Buff Bastion or I quit

If they just buff him, and he become viable, then I will quit.

Bastion was one of the most oppressive heroes of the game, metas with him were always the worst ones.

He needs instead a big rework, because Bastion right now it’s trash or it’s broken, no middles.


Every time a stranger talks about a rework is $1 in my piggy bank.

You do know you can switch heroes… Right?

Great response

The devs probably have the same idea until it is a tank main asking for changes :joy:

Pertaining to the title, click baity or not, “threatening” the devs or offering them a deal between what you want or you quitting is…ineffective

Pertaining to OP, there’s nothing worth mentioning they can/will do before OW2. Considering the fact that we still have no information on a release date, I would not be surprised at all that if it is not a game in line for early access on the new consoles, it may be planned for release during or after 2022

They aren’t neglecting Bastion.

They just aren’t going to buff a hero that the vast majority of the community does not find enjoyable to play against.

We already had Reaper and Mei dominate the meta in the most unenjoyable fashion.

The last thing we need is to risk putting Bastion in that same spectrum

And you think the vast majority of the community enjoys playing against a McCree and Zarya/Reinhardt?

Start taking your medication.

Billy: Jeff kaplin sir, can I have a word with you?

Jeff: Not now Billy I’m on a call

Billy: Sir it’s urgent

Jeff: Tommy I’m gonna have to call you back. Alright billy what is it?

Billy : Sir I was just on the forums and E54 said he would quit overwatch if we don’t buff bastion

Jeff: By the gods… ATTENTION TEAM LISTEN UP. We’re now on crunch to buff bastion. Nobody leaves this office until the bot is overpowered!

Programmer: But sir why? What’s going on?

Jeff: E54 said he would quit overwatch if we don’t buff bastion

The programmer quivers in shock “no… this can’t be! God please… if you’re out there… give us the strength to buff bastion! If E54 quits overwatch I fear… Overwatch will die.”

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ok so quit. this isn’t a good way to get your point across.

buffing a hero that would make other people quit the game, under the threat of you quitting the game

Not ideal but I guarantee they all agree it’s 10x more fun to play against those heroes than one that just sits in one spot and holds M1.

I also guarentee if Bastion was meta, we’d lose more high level OW streamers daily than we did during double shield.

Yes, because being stunned or pinned down is also fun and is guaranteed a kill.

I just said “it isn’t ideal”. I’m agreeing with you.

But that doesn’t excuse the devs to go ahead and buff a hero that has the most minimal mechanical skill curve that no one in low levels and almost no one in high levels enjoys playing against.

And FYI, McCree doesn’t shred 100% of the cast in the blink of an eye unlike Bastion and he has plenty of counters that outrange him and beat his fall-off disadvantage.

Like dude, it’s common sense that Bastion does not need buffs to the point where there is no argument to be had. If it’s a rework that greatly increases his overall skill curve and makes him less exploitable, let’s talk.

Quit :heart: