Brutal Truth to everyone Whining about "Deleting Brigitte"

Well, there’re the low risk stuns, the burst healing, the armour. the far flatter skill curve than Rein’s and the way that she only works in and enforces 3 healer comps.

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Yes. As I’ve mentioned in the past, that’s exactly how hate tactics work.

Step 1: Make an unreasonable demand. (“Nerf Brig into the ground.”)

Step 2: If resistance is met, make the demand more extreme. (“Delete Brig.”)

Step 3: Classify your opposition as equally extreme. (“People who say Brig is balanced and that she needs to be deleted are both dumb.”)

Step 4: Repeat your original position as a compromise. (“Why don’t we all meet halfway and just nerf her?”)

Because they’re trying to kill GOATs but they refuse to tackle the one issue that actually makes GOATs work.

“She is here to stay”. That’s true, but people can leave.

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Can we stop naming our posts “The Brutal Truth” as if disagreeing just puts you in denial; that you can’t handle how brutal them facts you’re spitting are.

Are you being real right now? No character has been met with this much backlash. Do you think the player base just hates Brig specifically for no reason? You’re right when you say that “delete Brig” is a extreme, as far as I know a game with a real competitive scene has never deleted characters before, but I’ve also never seen character design this bad before, so who knows.

Yea, thank you for this.

A hate mob does not justify itself. I’m aware of how much hate Brig has gotten from this community, and I don’t feel that the vast majority of it was warranted.

If you listed every tool in Brigitte’s kit, ninety percent of those in the hate camp won’t even be able to agree on which part they dislike about her, or what needs to be nerfed so that she’ll be fixed. The other ten percent just say “all of the above”.


Some people actually can’t, tis brutal for them.

Laughs in Mercy, Doomfist, Bastion, and Hanzo

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Correction… hasn’t deleted any heroes yet.

You’ve no more idea whether they would than I do.


"We don’t have any plans to retire any heroes…

We’re not even remotely thinking about retiring heroes right now or anytime in the foreseeable future."

-Jeff Kaplan

They’re not deleting heroes. And they confirmed that they never plan on doing so in the future. And that’s the tea :tea:

Considering how bad she’s been treated by Devs I wouldn’t mind at this point to have her out of the game. There is no reaosn to pick her outside of GOATS which is a comp that the Devs want to eliminate anyway and there is no sign of any work to her in orther to make her more fruitable.

She is the excuse that Tracer mains will use for them being bad.

But, that’s not what they said, is it? They said they didn’t have any plans to do so for a foreseeable future that arguably, given the date of the statement, has already passed.

We have no plans to retire heroes or are even thinking about it. = We are not deleting heroes and are not even thinking about doing so.

2 years in, they still stuck to their word. I’m pretty sure they made it clear that they aren’t deleting heroes. It’s time to let it go.

They already deleted Symm.

No. Symmetra is still in the game and is playable. She hasn’t been “removed from the game” in any sense of the word besides some wishy-washy subjective metaphorical sense.

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They just wouldn’t though. It’d be a massive waste of time and money that they can’t afford to do considering the current rate of content that they’ve got at the moment.

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The people at the ranks where Dive was a thing complained.

Brig was built for high Elo play.