Buff bastion please?

it isn’t going to be broken but make bastion more skilled , heads are preety small and making him more of an skill based hero than an just a spray hero with damage resistance

For skilled bastion players he was a lot better. And I mean A LOT!

Because I like him? He is my favorite hero and I can’t play him properly jecause how bad he is right now. Give us the old sentry back and he is fine.

Good joke. You can play him if you like. Kill lonly snipers. Chase genji and leave brigitte and tanks to your DDS. That is not you job. If you really can play winston than there is not problem playing him regardless of the enemy. In bastions case you not even can play him if the enemys comp (how ever) could be countered by him.

Most of us do this since… a year now?

Look at QP and most comp ranks. Thats a dream and nothing else.

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his high damage and weapon type makes spread kind of a requirement, they buffed his recon mode to round him out and make him more than just a turret. if he was accurate like soldier 76 at soldier 76 range while in sentry mode then why have soldier 76 in the game at all.

Different heroes excel at different things in this game. Bastion is good at protecting an area and shredding tanks when working on defense and working with a team.

He was weak back then. God! Git gud if you think that would be OP. Every thing sounds OP because how weak he is (and the most people cant counter him well…). I dont think that you where around before ranked was in the game? He had this back then and was still weak…

was old bastion broken?

why would he be now, because of orisa?

Bastion can be countered easily by Pharah , also DPS,DEFENSE and SUPPORT have small hitboxes (most of them) making them harder to hit then tanks so it wouldn’t really be an requirment

And that was the fail because we have 76. They saw it but they just dont care. This is why we have this conversation. His main mode is sentry and not robot-tanksize-76.


No the old bastion had very good accuracy and damage but was very easy to kill

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I can help you. I think.

So what you’d like to see is the following:

  • Extra mobility and escape chances.
  • Rockets (or somethings similar). Pretty sure his ult is already a projectile.
  • More damage output. Unless I read wrong.

What would you sacrifice then? His self-healing?

I dont think that they would like it even it would be kind of usefull. They would call it OP and cut his damage in hald or some kind of “fix”…

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His resistance and instead of damage output more accuracy

Remove Ironclad. It is useless in the end. And nont wride more damage. Pls spread reduced and headshots again. Dont touch the DPS.

But like it is STILL easy to deal with?

Since it would only be his front, for a duration, and on a cooldown.

Basically just a panic button, something that Tracer and Genji have. Least gives Bastion options and lets it be freed up from ALWAYS needing a Rein/ Orisa

It would help vs the poke game with pharagh behind a wall or vs widow but dont vs geni and tracer. The idea is good but the forum…

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If it would be an 500 health shield that lasted 5 seconds i think it is going to be ok and not need any nerfs

lol ok I’m done here.

I like Hanzo as a character, but i don’t play him outside of mystery heroes because i suck with him and my team pays the price. I realize that’s not the same argument, but if everyone stopped playing bastion every game blizzard would see that he’s not getting play and would take action, like they have done with hanzo, sym, sombra, torb, etc.

I agree with you guys he needs something. I do not think an escape is it. I don’t think bastion was better as a hero before, did he do more damage at a longer range? sure. was he better as an all around hero? not in my opinion.

good luck with your crusade to get a spring loaded bastion. I guarantee if that happens they will soften other parts of his kit, and you’ll be right back on the forums saying he needs another rework.

later folks, have fun.

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But ppl do play hanzo a lot, and hes getting a rework.

Why can’t I like multiple times?

Honeslty it is better if they just give his accuracy back and take out his ironclad

NOONE wants a escape for bastion. Can you read? to the 4. time HEADSHOTS AND LESS SPREAD IN SENTRY AND MAYBE A DEFENSIVE ABILLETY.

Funny thing is that he is less used the all of them…

There is no luck because so few people play him they just ignore this kind of threads… or not? I hope someone is reading this. I pray some dev would say something…

Thank you for joining. See you :slight_smile:

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