Brigitte vs Ana in GM

Cause zarya counters him well too.

I see this argument a lot, and yet most Ana play is walking around with your rifle pressed against Reinhardt’s back, throwing your aoe at point blank range. You don’t really snipe that much with her and even when you do the hitboxes are generous.

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No cause she’s easy kill for their weeb lord.
Make her sleep dart hitscan they will cry to ends of earth to nerf ana.

Us supports need to be stronger together every finger should point at weeb not amongst ourselves that’s how they pick you apart. They will point at moira first then brig then lucio.
And one fine day they will say remove dmg of ana give her only heal.

They just want heal bots that die quick to flashy plays.

Ana is the most picked support starting in Gold. And from there it only gets worse.

She needs to have her anti healing nerfed or something. Or the other supports need to be significantly buffed.

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Total agreement. It’s an incredibly overpowered ability.

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Don’t compare one of the best desgined hero in OW to a low skill hero like brig.

No one cares about what happens in GM.
Across all ranks she has a 50% winrate which is balanced.
Brig on the other hand has a 55% winrate.
This means other heroes who have less than 50% are in a bad spot.
(baptiste has a 47% winrate)

You look at reaper and he has an above 50% winrate in plat dia and GM.
with a pick rate of 6% in plat, 3 in dia and 0.8 in GM.
While being below 50% winrate in all other ranks.

You could even look at Sigma; has a near 50% winrate across all rank but has the highest pick rate in GM than any other rank.

Brought in line? You have no idea how wrong you are:
She is the most balanced hero in all ranks out of the whole of overwatch.
In comp I have noticed Zen’s being pretty strong when played correctly.

Can we stop trying to balance the game based on unrealiable hero pickrate charts? or pickrates at all for that matter.

To top it, this stat is in the middle of a double shield meta.

Are you aware that both “braindead” and skillbased hero are playing at GM and you put them at the same line. Destroy this stupid hero already please, 2 years of this brig and only problems. Designed to do anti-dive stuff, now joins them omegalul.

I believe it’s the problem that Brig is top tier at every rank, Ana not

The real problem is they HAVE to be played. With Genji turning up in every game the other support kind of has to be either Moira or Brig (more likely brig) to keep the Ana alive. Currently Ana has no hope against Genji solo. So in each game you’re going to have 1 support who is kind of having fun on Ana and then 1 support who is having a terrible time because they HAVE to play a hero who is having their impact neutered because DPS are getting buffed.

In addition Brig is the best enabler for flankers and the best counter.

The only argument presented here for Ana to be “objectively” better than brig is her curent pickrate in a very specific sector of the ladder? I don´t think any reasonable person should consider that as enough of a reason to nerf a hero.

Ana is not even the most picked support in the OWL and that’s the only place where pickrates actually mean something since the only reason why those players pick certain heroes is to win the games.

On the ladder it’s different since people have other reasons to pick certain heroes besides just winning the game, for example, Ana is the main healer that appeals the most to DPS players and we all know that the DPS queues are the most popular by far, so it’s no suprise to me that a lot of supports on the ladder choose to pick Ana as their main healer.

Just because a hero is picked a lot on the ladder doesn´t mean that that hero is OP. Just because a certain hero is picked a lot doesn´t mean that the people playing that hero are effective with it. If Ana was as “OP” as people suggest why are the actual pro players not selecting her all the time?

They just need to nerf nade from 0% healing received to 20%-50% healing received when hit by enemy ana nade.
The rest of her kit is really balanced, it’s just that one ability that makes her op.
you’ve got only 1 bubble on 1 team member to clean it and that’s it.
no supportive ability to clean it…
sure shields and time based shields can stop it but once it hit, you’ve got no way to counter it…
I think every ability that can effect the whole team should have one way at least to counter it’s effect.
I would really like to see an anti effect support.
some hero that can clean all effects from team members but only when close to him. that include stuns,burn,freeze,poison,anti heal & hack.

Confused because 16.82728 is a 100% pickrate.

It should be lower than that. 1/6 of 100 is 16.66 repeating so anything over that is over 100% pick rate. That has happened with Ana a couple times where she has broken Overbuff. Peak Orisa did that, same with peak Mercy where the system is actually unable to properly fit for the shear numbers it is seeing.

For the main topic, monthly data in GM is useless considering we just had a patch, and I think the other one is less than a month old, the relevant data is the weekly data that covers that patch point where they are basically tied in pick rate because if you have Genji you NEED Brigg.

I love how data that shows Ana has been overpowering every other support for 6 months is ‘useless’ cause it isn’t good for people who dislike Brigitte.


Trying to say that you can play ana with the same mindset or mentality as brig is not even close to the truth. Ana requires more understanding of the situations around you and how the fight is changing. Anti nades that are well timed can swing the course of a fight. A well aimed sleepdart can shut down an enemy push all together. If you aren’t aware of your surroundings you WILL be punished by enemy flankers or snipers. It’s all about utilizing mechanical skill and situational awareness. Where for brig all you need to do is have an decent understanding of optimal positioning and have decent pack economy. I’m not saying that brig shouldn’t be viable, but trying to make an argument on pick/winrate is not looking at the amount of effort that is put into playing those heros at the highest level.