And I wont be playing it but I did it to prove myself something.
You’ll see many of my posts crying about my rank, the impossibility of it all and how I nearly touched platinum and now 4 years later im literally Bronze because I stuck to that account.
I made a new one, got to 25, and did my rankings as a healer. Both Moira and Mercy healing, I got Platinum and have maintained it. I was playing a game just now, 4th win a row after 2 losses, I’m like 250 SR above my ranking position. True rank?
So what gives? Why is my main account doomed to the Bronze rank? I dont understand, how DOES that make sense when I’ve proven I am in fact a Platinum healer. Yeah, Platinum aint something to write a song about but its, much more than Bronze.
Who can explain this conundrum? Lets not forget I’ve been trying to break into Gold again for 3 years now and could never but here I am instantly in Platinum and maintaining it.
Well you may not have played enough, new accounts will fluctuate in SR greatly until you get about 50 games played in total. Your main account is very set in its MMR if you have played hundreds of games and it will only change if you can demonstrate consistent improvement above the typical skill output of that rank and win more games consistently. As you play your new account, you may find it greatly reducing over time as you continue to build on your current win ratio if you are not able to maintain the same amount of skill as the rank it is currently at.
Don’t take the ranking system of this game too seriously. Just enjoy stomping the lower ranked players if it deranks you. It doesn’t get any more fun at higher ranks, your teammates are still going to not know up from down.
Very interesting but I genuinely feel like Plat is my rank or you know even Gold. Bronze is not my real rank but considering how the game is these days and the population of smurfs/alts vs similarly ranked players is very far apart.
Its just weird. Ill come back to this in a few days after more matches and report back because I believe there is a real issue here. I know the first few matches of a new account/rank can be a bit touch and go but I think I’m onto something here lol.
It placed me in plat my first time doing placements. Then after placements were done my SR started dropping drastically. You gotta actually play more than just placements to find your true rank.
I’ve done the same and maintained across multiple accounts, but my main is a lost cause. The MMR system uses level as the weakest factor but it does count, so the larger the level the more it influences the matchmaker and you have more potatoes to carry. Some will say no but its true.
Sorry but if you managed to get all the way to Bronze you’re doing something seriously wrong and no doubt with enough games, you’ll eventually make it to Bronze on this account too.
When is the last time you took an account from say 1000 SR up? Just curious? Lot of people with big attitudes in buddy stacks boosted up, and many who if they actually ever were in bronze solo could not climb out. Far more than people think because even in Bronze now you see people doing things and with mechanics far better than many Golds or Plats even. It’s no longer 2017. Many report games actually get easier in Gold up…
If they were your real rank you would be winning and getting there. From what I can gather though, based on your description of how the games went, you know how to play to not lose but now how to play to win. This means you are not really a major factor in the game one way or the other.
I do not really play much Support (or at all on any account), but with mechanics and knowledge I can assume if I actually tried Support my rank would be low Diamond(ish). You put me in a Bronze game I am going to farm them. Obviously it would be trivial on Bap/Ana, but even on the other heroes if you learn how to make plays you will not be a slave to what teammates you get and instead be the master of your own destiny.
You placed a brand new account that starts in Gold and won 2 more games than you lost and got to Plat. And you think that’s where you actually belong compared with 3 years in Bronze?
Because the MMR for this game is a joke, predicated on nothing more than wins and losses.
Just win all your placements and you’re instantly Diamond. Doesn’t matter if you get carried there or not.
It’s not hard to hold a rank once there. Winning 50% of your games will allow you to hold rank. Winning 50% of your games is incredibly easy in OW, thanks to the inevitable throwers and smurfs that give you freebies. If you don’t go wild and just play 2-3 games a day you might never climb, but it’s also unlikely you’ll ever be bronze again or lose your rank.
Hardly. Inflated gains/losses don’t even stop until 20 games, and if you’re going 40/60, they won’t get you to where you belong, since they work both ways.