Brigs Whip Shot Needs to be Buffed

Because from a brig perspective your barrier is blocking her from getting healing output and from hitting people. So even if you do not think its blocking her hits the reality is that it is. The fact that you never noticed it or even thought about it proves that it should be buffed because its not even a threat worth thinking about for you at the moment.

Meanwhile tanks actively try to avoid lucio boop, ana grenade and sleep dart, mcree flash bang, etc

Actually that is junkrats trap. Because it does not stun you as you can still use all your abilities but keeps you in place. Lucios boop is also better.

Brig definitely needs help when it comes to range impact and this is the only range ability she has. It makes sense to buff it a bit. Especially since she relies on it so much yo get consistent healing from a range perspective.

Happens all the time. Anas sleep is the best cc in the game.

Whatever your opinion on it the fact is that its not the “best” cc in the game.

Counterpoint: she really does
She can use some help
She can be better and closer to the level of other supports

Thats the point of her whipshot. Why else give a melee healer a whip shot. What do you think whip shot is for? Why do you think it has like 40 meters of range?

As someone who plays a lot of Brig, and does it pretty well, she does not need the buff you proposed. Her whipshot is already fantastic at what it does. I can only wonder why you continue to insist on buffing her incorrectly.

she is a close range hero
you don’t hear rein mains complaining about their only range ability being firestrike

Thanks for agreeing it is the Best CC in the game

she is already one of the best supports
what are you talking about?

is not a counterpoint

Brig is good at her job and has a kit loaded with CC

no it’s not
the point of whip is to activate inspire at range, give her another boop
and pre all its nerfs it 100% needed to be a burst of damage to 1shot tracer

I think she needs buffs too, but I also think she needs a consistent identity as a short range healer, She should be strong in close quarters and weak at range. Right now she’s just decent at close quarters and meh at range.

Lucio says hi. Seriously, as far as kockback abilities go, whip shot is among the worst. requires a direct hit, and has the smallest hitbox of the few knockback CCs that do (as opposed to the explosion-based ones). It also runs counter-productive to her effective range, so half the time you use it, you do so to confirm a kill rather than actually push people away.

While with soundwave you can just generally aim where you want them to go and they go there.



Go to horny jail.

But also yes.


Nononono. You’re understanding this completely wrong and from the wrong perspective. From the Brig’s perspective she has to wait for the Rein to lower the barrier or the whatever barrier to be broken or expire.

But none of that that’s coming from Brig’s side effects the process of picking up barriers or why they’re played. If you’re a Rein, of course you keep your shield up to avoid the Whipshot to hit you and consider it when playing tanks. Every good tank player does this, especially if you’re a Winston and contemplate on jumping in

What the point here is that even if Brig’s Whipshot went through barriers, it wouldn’t effect the reasons to actually pick up barriers at all. Like at no point would there be a moment where you would go “oh but Brig’s Whipshot goes through the barrier, I’m not going to pick barrier tank X”. That’s the whole point

The fact whip shot actively works against Brig’s ideal range it really should be better in some way. I think letting the whip pass through barriers, but perhaps not the CC effect would be a nice touch.

It is a physical object after all, it kind of makes sense to pierce barriers. This would allow brig to heal more reliably. But I do think the knock back effect shouldn’t work through a barrier.

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I would like them to change brig to a brawler off support, like increase health/shield health/ give shield bash its damage back, maybe buff inspire a little bit, but then nerf repair pack hard. I was thinking they could even just turn it into an armor pack (1 charge) that gives a burst 75 armor, maybe it could increase healing from inspire to make it a better peel ability or do like 25/50 healing, something like that

they really turned her into a heal bot, you just sit in the back line throwing repair packs and whipshots and thats about it until someone dive’s, she’s too squishy to actuallly play in melee range for very long and its lame. I think old brig’s design was better, just over tuned.

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Totally agree on nerfing repair pack hard. I’d personally like them to increase the range of shield bash so that she can actually catch people, buff inspire by like 5 HP, and maybe have inspire heal herself slightly more than others as well.


yeah I want to brawl and peel with tankiness again. I miss actually like standing in front of teammates and walking them to saftey, or jumping in and slapping around whoever just dove my ana… It was a lot more fun than just throwing repair packs around, especially since they dont give armor anymore, that was a big part of her identity they just threw away :confused:

more shield bash range would be nice too since whipshot often pushes people outside her melee range lol

I wasn’t even talking to you.

The problem with Brig is activating inspire. So really all we need is whipshot to be a melee attack (go through shields), and the damage is inconsequential to that. They could even nerf whipshot damage (although maybe buff regular damage to compensate).

Ive given plenty of reasons above. When you respond to one of them I will elaborate and discuss.

If reins firestrike did not go through shields you can believe that reins would complain.

Ok now I get that you selectively read what you want to see not what is actually written. You can choose to be normal or to troll. If you insist on trolling I will ignore you.

Exactly. Its her range ability. And shields stop inspire from activating.

Exactly. I think this small and simple buff would allow her to get more uptime.

When its double shield she rarely gets that chance unless everyone in the team is shooting shields and even then its hard to break them. Double shield is still very strong and adding her to the shield break team would help immensely.

I would prefer it breaking barriers and proccing inspire over going through them.

This is fair. As long as it procs inspire.

This 100%

Its my thread. I can choose to respond to anything here.

Yea as long as inspire is procced thats the minimum that I want but I do think that giving her more anti shield damage would be a nice touch

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Okay, Addreallboy. We get it.

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As a Brig main this doesnt sound like a good idea

1.: Whipshot going through Zarya bubblr would be broken, there is no doubt about that. One of the mainreasons why you started playing Zarya with Monkey and ball sometimes is because Whipshot being so strong against them, if you now cant even block it with bubble and Monkey bubble goodbye Monkey and Ball…

2.: Increasing its damage so much would make it way too easy to kill flankers. Yes, its her role to do that, but just because its your role it doesnt mean you can perform a role too good

If you want a Brig buff without making her better in pro play I would just suggest nerfing Reins hammer damage from 85 to 75 again, so you dont get 3 swinged by him anymore and are allowed to play closer to him

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So she would have inspire active 95% of the time during fights? That would be pretty broken.

FireStrike is well
Whip is an entity and a physical thing
so it makes sense why one goes through shields and the other doesnt
also firestrike doesn’t heal your teamates

dude chill it was just a joke
but being honest your kinda trolling saying brig is bad

keep it that way

Cus MuCh Skrr bruh :zzz: :zzz:

but it goes through shields, it can hit all targets, and it is one of its biggest if not the biggest source of ULT charge

Actually sleep is an incapacitate. Stuns dont break on damage

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