Buff bastion please?

I did. I read what you wrote. I provided context to my reasoning. If you choose to not read it, than I can’t help you.

Let me sum it up than. Man up sir, Bastion still does what he needs to do, and his counters are a design choice.

you are clearly are not understanding the problems with bastion…

Then why don’t you stop posturing, and tell us, if you know so much about him? What is your argument?

read the topic to see my argument…

Nooooooo please dont

bastion can kill anything in under 2 seconds.

from close range yes from long range he cannot do much

I did. You didn’t write anything of substance. Basically you complain about his hard counters, and say it’s unfair. Honestly it just comes off as whining, but please, contextualize what you wrote further, if you want to sell this idea of yours.

I wish Hog’s hook didn’t bring Bastion back to recon mode…I am still trying to understand the reason behind that…

His range nerf was by design.

Well Orisa’s pull used to do the same thing. They changed that for some reason.

please learn the definition of design and then start speaking about heroes on games…

was he designed for long range?

Recon is definitely long range.

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before he had long range , but he was more easier to kill

Sir I am waiting for this 60+ hours experience to come into written form an enlighten me about how I am wrong about a bastion buff, and you are distracted by the very fact that I am criticizing you.

I will say it again. What is your argument, what is your reasoning for buffing bastion to deal with his counters?

Also, shame on OP for flagging all my posts, because he can’t come up with an argument, I will contest this ban, because it’s silly to think people can just silence people they don’t agree with. OP has proven he lacks any character, I suggest people dismiss this thread, there is nothing to debate or talk about.

Oh but that’s not good enough for our MLG Bastion.

its not about making him better against his counters its about making bastion more viable

Well, Bastion has way more serious issues than range. He’s very squishy in Recon mode, he’s very inaccurate in Sentry mode and he got his head shots stripped. His ultimate can be easily countered by Genji and can even kill Bastion himself if shot a short range.
He’s also very slow and a huge target for a non Tank hero.


No hero should survive the whole team focusing them and the reason they focus bastion is because with his damage output he’ll wreck your team if you don’t get rid of him. It’s a 6v6 TEAM objective game not 1v1, 1v6 or anything else yes there are ffa modes now because of the demand but the game is balanced around working like a team and not solo.

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the problem is that bastion is relying on shields way too much and his hitbox is very big… genji , widow ,junkrat and many more defense don’t really need shields to be viable but bastion really does most of the time (90%)

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