Oh that’s such a scapegoat and you know it. Why don’t you come up with a compelling argument for why they should buff Bastion?
Like I said, some things are self evident, and it’s very obvious that you did not do your homework sir.
Oh that’s such a scapegoat and you know it. Why don’t you come up with a compelling argument for why they should buff Bastion?
Like I said, some things are self evident, and it’s very obvious that you did not do your homework sir.
Yes. Because if he has the hours than, he should be better at explaining his reasoning, yet somehow he can’t bridge the divide, I wonder why.
i have came with an argument , bastion being extremly useless around plat+ and him getting extremly countered by most heroes in the game because of his lack of mobility
And my rebuttal was; that’s a feature, not a bug.
have you tried using left click?
maybe you won’t get countered so much
It deplets quickly and you are forced to move at some point
…is what i would agree with if he could still headshot
you’re right
you’re right
please don’t derive from the topic
He was given 100 more rounds of ammo. You press the mouse button down and hold it, if you were wondering.
more ammo doesn’t neccesarly help , if a rein was charging at you you just could headshot him and kill him quickly , but now you hope that ur far away that ur spray of bullets are gonna kill him…
I main him… I think I know what I’m talking about. If you wanna go prove he’s viable, go ahead. Go and play some comp matches as him, and record ALL of the gameplay.
Please provide an argument. I’m still waiting. Because so far, I am reading, QQ, a Genji and Tracer hurt me! Please Mr. Kaplan, buff me so I can hurt the bad heroes.
How about you see for yourself? Play him in a comp game
flagged , i asked you to stop posting if you don’t have over 20 hours on bastion…
there’s no need to blatantly throw a comp match with a niche hero
There’s your argument. Picking him is considered THROWING. there’s a MASSIVE problem there.
playing bastion is not blatantly throwing with enough shields hes good , the point of this discussion is the need of a buff so hes less dependant on shields
Dude. You think that’s honestly gonna change anyone’s mind? Get to top 500, that’s my requirement.
can you stop trolling please and get out of this dicussions if you are not going to provide any arguments against buffing bastion>?