Bronze to GM(Educational)

I mean you put a bastion AND a turret… And hell why not an orissa shield? I bet the enemy team would never make it to the point!!!

But im daydreaming, if you have that kind of teamwork you would win with any strategy no matter how stupid it sounds, and they wouldn’t be silver, don’t you think?

Yh 100% agree with you. I think the best way to climb is team work if you are not mechanically skilled it actually does wonders. A torb turret and bastion hahah yh i dont think they would make it out of spawn. Unless they actully bother to counter which is quite rare in anything below gold even in gold games people dont counter.

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Yes I totally understand that and I did some nice save as well with mercy! But I remember that game that i had more then 23k heals 1 death 11 rez and we lost. because people were not able to kill anyone :frowning: sometime even trying your best if at the end no enemy team dies. then you will lose whatever the amount of healing rez you put

Oh I lose A LOT (I’m not very good at this). it doesn’t really matter because I have PBSR to lift me up if I drop below 3k or I’m playing in my lower accounts!

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I said that if you play at a higher level then you will climb. That goes for all platforms. PC players like Kornmeal will agree. And when did I mention alts? I was saying that if you’re good enough to be in the rank you think you’re in you’ll get there. And I dropped down to silver because I have trouble keeping my teammates from 1v6ing the entire team. Not saying I carried, but I’m saying not having fair team fight ain’t helping anyone climb. But I’m climbing back up so yes, my logic does apply to me.

That’s the worst arguement I’ve ever heard. You can’t just say •”YoUr LyInG tO YoUrSeLf!” and expect anyone to think your credible. Get off of this forum if you can’t actually make arguements. You don’t have to throw to drop. If you read anything Sully said you’d know that.


I am in silver and don’t blame others for it. I learn as I play and have climbed from bronze to silver so far.

The point is I actually belong here and when I go against others of my rank, I along with others have a fair chance of winning or losing. Smurfs, boosters, de-tankers and throwers take that away and changes how the system records the MMR for that rank, hero, map.

It doesn’t matter how you spin it you still ruin other players games being a GM in lower ranks.


Good job dude!!! So you realize I never insulted you?

No thanks. I want to actually have fun and play a hero that requires aim.

The closest I got to Plat was 2496 SR. If I did NOT have skill at this game, by their logic, I should not BE 2496 SR.The fact that I even GOT that far was because I had decent teams for a day and clombed from 2250 to that point. And again, I get the throwers and leavers RIGHT THERE…on the VERGE of a new rank. And LUCK runs out!!

I don’t care what their opinion about “skill” is, I was THAT close and STILL performed, but the actions of others cause unrest in the team because we had a healer who was focusing more on DPSing than healing their team and LEFT the match after round 1 when we were already WINNING!! We were on Attack first. We pushed to within 10 meters of the 3rd point. Sides swapped and BAM,…the healer leaves. We DID grind through despite them not healing. We had to fight tooth and nail with 3 healers and 1 tank and 1 DPS because the Moira was a selfish piece of human garbage who thinks that Comp is about themselves and not the team.

So do not tell me that I am not GOOD ENOUGH for Plat, when the ONE match that would have made that difference I had the single person we DIDN’T need with us.

You’re trying to become a twitch streamer, aren’t you?

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Bro what are you talking about? Am not the guy who normally says this. But get good then. When have I said I am a god among the other players what your saying is your own insecurity about the game. I am a guy who had the idea of doing a series from bronze to GM but at the way it looks like in the forums am not going to finish it as I have said countless times.
You want to get good I tell you good tip. lower your sensetivity put your crosshair on enemy and follow them easy right. nice nice. now when your playing widow. You point at head. Easy right yh I know XD. Now please leave me alone my dude.

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I have a Corsair Scimitar mouse with a DPI range of 200-12000 and an in game sensitivity of 3. I really dont need aimning adbive from you because my aim is not the problem. People who play healers yet feel they should be doing DPS as that hero are my problem half the time.

Not trying to be rude but if aim was not a problem then you would be among the high tier players lmao. Even if your game sense sucks. Aim alone can help you climb i would say too high plat low diamond. How can you say aiming is not a problem when your in gold. What is the problem then your team mates? Thats a myth my dude. Improve your aim and you will steam roll golds.

Oh Gee Whiz golly OP, your aim sure does look weird. Why is it that you can’t hold your crosshair straight once you place it on top of an enemy? Why is it strangely bobbling around like a madman, yet staying within the red lines of the enemy? Here’s some examples

Video 2: 22:57 - he’s shooting orisa and can’t hold the crosshair directly on him, it’s bouncing all around, if you slow it down to .25 in youtube you can see it stays directly within the red lines. Who aims like that? Who aims by bouncing their mouse around wildly up and down all over the enemy yet still keeps the crosshair within the red lines?

Video 2 - 23:56 - He’s using sombra and shoots the Pharah. Again his crosshair is moving WILDLY all over the pharah yet staying perfectly within the red outline of the enemy. Nobody aims like that.

Funny thing is your aim style completely changes throughout the videos. At important parts it is wobbly, wild, hits every shot and looks really STRANGE. At other parts it seems very natural, isn’t wobbly and crazy and your aim misses quite a few and is very avg, possibly below avg. Watch this guys aim, does there seem anything peculiar about the movement? It’s not the accuracy that raises question, it’s the movement.



Watch this person aim at reaper, put youtube in slow motion (2x) @ 1:32:43

he can’t hold his crosshair straight, it’s all over the place but never leaves the red outline of the enemy reaper lol


Rank shaming AND name calling eh? This does nothing but discredit you dude. So much for an “educational” Bronze to GM series. All you are doing is showing how much of an egotistical jerk you are. You’d definitely be on my avoid list. Definitely need more slots for people like you.

You seriously need to stop. You are just digging your hole deeper and deeper.


Then play Zen? I suggested him too.
I went from 1100 to 1900 with an 87% winrate on him. There you go. 100% aim based hero.

I might try him out more.
His aim technique is very different than ana’s.
Plus, I really enjoy the decision making aspect of ana’s design;
that is, balancing her projectile vs hitscan shots.
However, if you can dink heads then I do think zen can carry matches better than ana with less effort. That’s how powerful discord is with a good team.

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That’s true.
I personally prefer Zen to Ana bc he’s also decision making (who to harmony, who to discord) and he helps me practice callouts (for discords, communicating to my team if I plan to use an early trans for us to push in, making sure I don’t trans when our Lucio does his ult if we have one xD)
Plus dinking heads is just so satisfying lets be honest (I once got nano’d and got a quad as him xD)

For Ana I’d say yeah, she’s the hardest in bronze, her kit is REALLY strong don’t get me wrong but yknow. Anti heal/sleep doesn’t help if your team doesn’t use them to their advantage xD
Like I had a Junkrat flank my team on Lijang (bronze game) and I slept him and was like ‘yo dva can you come and eat his bombs so i can kill him’ and she just… ignored me…feels ana man. (I did kill her though bc my Soldier came over and helped lmao)

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