Brutal Truth to everyone Whining about "Deleting Brigitte"

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How do i use it on you?


Try to stop responding. : )

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I didn’t freak out. You actually added those exclamation marks there. You actually did that. I normally typed that out and those are normal sentences. How else should I point out to someone being ridiculous?

This is ridiculous, for example. Because burden isn’t on me in the first place and you haven’t provided evidence for your claim.

Just to make it clear, the claim wasn’t that people want brig gone or not, but that they think they can make developers remove her. There’s a significant difference between the two. Don’t change position in sneaky ways.

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It isn’t hostile if they’re stating that your argument is false and unsound. The evidence was dated back when she had questionable stats that gave her an unfair advantage over other heroes. Belja isn’t being hostile for disagreeing with your opinion and/or statement of people saying “delete Brigitte”.


Really? It worked for Doomfist, so I dunno dude.

lol wut. You’re being a bit paranoid there.

The threads posted were made literally in a non-sarcastic manner. If you didn’t pick up on that and didn’t see that they were actually being serious, I don’t know what to tell you…

Nah, the argument was sound and true. I had evidence to back up my argument and they didn’t, and I provided a recent link as well. After they realized that they flipped out and started pulling the “You’re ridiculous!” card. It was hostile.

DF mains have gotten it bad, they deserve better

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I don’t even play him anymore. It really sucks. Had his Golden Guantlet and everything :upside_down_face:


“Delete her!”

Devs happen to nerf her because she’s overturned

“OMG the Devs are listening to us specifically! They’ll remove her soon!”

Am I getting this right?

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No. Brigitte does not need a rework.

I dont know about deleting Brig but they definitely deleted Shield Bash.
Now it doesnt go through shields, has quite a “long” CD and its damaged was reduced by 90%.
Yeah technically not a deletion but damn it feels like it. It does less damage than a melee hit, pretty pathetic.

Like seven nerfs later…I don’t think they’re being ignored.


They didn’t ignore the Mercy haters so why would they ignore the Brigitte haters?

Mercy haters? Are you talking about before or after the rework? Because if it was after, you should go check your overwatch history on that because they didn’t nerf her due to “Mercy Haters”, they nerfed her because she was consistently a must picked and constantly overperforming in her role and the fact that 99% of the time if you didn’t have her on your team, you were basically throwing and lost.

But sure. “Mercy Haters” caused that.

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before the rework. Back in the terrible days of mass-rez. IIRC there was this sudden wave of people just hating mercy once the SR exploit hide’n’rez stuff began. Might just be another case of “Correlation does not imply causation” tbh

Ok, then I apologize for that rant. Just so many people comparing post-rework must pick mercy to everything and it always gets me super riled up cuz they don’t seem to want to look at facts.


The backlash gave her that much nerf and none of them was nerfed GOATs as is. Brigs part in GOATs is her Inspire and Armor Pack. Not the CC. While i agree on that the 190 damage combo was too big, the AOE heal should have got the sledgehammer instead.

Just rework her flail. Make it so that the player has to swipe with the mouse to produce the swinging of the flail. Lmao.

“delete brig” is still a thing? Didn’t she get nerfed to the ground with the shield bash not going through shields and ult armor going away after some time nerfs? I was one who thought she wasn’t fun to play against but now she’s fine. Ashe’s dynamite damage is the issue right now, like seriously, it’s more effective to hit someone with dynamite than getting a headshot as her.


Her game play is no worse than say Rein’s really, if by gameplay you mean skill to position and play. I honestly think people just can’t handle melee characters in an FPS-style game. Her self-sustain is still a tad too much (they won’t do the logical thing and reduce her own self-healing the way Lucio’s is less than the healing he grants)… but after all the nerfs I cannot see the problem with her now really.