His recon gun works fine for over 50M if your burst firing (2-3 rounds very little bloom and recovers fast) just like soldier your not supposed to just hold down the trigger and his sentry destroys anything not standing on him within 30-40M. Hes designed to work with his team and melt people in choke points.
If someone is on top of you try to face him and heal yourself and call out for help from your team which shouldn’t be that far from you. Any hero would have to turn around 180 degrees it’s not something unique to bastion. Widowmaker and maybe Pharah are the only extreme range heroes and if you position yourself right they can’t hit you at those extreme ranges. If Junk or Pharah are hitting you heal and re-position yourself. Hes not meant to trade “snipes” so don’t try it would team support.
Tank mode direct hits I believe 1 shot or close too for tanks the rounds are faster than Pharah’s rockets, your not immobile like Junkrat’s rip tire. Pharah’s rocket and ult, Soldiers helix, Zarya’s right click, D.va micro rockets and Tracer’s ult all hurt them so once again something not unique to him.
Bastion is made to work with his team to put out the most DPS possible into a choke melting barriers, tanks and others in that choke. Recon mode is meant so you can shoot longer range and not be 100% helpless when forced to move. An out of position Bastion should be punished like any other character hes not a a hero you flank around the enemy with.
Just because someone mains a hero doesn’t mean they know it or are good at it, just because I don’t have a lot of time on a hero doesn’t mean I don’t understand the hero. The first para I tested the ranges before responding.
The problem is all of what you said makes sense on paper but doesn’t really work ingame. If you have to sit there in sentry healing and depend on your team to do anything you’re probably not going to get help soon enough. Tracer just farms her ult so fast it won’t matter.
If I recall Bastion can survive an tracer bomb if at full hp but then again that’s an ult. Relying on your team is a part of the game it’s a team objective fps, I know probably half or more of the time teams refuse to work together but this game isn’t balanced around solo play if it was that’s how you get “protect the president” comps.
No, it doesn’t. Many heroes have temporary invulnerability in some form that grants them an escape from pulse bomb even in the unlikely event that Tracer manages to stick it on their smaller, mobile hitboxes.
While Bastion is completely incapable of avoiding pulse bomb while immobile, Doomfist, Reaper, Sombra, Tracer, Mei, Moira, Torbjorn and Zenyatta are all non-tanks who have abilities which allow them to either ignore or survive pulse bomb after they have already been stuck. For Doomfist, Zenyatta and Torbjorn that requires using their ultimate… but Bastion too used to have that option before the Ironclad nerf, and even before the rework due to the bonus armor gained during transformation to tank.
Bastion’s rework and subsequent nerf completely removed Bastion’s former ability to avoid death by pulse bomb, leaving Bastion both less effective at surviving and less effective at killing Tracer due to the spread increase on the sentry gun compared to before the rework.
This is just one of many reasons why Bastion needs a buff.
Bastion wasn’t designed as a tracer killer hes a tank killer and choke spammer and just because some heroes have escapes doesn’t mean every character should if Bastion gets a survival buff he will need a damage nerf or hes going to be over powered that’s why iron clad was nerfed in the first place it turned the game into protect the Bastion, also many heroes are vulnerable during their ults it’s part of being good at the hero knowing where and when to use your ult.
Bastion was designed as a stationary defense hero. Bastion’s original purpose was to control a zone against all threats, not just tanks. Projectile heroes like Junkrat excel at spamming chokes. Bastion excelled at eliminating individual targets with direct hitscan damage and guarding flanking routes by himself using self-repair to recover after every engagement. Bastion wasn’t a spammer before the rework, Bastion was an ambush predator.
I don’t want a survival buff. I enjoyed the ambush-style gameplay. Ironclad was a mistake from the moment of conception, and if it was removed entirely the game could only get healthier. What Bastion needs is more damage. He needs the tight spread and headshots, not the extra 100 bullets and damage reduction he got in exchange for losing all that damage.
Bastion is unique in being the only hero who deals massively less DPS during ult compared to during normal play. Saving tank mode to counter pulse bomb was part of being a good Bastion. As you said, part of being good at a hero is knowing when to use your ult. Increasing the number of ways in which the ult can be used by restoring the ability to use it to counter pulse bomb would only increase the skill cap of the hero, and that would be a good thing.
