Bronze to GM(Educational)

The plot thickens! :popcorn:


You’re a lame person for doing this.


There are way better ways to do something educational “for the community” than to do something that’s already been done 100’s of times over. Leaving out the fact that blizzard has openly stated they do not want this to be done anymore, and in order to do so you would have to break ToS. You’re not explaining anything to anyone who is trying to learn and there are thousands of vods and other platforms that tailor more specifically to how to improve and climb. This is you using the term “educational” to push your smurf agenda.

This is stupid, if you have the skill set for GM then you are already at a massive advantage for any rank below where you are. You’re smurfing, something people on here actively disdain.
You can get back to GM after being in Gm, great, that proves that you are already at that level. For someone who is developing skills, it is not as easy, and when you are, maybe slightly higher skilled than your team members, but not high enough to carry your team, it can be infuriating to see your team make fundamental flaws that lead to loss.
Seeing people stagger, seeing people ignore healers and go after tanks, and insist that it’s how you win, shield tanks pushing too far forward and dying, all this stuff that someone who isn’t GM level can’t really have go wrong and succeed. Plus, you know, smurfs.

Guys am sorry i have not been able to reply since i had been silenced but part 3 is up. And also i have to be honest with you guys although i said i was a GM zarya main it is partly true because to climb to GM i had used mercy but whilst using mercy i had also used Zarya too. So in essence i main both but only support i played was literally mercy XD. If you guys just want to see me play support from plat and above let me know i don’t mind. This whole journey was supposed to be educational but also to prove to myself i could easily get to GM with DPS. I said no support because i didnt want to think of myself as a mercy one trick. I apologize if i had offended anyone during the making of these videos because that was not my intention.

Ok, i climbed to plat on this account with a 1400+ level account.

I was gold since season 4, i never climbed over it until last season.

Care to explain how my mmr didn’t magically kept me in gold then ? Flawed logic is flawed.


I know you were replying to someone else. But you didnt get kept in gold simply because you mechanical level or game sense was far better then a gold to the point where it clearly had an impact in the game :slight_smile: Enough for you to climb plat GJ

I disagree, my mechanical skill is shiz at best.

I started playing Moira and tried mostly to improve my game sense and positioning since Moira isn’t the best mechanical hero ever as you can guess.

For myself, i love playing against smurfs. Those guys are a real challenge. A master Tracer that goes after me in my gold-plat game IS a real challenge, a force to be recognized and called out. It forces me to think creatively and out of the box to stay alive.

Sincerely, i really wish i had more smurfs in my games. That shiz really help to get better, but i guess people don’t see it like me.

op so u telling or rather i say showing us that we have no chance if our aiming skill sucks?

for everyone whose fps days are behind them like me, I like to remind you that this game is also half moba so if mercy mains can reach top 500 then theres hope for all of us :slight_smile:

I reached GM with mercy. But also played zarya. Yes it is 100% possible to reach higher ranks with someone like mercy to be honest. Any hero in the game can be used to reach GM and even higher you just have to learn to play them to a high level part of the reason why i got to GM with mercy was the fact i knew who to heal when to power boost and most importantly how to avoid dying for example i would always have an escape route thinking ahead before i even get flanked. Or if a tracer is trying to flank me i GA to my soldier whilst also giving him power boost when he rocket tracer or fires at her its enough to force her to recall and any smart tracer knows to hide if they have no recall XD. Obviously there is much more to it then this but am just giving examples.

I have seen some of them. You insult your healers and beg them to heal even though they’re dead. As Widowmaker you spam “I need healing” and you beg the mercy to pocket you, then when she doesn’t you say “are you slow?” That isn’t how you communicate with your team. What are you “teaching” with this disgusting series? That if you are already GM you can stomp bronze players?


Hey Sully, you’re famous!

Ragg Tagg has made his latest “forum criers” YouTube video all about this post.

Well done man.


Just checked little from the start of part 3 and LUL. Aim is not even close to GM and you make constantly mistakes GM players wouldn’t make. On top of that you are 3 stacking? What kind of bronze to gm is that where you get your friends to boost you becayse you actually are a Mercy onetrick like you said?

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cheater lol 20 chara

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Why u guys plugging into what he is say he is clearly cheating You guys are talking to him like he is legit of course he just now climbed cause dudes got an aimbot

Blizzard can we do something bout this obviously this dude posted his own evidence against him can we get a ban on this fake gm dude


You shall be reported for this behavior as blizzard says you shall not do it.

OMG AM DEAD. Legit i don’t know why people are accusing me of aimboting my aim is good and all but come on. And RAGTAG lmao that tank main ok.

dude the aimbot shakes and snapping its a dead giveaway u should change the settings bro. Your fixing to get banned its already in the works. You sir are not very bright to post videos of you cheating lol.


How can you even say that your being educational when after watching your games I can clearly see I play better than you…AND I’M GOLD TOPS! I mean, let just look at the last video you posted.

  1. Why did you drop healing as Soldier when you were literally full health for a good amount of time?

  2. Why are you getting into everyone’s face as Hanzo? Last I recalled he is a sniper and needs to be BEHIND the Rein shield and not in front?

  3. If this is to show that anyone can climb, why group with friends? I mean 1 smurf is bad enough, but adding more to the mix just proves what everyone is saying that smurfs ruin any chance of climbing.

Ya your not even close to GM and Ragg Tagg just made you look worse than you already made yourself look.

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what are you talking about that is how i track check my other videos legit you can ask blizzard to review my account or anything i don’t care that is literally how i track. I am legit getting frustrated at this point because it annoys me people like you and raggtagg don’t know what there talking about when it comes to tracking. Just because my aim is shaking does not mean i am using a aimbot. And
LMAO i grouped up with them only because they wanted to climb and i wanted to help. It was only for a few matches anyways. If anything i had pretty much all the kill participation.