Simple mathematics: Neglecting a hero = Player(s) quit the game.
ok. quit.
20 charszz
Alright. Cya later buddy. The devs don’t care about Bastion, sadly.
Bastion needs a total rework, not a buff.
Buff him how? Anymore defense, he becomes too strong, any more offense he becomes to strong, mobility? Too strong
Bastion needs a rework or to be left alone. His design has no room for major buffs.
So quit they’re not going to make changes just to please one person.
Bastion needs a major rework, and the devs only care about the current top heroes
I play Bastion too, but just hear me out. If you leave, isn’t that just one less voice of us Bastion mains to be heard, to call for justice? I’m not forcing you to stay, but your reasoning to quit will likely be more detrimental to the hero you want buffed than you may realize.
Bastion needs a rework, not a buff. I do not blame the Devs for ignoring Bastion.
Bastion is incredibly volatile, one slight buff could make him a dominant pick, and force the games meta to play around him. But at the same time, Bastion is incredibly easy to counter.
Too good when buffed, too bad no matter what. He. Needs. A. Rework.
He needs a full rework
Bye felicia
20 characters
He needs literally anything
shameless self promotion of my own idea and thread:
They will make him so he will one tap every hero. Yes also tanks while walking btw.
Maaaaayby 0.00000001% they will buff him that way
Ok, you’ll be missed as bastion, wait… we dont miss bastion
Buffing Bastion is a terrible idea. Reworking him though, that would be much appreciated.
What is Bastion supposed to do?
He is a specialilzed dps. He breaks shields and kill pharmacies. He’s not going to be an alrounder, otherwise, he would just be a robotic soldier.
There are 31 other heroes if your win rate bothers you that much. Just enjoy bastion for what he is.
They didn’t give him googly eyes on sentry form
How dare them
It’s funny how Blizzard never consider the reworks from total strangers.
A good thing too, I might say. At least I’m positive about that.
K, bye.