Buff Bastion.... how about NO

I beg to differ.

Since… Even when pocketed, he’s an easy kill half the time. -.-
Also… You don’t seem to have much time Playing As Bastion… So how can you speak for people who DO play him? :thinking:

The question is HOW to buff Bastion. Making him invinsible was NOT the solution and now its the reason everyone wants him as useless F-tier hero.

I would like to remove You From the game…

Or, at least your arrows.

In fact, this would be the perfect solution.
(Yes i realize that’s not what you meant.)

All hail our emerging Overlord… Bastion 76.

Invincible…? Yeah, that was a dumb solution. Remove Ironclad, revert headshots, revert spread, leave the transformation buffs, leave the Recon buffs, leave the repair buffs…

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Which is why we want to buff him so he doesn’t rely on that.
We literally want him to be more independent and giving back his sentry’s firepower is the first step towards that.

Even before his mini-rework, he was bad. Mediocre recon mode, stationary healing that can be interrupted if he’s been damaged by one tick, slow and clunky transformation time, it made those Bastion players stay in sentry mode because going mobile was a liability. His gun was the only thing that made him “good” and he still could get swept across the floor.

Basically this.

I would even be ok with transformation time extension.

No, that keeps players in sentry mode, and considering how fragile Bastion is when he’s sitting still that’ll get him killed. Enemies can still headshot you while you’re transforming, which makes it all the more easier for them to take you out before you make a shot. Transformation time has to stay if you want players to value positioning and engagement.

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Yea… i can see that…

I just want for being in sentry to mean something… And way back when, the time it took to set up, meant you were a powerhouse if allowed to do so.

Being in sentry does mean something, and it’s not when you plop down at a position but how long you can hold it.

Yeah, but now there are so many more stuns in the game, you’d never get set up…

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Bastion as a concept is terrible. Its a sitting duck comp. “Hey I’ll go bastion and you guys all sit around me.” I hate to sitting duck comps never the less sailboat comp is EXTREMELY effective.

Wait was Orisa out back then? Did he have a 2 shields back then? The game’s changed.

Aren’t their Bastion mains from Bronze to GM? I don’t really understand why he needs to be looked at simple because he’s situational. Lots of heroes are situational in the game and excel best in specific situations. Genji, Tracer, Reaper, Winston, Bastion, Lucio, Sombra, etc etc.

Name checks out

One. I have never once in my life heard it called “Sailboat” Comp… O-o

And Two… You obviously don’t like Bastion, Don’t play Bastion, And can’t seem to give any useful feedback other than “I hate this hero, deal with it. Throw it in the trash”


This guy thinks that Bastion is as good as Genji In “Certain Situations”
Excuse me, what?

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You’re not supposed to sit there all game as Bastion. You’re supposed to move around, just like a sniper… Are snipers boring and a terrible concept? All they do is stand there…

Not really… There’s a few Bastion mains, but he has by far the lowest pickrate in everything above gold, and he has the bottom 2-3 pickrates in bronze through gold.

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Bastion is terrible because he’s only relevant in one gamemode and a handful of maps where that comp exists only there.
You’re also forgetting the power creep that’s going on with several heroes, especially Hanzo and his ability to out damage and peek shots at Bastion unscathed.

Not much time on anything (assuming this isn’t an alt), but 3 hours on Bastion… better than others I’ve seen, but still another very little playtime “Don’t buff Bastion, I don’t want to learn to counter him”…


Half the ones i have seen recently don’t even have a profile.

Not that it’s hidden, but… Don’t seem to even have a link to one.

Dude honestly… Sailboat is a termed used ALL the time in comp.

Bastion is really effective but again he’s only as good as his team. I don’t even understand your argument. Bastion is a very good place. He’s not terribly broken and he can completely stomp out teams who aren’t prepared to deal with Bastion. I just lost a comp match early because my teammate played Bastion too long. Once he fails to setup on the cart and you can’t grab control of the payload its time to find another option because getting back setup is pretty damn hard.