Buff bastion please?

Honeslty it is better if they just give his accuracy back and take out his ironclad

NOONE wants a escape for bastion. Can you read? to the 4. time HEADSHOTS AND LESS SPREAD IN SENTRY AND MAYBE A DEFENSIVE ABILLETY.

Funny thing is that he is less used the all of them…

There is no luck because so few people play him they just ignore this kind of threads… or not? I hope someone is reading this. I pray some dev would say something…

Thank you for joining. See you :slight_smile:

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We should give bastion an e


Like a temporary shield or health that only lasts a few seconds so he can reactively mitigate heavy incoming damage

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sounds good , but it will be better if we have more accuracy and no damage resistance

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So a rework then. Because it sounds like you have an issue with his kit.

He had that and Blizzard took it away due to counter play issues.

Bastion puts the game in the hands of tanks and healers.
Remove his weaknesses, win the game.

That is not realy a balance problem.
It’s more like the DPS role is overplayed.

I would like to have a racecar configuration, fast tank mode without DPS.
Bastions, roll out!

So than surviability was not your issue? What are you asking for? Because I can hazard a guess that it results because someone refuses to go recon.

if you buff his spread by 50% and give him the ability to headshot again he would be broken imo

him being able to burst down twice as fast isn’t gonna balance him

sure he will be viable but not in a good way

small spread, make headshots more rewarding while lowering his body dmg, , same dmg on shields. Shooting big tank heads would make him a tank buster, while making sure he cannot melt in a sec the squishy ones but with good tracking you can still be a threat to dps heroes.

Or they can scale the dmg with overall HP%, like you deal more dmg to heroes with bigger heath pool.

Plus they can always implement something like a passive that makes bastion deal less dmg if shields are close enough to his designated area, or maybe bastion is weakened if teammates are standing near, the higher the number the weaker he becomes, this would make pirateship a bit less annoying, while making bastion excel more outside of payload.

sounds like nerf to me because you need to rely on your teammates to not stay next to you

the passive can be changed, its the devs work to test things out, theres a ptr for a reason. All we can do is to give some ideas that would or not work out.

What if devs test internally and get poo results?

Bastion is not on their list cause they dont wanna mess with that again(making something OP just to nerf it hard), they are focusing on pro matches in owl these days. Bastion is not being used there so why would they care.

Well that was my original point. It seemed like people moved away from bastion unless you’re on payload.

And that’s the reason for that kind of threads.

So you want him to be a long range sniper?

Like in the old days also able to kill enemy’s like pharah in the air. Not a sniper but also capable of killing something that isn’t close or midrange.