So how would you dislodge a damaged buffed bastion he can already melt people especially when they don’t know hes there and if your back is to the wall so is your crit area. Even with the spread and no headshots his dps is very high just a lower burst damage. Winston does more damage in normal form it’s why the pros generally save it for getting low also bastion’s tank rounds will kill anyone with 200 hp or less it also has a knock back.
From long range where Bastion is less effective, with a sniper, Pharah or Junkrat… or by playing with your team and killing Bastion while you are protected by your tanks.
If you don’t know where Bastion is and you walk in front of him, you deserve to die. That is Bastion’s purpose. That has always been Bastion’s purpose. That’s why Sentry mode is called Sentry mode. It’s even in the tips when you die to Bastion. The game tells you right there that the key to defeating Bastion is first figuring out where Bastion is deployed.
This specifically limits the number of viable locations where Bastion could set up, making it easier to figure out where Bastion is without ever presenting him with a target. It also has no effect on explosives from Junkrat and Pharah.
Bastion’s Sentry damage is miserable at 30 meters against most targets. He used to do more than double his current damage at that range, before the rework. It was an absolutely massive nerf. Without effective range, Bastion remains within the reach of mobility abilities like Swift Strike and crowd control like Roadhog’s hook. Below 30 meters, Bastion is too vulnerable to other heroes.
In the context of your own post this doesn’t make much sense, but looking back at my post I assume you are referring to my comments about Bastion dealing less damage in ult than during normal gameplay. In that case… you’re actually incorrect about Winston. Winston deals 60 dps with his Tesla cannon normally, but 64 dps during Primal Rage. In addition, Winston’s jump pack cooldown is reduced, which allows him to consistently deal an additional 45 damage every time that he lands on an enemy with the jump pack.
On a direct hit, yes. You have stated some factual information, but I’m not sure what the point you’re trying to make here is. Bastion’s tank form can be very effective in certain situations, but its lethality has remained unchanged since game launch.
Depending where you position Bastion can be in a spot you can’t snipe or the other two need to be in a spot which is in his effective range.
His damage may been nerfed but he still melts shields so your tank doesn’t protect you that well.
The paper dps is higher but that’s if you get them stuck in a corner for the swings but yes the jumps help.
I can see maybe reducing or taking away the knock back and buffing the round damage maybe so it’s not really a drop in damage but you gain mobility in tank
the quoting didn’t work for me last convo just figured it out again
Tank is fine, and recon is fine. The only thing that he needs a buff on is his sentry. Sentry is god awful. It isn’t a shield buster because you never get the chance to “melt” the shield. The damage is atrocious because the tanks he used to for sure counter don’t matter anymore, every tank besides Winston destroys you. I’m surprised people think of him as a shield buster because they slapped those words on his rework. If that’s all he’s good for then this rework was a failure. All I’m saying is sentry needs headshots back to separate those who can aim very well with those who cant. and 10% less spread to help out with a little more longer range. These small changes yet big impact will help. Pharah, Sombra, Junkrat, Tracer for example are still great counters regardless if he gets something like that. He melts people on paper, does a lot of damage but in what case can he actually pull that off. People aren’t dumb, they have some capabilities to dodge, A D spam, poke, etc. Don’t forget that genji has deflect to negate, Tracer has blink and recall to negate that, shields, Armor, etc a ton of things.
Unfortunately yes, your teammates might not be up to standard to fight one of the worst heroes in the game. I suggest trying to carry, or bring your team to defeat the bastion with a little teamwork, Play Genji, Tracer, Junkrat, or other damage spam heroes. Surprisingly also try Symmetra, the balls push bastion out of place.
Tank transformation needs to be quicker. 1.5 seconds is too long
Tank form needs added armor or health
Tank needs a golden cannon
Sentry should have its spread reduced or should be headshot capable
Recon mode should have increased ammo size. It would allow Bastion to be more ‘flex’ and not overwhelmingly reliant on Sentry. Shooting at enemies in Recon mode is mostly pure panic fire.