already the highest damage in game with a huge ammo pool.

yes i know what you are meaning there but when the bastion stands on the point defending , he can get very easily killed by a hanzo , junkrat or sneaky reaper and thats really annoying or just get downright spammed by pharah missiles

Than why not just rework him to be more independent?

With old bastion there was no need to run away, all you had to do was aim good and click their heads :confused:

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And what would be the rework?

And he is weak af. See the problem? You dont need to aim anywhere in the moment. They reduced the skill to play bastion and make him overall weaker. Thats a problem. AGAIN:

  • 50% spread (you need to aim a LOT more)
  • headshots again (get rewarded for aiming)

THATS IT. Bastion dont need a escape and no healing is not a escape. Its like 76 healing: a heal.


The more teammates stand near him the lower the damage?

That is going to make Junkrat very effective against teams so its not an good strategy and also block bastions line of sight…

He was a glas cannon then. He is just glas now. He was abck then underpowered and is it still. Git gud if you think that the old bastion was strong. he was not. bastions just could do much more with the required skill.


Bastion is hard countered by Roadhog’s hook and Reinhardt’s charge, Orisa can straight up kill him head-on with the use of her shield and fortify together, Zarya gets free charge without any real risk from letting Bastion pop her bubbles since her hitbox is slim for a tank, and D.Va can use her defensive matrix to get in close and then straight up destroy Bastion with her missiles + guns together.

The only tank Bastion is actually worth anything against without a shield in front of him and a team surrounding him is Winston.


well you need to adapt to different heroes

you can outdamage a reaper though so i don’t understand that, you can even tank his ult

hanzo is a sniper, even if they buff bastion he is always gonne be weak againts him

you just avoid junkrat by being on your reckon mode more often to burst him down

76 has to stay in an area to heal it similar for sure but not the same. Bastion is a high risk high reward type of character, easily countered by various heroes but also incredibly deadly if played correctly, niche heroes need to stay in their niches. otherwise why have 27 heroes. Lets just call this bastion watch and give him back his personal barrier. let him do back flips and make his bird a drone that discords and hacks enemies.

this is a game about counter play and team play. even though we suck at team play, bastion needs to be built around.

Also just play with Brigs, moira’s and torbs and you’ll win every defense game.

what about if the reaper moves very unpredicatbly or even if u kill him u get focused by another one of his temmates and you get killed by another enemy , as for hanzo yeah u just need to reposition as for junkrat you are bigger in recon mode so its easier for him to hit you with his grenades

Buffing Bastion sounds like the worst idea yet. Re-work? Sure, why not. But definitely not increase his damage output.

Like Hanzo, you can’t expect to pick and use him in every situation. They’re defense heroes. Bastion especially can melt down everything coming his way if you play clever and hide in spots no one will expect you to be, or work hand in hand with your shield tanks.

One-tricking is not going to do anyone any favours. And buffing him is just going to create more hate towards that hero in lower tiers because of his sitting and spraying ability when he is behind a shield.


This discussion is not about giving him more damage , but making him more skill based and viable

That’s just what I said.

Then why said buffing him be a bad idea ? also bastion has very few situations in which he can do damage at its full potential that is the big problem about him…

your reckon mode is more powerful because you can dodge his spam and shoot him at the same time

but if you stay on sentry mode his gonna hit every shot 100% which is 600 damage? bad idea