Buff Bastion.... how about NO

You deserve many of these: :blue_heart:

Sadly, i ran out…

I’ve gone to mid-gold back when placements just placed you a couple hundred below your finishing rank of the previous season (I pretty much only play placements, I don’t actually play comp), but I’ve never been to silver…

Tracking is a skill, there’s many mobility heroes that can throw off your aim, and it gets harder to track someone the closer they are because they’re literally dancing around you.

This raises his skill ceiling than lowers it because it’s not spray and pray anymore, your bullets count but you’re putting yourself out in the open if you can’t move and evade attacks.

You guys want these changes based solely on your personal experience and have failed to grasp that in higher ELOs 5 players protecting Bastion can be a serious problem.

Let me give you my ideal Bastion Comp.
A Discording Zenyatta
A Damage Boosting Mercy
A Rotating Shielding Reinhardt
A Rotating Shielding Orisa
and 2nd dps to back up the dive on Bastion.

Now this isn’t impossible to beat but it takes a lot more work than you give it credit to clear the Bastion. You have to have ult advantage and possibly 5v6 to clear this team push. If you’re in a silver match and players aren’t building a comp to help the Bastion succeed that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with Bastion. That means the teammates you have aren’t being good teammates. You don’t simply Buff bastion because in your personal games he’s not doing enough work. I’ve seem diamond games get completely washed by Bastion.

I’m pretty sure i have played in everything from Bronze up to high plat…

Bronze is a literal Casual mode… Like, half the time people are still learning the maps, and heroes… I don’t take Bronze complaints very seriously.
I have played Widow with a Controller on PC, In bronze.
And won like… most matches.

Silver is a little bit more competitive, as… Everyone no knows how the game works on a basic level, and are beginning to understand the complicated interactions between heroes.

This is what you Should Try to have, to finish ANY Team fight.

That’s just how team fights work.

Especially when spawn advantage is considered.

If you have seen this. and that’s a big IF

Something must have been very wrong on the other team.
Probably… Something like that.

Okay, so then counter it with

Junkrat for barrier spam (200 DPS)
Pharah for barrier spam (120 DPS)
Hanzo for barrier spam (120 DPS, 420 burst damage with storm arrows)
Sombra for hacking
Mercy for healing
D.va to eat Bastion’s bullets and for rockets

200 + 120 + 120 = 460 440 DPS + 420 burst
You’ll get through the shields pretty quick, and you won’t be in any danger from the Bastion because you’ll be either really far away, or out of LOS completely

oops, 440 DPS, not 460… still though…

If a team can come together and have this

Then it should require team work to overcome. Good team comps should be beat with good team comps. basing an argument on “Do not buff ________” because i have to work with my team to overcome the enemy isn’t a good argument in a team based game

I do not play bastion and i want him buffed. i see a bastion about 1 in every 25 games.


Sounds very difficult to work through, as if you need a team to break through it and a comp that can counter it. Hm. :y


Even the Sym/Mercy mains want Bastion buffed… ;-;
that’s how you know we are in a bad place… :laughing:

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Or, just… you know, use Hanzo’s ult to either kill or disband the bunker comp…

Here’s a video of a famous YT in GM playing Pirateship Bastion. And how effective it was for him and how he was able to counter play it the next round because he anticipated a pirateship comp.

The first 3 mins of the video shows you everything that matters for getting a success use out of Bastion on the cart.

The last minute of this video https://youtu.be/hAWwrvg-pzo?t=520 he explains how difficult this comp is to break or defeat and what it takes to counter it

That requires a bit of building to do, but a Hanzo can also flank a Bastion from behind at a long distance.

Perhaps you should watch it… :thinking::thinking::thinking:

So just use Zarya and Hanzo and pirateship is useless

Basically, this.

Not even considering the new Infinite stealth SOMBRA.

EMP, and you can never Pirate again…

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If he shows you how to counter it, I don’t understand the problem…

Also, Pharmercy is used pretty often on Oasis, should we nerf Pharah into the ground? Even if Bastion was good on one map (spoiler, he’s not really that great on Junkertown now that people know how to counter it), why should he be punished for it?

Use a Symm to get your entire team behind them, then take out he Bastion before he has the chance to turn around…

i am beginning to think that anything that requires teamwork to overcome is OP


Well, I mean, yeah… Overwatch was built as a single-player game… That’s why it started out as just FFA deathmatch, and they took so long to implement teams.

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