Brigs Whip Shot Needs to be Buffed

Brigs whip shot should do 2x - 3x (just an example. This can be tested from 1.25-3.0 and change the cds and numbers if needed) damage to shields and activate her healing. Changing nothing else on her kit this would give her the support role of shield breaking/attacking in addition to her current kit while giving her more ways to activate her healing from range while utilizing her from distance. I hope a Blizzard dev considers this at least for an experimental card.

Or other good suggestions from fellow Brigs:


incoming Genji and Tracer mains


there fixed it for you


This would make Whip Shot too consistent at getting value imo.

Making it go through barrier but doing very little damage and without knockback would be more balanced.


So what I’m hearing is…

“Harder, mistress~ :heart:!”



But seriously, why buff her anti-dive more!?





Whip is already the best CC in the game due to its range and short cooldown
if it activates her healing her insp would be up even more aka Not What We Need
and 2 to 3 times the damage?!?!?!



People really be forgetting about sleep dart these days aren’t they?


That’s really not the direction needs to go. Her inspire is triggered by her short-range melee for a reason, so that should be her operating range. Even the repair pack buffs are the wrong way to go IMO. Blizzard needs to give her the capacity to catch up to and punish nearby flankers, instead of increasing the operating range of flankers for some ungodly reason (looking at you, Tracer).

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Ooh actually this might be the buff for Brig that she needs if they’re not going to give her the 25hp buff that she needs to be ladder viable. If her Whipshot was considered a “melee” attack and therefore went through barriers, it would be an extremely good QoL buff for her. It wouldn’t give her much strength, but QoL-wise it would be really superb! I’m all for this!



  • Sleep is a Stun
  • sleep has a 12 second cooldown (not that short last time I checked)
  • you really never use sleep as an offensive tool due to without it ana is very vulnerable
  • whip is so much easier to hit than sleep darts

Brig really doesn’t need this.

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I will stay thanks. Its buffing what makes her good without making her overpowered. She already had over 22 nerfs and can use a buff. More healers than just baptiste should be able to help against shields.

Try harder. You are not a dev so a simple no means less than my post.

But to make another counter point: yes

Sleep dart is the best cc in the game. Junkrat traps are a harder cc in the game as they actually trap you. Mccrees stun is a better cc than whip shot. Are you joking?

They justify it on every character except Brig. They just want brig to be deleted but its never going to happen.

Its also triggered when she lands a whip shot. But its blocked by shields. So when your team is taking range dps you cannot heal them without going into the line of fire to try to hot a whip shot but usually just meet a shield and guess what? Now you cannot heal them.

There are only 6 healers. Everyone of them should be viable. If they do not plan on buffing her health or healing output they should consider other changes to her kit that help.

Going through barriers is one solution I was thinking of and would be happy with it but I thought that kindof just nullifies the use of barriers. I much more prefer her breaking barriers faster with whipshot. Either or I would be happy.

Sleep is super op. You can cast it from range and completely stop ultimates from halfway across the map: Gengi ultimates, reaper ultimates, mccree ultimates, soldier ultimates, echo ultimate, bastion, etc. the list goes on. And on top of that she has an anti heal grenade that invalidates all other healers and counters zenyattas ultimate. And you are telling me that whipshot is op when it does not stop any of that? Hardly.

Counter point: Brig really does need this.


Brig’s whipshot is plenty powerful as it is, and even if it weren’t this wouldn’t be the ideal way to buff it. Imo Brig is pretty much fine. She’s stronger than people who can’t play her realize.


Stun is still CC. It doesn’t matter how long the cooldown is or how hard it is to land, those 2 things are to balance how powerful sleep dart is. Being stunned for 6 seconds is EXTREMELY valuable. And usually it’s just a free kill. Sleep dart has always been considered as the best CC in the entire game.

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She needs range potential. Thats her only range ability and its usually blocked by shields. She should do more than 3 dps to that shield.

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What? Can you explain the thought process from the perspective of main tank players? Because as a tank player this sounds, not to be rude, really dumb. You don’t pick barriers to block Whipshot. You pick barriers for basically everything else in the game

you know there is a Difference between a CC and a Stun Right?
While stuns are CC
Boops are aswell
if I am saying Best Stun sure I will say sleep
but just for you I will specify
Whip Is the Best CC that is not a Stun

nobody here is saying delete brig
were just saying letting whip activate from shields and deal 3 times the damage to shields is dumb
not without major nerfs to other parts of her kit
Brig is in a fine spot right now
she is still really good at her job
which there is nothing wrong with

ok go consistently sleep ulting DPS from across the map

as I said
go do that
I’ll wait
across the map
sleep an ulting genji, solider, reaper, echo

that isn’t a CC
and has nothing to do with what were talking about

where did I say Whip is OP

you will see: Never

she really really doesn’t
she is fine
she is already good


brig is fine how she is, lets also not buff another anti dive ability please


She doesn’t need potent ranged pressure, that’s not what the point of playing Brig is.

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