Bronze to GM(Educational)

hey so does acting like a tool to your healers help you climb? i was really hoping to get into GM and i’m wondering if it’s mandatory to spam X and belittle the supports on the team. thank you!

lmao no talent scrub uses aimbot from bronze to GM and is toxic the whole way

top tier troll topic

just because i can aim better then you does not mean i am using a aim-bot. You literally have no idea what your talking about. Your only jumping on the bandwagon because you heard other people say that which they also don’t know what they are talking about. If you even made an attempt to check out my other videos you would realize that this is simply how i aim. I mean i don’t expect someone like “RAGTAGG” to know anything about aiming and tracking when he can’t even keep his cross-hair on a Winston while talking about my video.

enjoy the ban :slight_smile:

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Ban for what having good aim?

lol, wouldn’t a better conclusion be that you were cheating in those videos as well? I do know what I’m talking about because I’ve made it to high tiers with dps and didn’t cheat to do it. If you had good aim then you would know how bogus your toggling looks, but if you were good then you wouldn’t need to toggle in the first place so catch 22. Nobody tracks players by moving their crosshair up and down the enemies body. You’re going to need to go and purchase a better one, save your allowance or something.

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Yes a lot of people track this way. This is what i mean you have no clue what you are talking about. Have you seen “Fl0w3R” play soldier. What am saying is everyone has there own style of tracking i don’t smooth track i do rapid fast movements. At first i was taking it as compliments but now it is just getting annoying. I don’t know how to describe it. Imagine someone accusing you of something that is complete bogus and he is trying to act like he knows a thing or two about aiming or tracking. Its literally shocking i don’t know what to say at this point. Don’t you think if i was using a aim-bot i would have been banned? I have a 60hz monitor too so my aim will look flicky and not smooth.

Everyone has different aiming styles.

Ok so your aim looks like that because you have a 60hz monitor AND because you aim by doing lots of small twitches? Which one is it? It sounds like you’re lining up excuses like a buffet so people can hopefully choose whichever one satisfies them. Your game sense and positioning isn’t good and your aim is completely wild, no I don’t believe that you are a legit player in any way shape or form. Even the guy in the video you posted said “we’ve never seen anyone aim like this before”. I’m not talking about this with you, just know that I KNOW you’re not legit. CYA


Both LMAO :slight_smile:

Yeah, no. I’m a gm player and have been on a few accounts since season 3.

The problem is that it looks like you have a togglebot that soft locks targets, your cooldown management, active non participation in team fights, positioning, and communication skills are so poor that I don’t believe you’ll get higher than 4100 if you do even hit gm without your bot.


I mean I aim with a lot of small twitches too but I don’t go from missing all my right clicks to hitting all my left clicks as zarya, my tracking and my alt fire are generally accurate enough to take squishy targets from 200-0 in a few seconds at most. This guy is having trouble with even the most basic of mid range right clicks that I expect people of my rank to hit.

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Why are you angry anyway? Raggtag did advertising for you, yes he made few funny comments and some clips of you but thats is his way. Was he lying? I dont think so. And he just said some people are acusing you of cheating.

After watching your last video i am kind of lost how is this whole thing educational. We dont see one whole game, just clips in moments of destroying enemies. We dont know why exactly you won these games, you are not explaining anything. I think you should stop this, because its started to be useless at this point to be honest.

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  • Uses aimbot
  • Is toxic constantly
  • Bronze to gm challenge
  • There’s nothing educational to be seen or heard

You’re a sad man, good luck to your YT/stream ‘‘career’’ lmao.


Wowwwww, I’m on vacation halfway across the world and I watched Ragg’s video to come here. You are indeed a pos… Why don’t you stop spamming I NEED HEALING and if you want to carry yourself, go get health packs, pick soldier, go roadhog, go healers who can self heal. You are trying to force Bronze players to heal you, who the hell are you to demand heals in that bracket? If you want to Bronze to GM by yourself, DO IT BY YOURSELF! STOP SPAMMING I NEED HEALING YOU POS!!!

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honestly i could forgive everything but the toxicity pretty easily but the dude is constantly silenced in his videos for abusive chat and actually wants people to think he’s in a position to “educate” anyone
we don’t need MORE people like this tyvm

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Wait are you accusing him of aimbot? Lul his aim is twitchy and its not even fake my tracking still looks like that and I play on 144hz. To be fair it was even worse on 60hz so if you want smooth tracking you will have to play on 240hz, thats what I think.

About his positioning I think its bad on purpose, if you’ve even smurfed once you know that teammates don’t play optimal so if you want to carry them you’ll have to do everything that would be right by yourself even if its wrong in the situation.
Take ster for example on his bronze to gm stream, in his first game he was jumping on the payload as torb 1.0 you wouldn’t see him doing that in plat or gold even with torb 2.0 but he had to 1v6 in bronze because his team was c9ing 24/7.


Thank you. You are one of the few people that actually understand. I even told them i was doing stuff i wouldn’t do in my own rank but only because its low elo and i could get away since my aim would allow me to pull it off. I guess what i did contradicted the educational purposes since if i am playing out of position it won’t help the lower level players i admit. Thank you for explaning something i already did about 100 times :slight_smile: its nice to know a few people understand what i did and why i played like i did. And finally understand that is literally how i track it is my style of aiming. I use a 60hz monitor and in the video my sensetivity was 500DPI and 6.2 a EDPI of 3100 keep in mind that sensetivity was new to me to i only used it for like a week. So i can only imagine what my aim would look like if i were to stick with it since i am a guy who always changes his sensitivity when my aiming feels off. But also keep in mind these are bronze/silver/gold/plat players they will make your aim look good since there movement is very predictable.

I have twitchy aim but it doesn’t look like that…go ahead and post a video of you aiming like Sully if you want lol

Gotta be honest I also don’t see the aimbot. There’s a lot to criticize this guy over (like throwing down a spray after killing training bots), but that aiming style is pretty similar to mine and I practiced mine in the style of Korean Tracer players, kinda twitchy and fast

Maybe I’m wrong but the whole aimbot thing seems like y’all are reaching a bit