how would the matchmaker know its the not the same person though? i mean, surely thats not the job of the matchmaker to figure out who i am and on what account i am playing…surely thats too invasive.
hmmm…maybe i should call my lawyer and start a lawsuit
And let’s be clear here, reviewing a VOD vs. making decisions in the moment are two completely different processes. I suspect many of the people doing VOD reviews would miss or make many more mistakes in game, even if they’d consider those very same actions as flawed during a VOD review. A mind has got finite resources available at any given time. Playing a match uses up a large percentage of the resources that would otherwise be devoted JUST to cold hard analysis, as in a VOD review setting.
I’ve told you many times that i won’t engage in actual discussions with you. You are too arrogant to acknowledge any mistakes you made which is in no way warranted btw considering the fact that you are struggling to stay in plat on your alt account.
Or maybe you are just nowhere near as good as you think you are.
They only reason for people having unintentional 1000sr descrapancies between accounts is because the higher Sr is not where they belong.
sure, if you constantly play in a 6 stack and are 100% sober then yes, theres a CHANCE your sr might be inflated…now, see, i only solo que, or duo que and i will be the first to admit, i enjoy having a beer and bowl while playing, so when i start losing games, theres absolutely a reason WHY i start. is my sr inflated or deflated? no, because what i lose from one night, i can gain back the next day and then some.
people think that "well i play everyday for x number of hours, i should be (insert rank)
and those people are the same people who always received participation trophies and were told by their parents that they are special.
That’s an issue with the game. I don’t think anyone should grind the game 20 hours a day just to climb.
Instead of rewarding better players, they get terrible teammates, toxic teammates. I’ve seen GM players lose games in gold and even in bronze.
I should have clarified: i am not gonna waste my time (again) on reviewing your vod just for you to ignore or dismiss my comments.
The system doesn’t have to be broken for you to have a lucky streak.
Of course. The opposite of a lucky streak is an unlucky streak. Part of the game. Just play on your main and you’ll see that you will drop back down to plat near to the SR of your alt.
You reached 3500 after 9h playtime, you still have 0 games played as a masters player. There’s a big difference.
What does your other account have? 20h play time or something and is at low plat. I can’t check because you hid your account again. If anything, that account should be more of an indicator of your true SR.
Not sure if you are implying that i ever claimed this. It takes at least 50-100 games for the system to figure out your true SR. This is literally my main argument against a hard Sr reset which so many people want.
No there isn’t. It’s literally the reason why after each season you just continue where you left off. 20h play time is nothing.
There are so many variables in this game due to its 6v6 design. This + inconsistency will easily lead to these swings every now and then.
Besides, if you just played on your main then “this issue” would no longer be an issue by next week. However, you refuse to do that because if you did you would have to accept the fact that the system is not at fault and that you are average at best. So we all know that’s not gonna happen.
i have 40 hours at least on this account played already this and last season combined. 35 hours on other account . not sure why you want me to play even more. i’ve never gone down to platinum once on this account throughout that time
There’s really nothing you can do about getting “terrible” teammates. Which could be people who don’t have a lot of time to play the game everyday or just have bad stretches of games which is highly likely from Diamond and down