Bronze 5 Placement, bug? - Unable to climb

Exactly the same here, OW1 I’m consistent Gold heals and Plat for tank for multiple seasons comfortably, played better than I ever have on my placements tbh with a great squad of team mates and got placed Bronze 5 with no way to climb, super frustrating, feels pointless to play until the ranks are corrected.


That is kind of where I am at right now, especially since all of the matches are just all over the place in terms of skill.

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I literally did a 7-0 win now (i’m bronze 5), and i got placed bronze 5 again. I was gold in ow1.

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Friend can’t rank out of Bronze 5 despite same W/L record as me and plays well on scoreboard l at the end of games. Every update we’ve gotten together has put me into gold but my friend stuck on bronze 5 keeps getting bronze 5 updated rank over and over. Now we can’t queue up together because of the skill tier difference.

Help. We cannot play the game.


Just here to add to this thread. Not sure if I’ve seen it addressed at all by Blizzard. I noticed today after going 14-4 and going to bronze 5 twice. I havent played competitive in years but I was a plat player when I did. I was kinda fine with accepting maybe I suck now but I feel like I’m getting it back a bit and havent moved in rank. Idk about playing any more competitive until this gets at least mentioned by Blizzard.


Hardstuck Bronze 5 and it isnt fun at all to play. Im just winning games spawncamping the other team with my team. It isnt balanced at all.
I have no motivation to go in competitive anymore or atleast playing the game in general, i just want to play ranked.
This system with the 7 wins shows no progress and i like to see that.


it might be that you got placed low enough that the ranks below bronze 5 are still displaying as bronze 5, like how it used to display as >500sr in ow1, so when you rank up, you’re not above the threshold for bronze 4 and are still in bronze 5? idk, that’s just conjecture on my part, it might be a bug.


yea same. and now all my heros are locked. blizzard is absolutely massive and cant pull off an indie quality game SMH
but now that i see that most heros are locked for most new people, I realize how bad OW2 is. I was a little spoiled with everything unlocked to start.
starting to wonder if its worth supporting this bad behavior or if we should boycott it and support other studios that deserve the money

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UPDATE: I just climbed from bronze 5 to bronze 4, confirming there is no harstuck bug. I guess we all jumped to conclusions


yeah, i’m honestly not too far from stepping away for good. Blizz was already on thin ice in my book. The combo of their monetization scheming $%#@ing new players out of the game for an ABSURD amount of time unless they pay up, along with how downright predatory their shop scheme is, as well as the bronze 5 bug that’s placing high elo players into bronze 5 games and keeping them in Elo LIMBO is absurd. I don’t understand how you can get a “launch” this wrong. When you already had a solid foundation to start on.

On top of that, my origins editions skins are MIA from my collection when they were previously unlocked on my console accounts. This is all so stupid. Which is a shame because I miss how fun overwatch actually is. And now I’m having sad flashbacks and being reminded all the reasons I quit in the first place.


Yes! Im playing with my boyfriend, even after “ranking up” im still bronze five, and he instantly was gold 5 and ranked up to gold 2. We played all the same matches!!

i hope if this issue is fixed blizzard automatically makes my rank to what it should be instead of my having to climb out of bronze

Hope so! After playing 3 placement in tank role, i would like to get my real rank

Confirming this from other threads on the same problem. Some players like myself and your friend are seeing normal ranking changes, while others have gotten stuck specifically at Bronze 5.

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really not happy about heros being locked behind battlepass EVEN if you can unlock them for free.
there are players who dont have access to certain heros in comp that others have, making the game unfair. its not comp if its not fair.

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Bug problems aside, I am not surprised that heroes are part of the battle pass. If the game has a F2P model and doesn’t try to monetize its core component in some way, then it loses revenue potential. Putting in time to unlock the hero is the price you pay for potentially not spending a penny on a game where characters are the centerpiece.

Additionally, hero balance has been changed so that no hero is required in order to win a match. This is great for players who have competency with a limited hero pool (i.e., most Overwatch players). It is not so punishing like the hero pools Blizzard trialed a couple of years ago.

Yeah a lot of people have been having this bug it’s weird. People go 7-0 and still get placed in bronze 5 and then do it again and get promoted to bronze 5. Even MoistCr1TiKaL complained about it in his recent OW 2 video. They need to fix this placement bug and better define ranking.


The fact that this isn’t being treated as a known bug is ridiculous at this point. I’m in the same boat with 23 DPS wins and a win rate of about 70%. Still Bronze 5


Its a bit shameful that Blizz hasn’t responded to this yet.


Yes it is.
The main part of ranked players are Ow1 players at this point and Blizzard just give a dump.
Shame shame shame.

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I’ve never understood the motive behind people who work at gaming companies. Why they want to lose players and money (but at the same time milking money with ridicilous prices etc) instead of doing one simple tweet where they address the situation and let us know that theyre aware of it? I’d pay 1000€ to get inside their heads.