Buff bastion please?

No, roadhog can’t hook through shields.

Done arguing, it’s obvious that you don’t know much about game balance and your bias is blinding you.

Can you actually stay on topic? What is your leg to stand on sir!

it happened to me a lot of times , i dunno if its broken or its just a frequent glitch

So far, the most compelling argument (I use that term in the lightest fashion.) that has been uttered by the OP, is that Bastion needs a buff, because it’s hard for him to do his intended role, because his counters stop him.

I’m sorry, but is that not what counters are for? I find that OP’s line of reasoning is deficient in explaining why Bastion needs a buff. If the argument was, that Bastion needs a rework, I could easily concede the argument, because of the fact that he is seldom picked.

But no, he is still good at his intended role, which is busting shields, and if the enemy team does not counter pick to deal with him, they get punished, in much the same way a Pharah that is left unchecked, stomps everyone.

you left the topic by starting to talk about you using junkrat against bastions when bastion isn’t meant to take care of junkrats

You philistine. Did you even read what I wrote. I said I don’t lord my knowledge of Junkrat over people who have less time on him when talking about a topic about Junkrat, because there are things that are self evident, just from observation, a skill you must lack, because you either unintentionally did not read my post, or are deliberately trying to play the knave because you don’t have a counter argument. So pick one, which is it?

hes not good at doing his role in gold+ as the counters are very commonly used (Dva,Genji,Ana,Pharah) and hes being focused by the entire enemy team most of the time

I think bastion was way better when he had better accuracy and headshots.


Well don’t you think if you saw a giant mini gun of doom, you would focus that?

Bastions counters are highly effective , with a soldier you can run from a reaper or a counter and heal yourself then keep firing but with bastion you are most of the time a stationary target that if moves loses its resistance and is more vulnerable

I think Bastion should:

  • Get his old Turret mode back (-50% Spread, Headshots)
  • And CC-Immunity while in Turret mode. Just like Fortify.

Well it almost sounds like maybe you should not be in sentry mode all the time my friend.

Bastion is mostly useless when not in turret mode my friend…

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That’s your opinion. And not one that constitutes giving him a buff, unless it’s a buff to sentry mode. But you did not word your argument like that. The crux of your argument is that Bastion has more Hard counters than soft counters, and that is somehow unfair for a hero with an extremely high DPS output.

thats the opinion of a player with over 60 hours on bastion , and the DPS output is mostly missed because of the spread and damage drop as for the recon mode you become a big target , have an smaller gun that deals less damage per sec and no more resistance

I can assure you that is by design, not mistake. They nerfed the spread and the range for a reason. There is a reason they got rid of head shots.

but they also made him extremly unviable and weak against most heroes unless they are at close range… making him actually better for payload maps than for defend/attack maps …

I wish he could do something more. Anyone know/remember Gigantic?

HK’s charged railgun, mortar launcher, homing minirockets, or ability to dodge while fortified were really fun, either would be neato to have on Bastion.

He does have adecent niche, in my opinion, but still.

I don’t see the problem with that. You would then have to make an argument that all heroes need to be viable, in of themselves, independent from the team, and it seems like Blizzard as a design choice, seem really reluctant to do that, because then the game’s individual skill ceiling would have to raise.

There is a reason gamers have left the arena shooter market, and that is one of those reasons, because you don’t have anyone to blame but your self, when you lack proficiency.

you don’t have a lot of experience as bastion please stop posting on this discussion and come when you actually know his problems and have atleast over 20 hours on him