personally i believe that this bronze player deserves to be much higher than bronze. what are your thoughts?
Oh now that it fits your narrative, you give a crap about SVB’s opinion. When he criticized your gameplay you dismissed it because “SvB iS nOt a ReIN plAyeR”. Nice one
watch the video on mute and form your own opinion then
i formed my own opinion independent of SVB
this player is a solid platinum if you ask me
nope i said that he regularly blames other players on his team
I can see the Zen doing ok around 2000, he could definitely make it there if he grinded and/or upgraded his hardware.
maybe they are not pushing/dont really care
Easily better than bronze, I would say at least gold possibly higher
Then why participate in the challenge?
maybe for easy comp points or something. I have had many seasons where i only played comp for a couple games but never considered pushing far
once in a while i will play a few comp matches on a given night, then i might go weeks or months without playing it again.
His issue is that he probably doesnt grind enough/ barely plays comp. The lucio on the other hand was painful to watch, and he has supposedly been coached before? Lmao
Gotta grind the time and SR train to deserve being higher
As the guy said…. He wasn’t a star but he didn’t feel he weighted his team down.
- He took a break from playing comp.
- He watched some YouTube/OWL gameplay over time.
- He learned not to go in 1 by 1
Sure, he could be gold. But gold is average. Not impressive, not bad either.
another case of mmr baggage holding a player back from reaching a better rank … bronze player for four years and he’s now platinum after he made another account and still maintained it even after 74 games …
So did Bob until his MMR settled and it caught up with him.
Nobody takes competitive seriously anymore so climbing is honestly pretty easy.
I havent been here for a while, when did SVB criticize HULKs gameplay? Hopefully this doesnt sound condescending, I’m just curious
This is the VOD that SVB did on HULK
yep and just to clarify:
the above is completely false. basil made this up. i didnt “dismiss it” by any stretch of the imagination
So what did you take from his review?
the main thing i took away from the review was really more just a confirmation of what i knew but it’s good to be reminded of: that reinhardt shouldn’t be played in the old “main tank” way - he’s more optimal now as an off-angle clearing Damage character
I agree with what he said about Rein being too team reliant. I also don’t main Rein anymore for the same reason. But I still enjoy playing him every now and then.
You cherry picked the criticism. You acknowledged his advise on taking more off angles while ignoring everything else.
Are you back in diamond on your alt yet? Should be a breeze since you figured out that optimal play style
I climbed tank on D.Va Rien Zarya and Winston. I enjoyed Rien the most when my team was supportive. I enjoyed Rien the least when my team was scattered (and usually would swap for Sigma or Winston).
Rigged game is rigged and a player shouldn’t be required to prove themselves on completely separate accounts.