Buff Bastion.... how about NO

Also, no one is forcing you to play Bastion, you don’t have to like him… You don’t even have to protect him, go do your own thing, and if they buff him so that he can handle himself, you don’t even have to look at him…

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I’ve always called it pirate ship…


I’ve only ever heard it called pirate ship…

You don’t fix a hero by letting it rot just because you hate it, you fix it by contributing ideas and collaborating with other players who want him to be viable.

And you just wrote how sailboat/pirate ship can fail, if the Bastion is taken down and the team isn’t allowed to set back up. There are a lot of heroes that can take him down outside his minigun range and ruin the set up.

Except he really can’t… That’s a link, you should click it…

What’s the solution to that? Make Bastion more impervious to damage when he generally already has a Rein, Orisa shield, and Mercy damage/heals? That sounds ridiculous.

Literally the opposite of that… We want Ironclad removed, not buffed.

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You… literally just counter argued your counter argument.

Wrong. He’s pretty damn good if your team is coordinated.

The solution to that is a better gun, something I’ve already explained many times over because people don’t want to read a thread through.

Remove Ironclad.
Revert Sentry spread and crits.

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That doesn’t mean he’s not f-tier…? That’s based on his pickrate (which his is the worst in most ranks), not his usefulness

Also, that’s not Bastion being good, that’s bunker comps being good… that would work with literally any hero, not just Bastion

Bastion Would Be able to counter such a thing… If he could deal proper damage, at the right ranges.

  • Headshots on Sentry.
  • Lowered sentry spread.

Both changes would raise his skill ceiling, and skill floor.
Making him better in higher levels of play, and harder to play in lower levels.

Oh, and removal of Ironclad is always implied.

Bastion usually has a Rein, Orisa and a Mercy???

I have played matches in Silver where we have a bastion, Hanzo, Reaper, Tracer and Genji with me being Mercy

Team comp in lower Elo is a cluster of unorganized chicken running around trying to get PotG

bastion should be able to defend himself


A team shouldn’t build around him for him to be considered “good.”
He’s still a bad hero at the core who’s incapable of protecting himself because of how bad his gun is currently.

Thank you.

Bastion should be able to defend himself, with his own damage output…

Especially when Stationary and Alone.


I now further understand your stance of pocketing the Bastion.

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So what’s the solution? Change his bullet spread? Give him critical damage again? Sounds like you guys want a character who already has a low skill floor to be even easier to play.

READ. Please… For the love of Jeff…

yeah play silver, its why i am a mercy main. That way i know we have a healer

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How does making him require more aim make him easier? That’s like saying the recent Symmetra rework made her primary fire easier to use…

Also, removing Ironclad brings his effective health down somewhat significantly… it takes off about 75 health or so…