This all applies to Brig as well. Using whip shot/shield bash correctly cause you understand how to protect people, shut down enemies, knock enemies off the map in some way cause you are aware and positioned correctly. Every support has to be aware of their surroundings, this isn’t something magical to just Ana. Ana is not some insane high tier skill hero. Healing with her isn’t any harder than it is to heal with Baptiste. Landing her grenade isn’t hard, the only thing that is ‘hard’ compared to every other support is sleep dart. Anas mechanical skill floor is so low that low gold players get high value out of her.
The skill argument isn’t valid.
It is extreme bad faith to think a Brig player in GM isn’t putting as much effort into playing as an Ana player. This is just more bias. If Baptiste isn’t even allowed to be meta for 3 months, but ana is allowed to have 100% pick rate for 6 months and not get any nerfs, there is a clear support bias going on.
Well there are 12 people picked each game 16% is 100% if both teams pick the hero
Yes and sometimes, such as Orisa and especially with post rework Mercy, their calculator has had them as high as 18% or OVER 100% pickrate which is logically impossible. I assume it is something to do with how their formula extrapolates the data they are given into a larger sample size as it is self reported data and that whatever algorithm they use messes up at the extremes which is not that uncommon.
Ahh yes its based on time played. Such as a quick swap back to say ana aftet you had swapped off her to lets say mercy
u r one of those dudes who get mad cuz genji is playable
well let me tell ya HE IS HAHA XD
Yes but fundamentally to be over 100% pick rate means that in theory you somehow to circumvent the 1 hero limit which is obviously impossible in competitive. What is likely happening is that it is taking the data it is gathering and to fix the fact that it is self reported putting it through an algorithm that tries to account for that self reporting nature by extrapolating separate results from it involving pick rates but that algorithm likely falls apart at the extremes because well they probably did not care to test it (Overbuff really is the laziest site I have ever seen).
the stats you brought up can arguably claim the opposite, that brig is doing better than ana, but that isn’t the case. the reason why blizzard wants to adjust the repair pack is because of how it effects other heroes in the rooster, making them unbalanced while they have armor on. regardless, I don’t think that this changes will go through as they are now, I believe that the armor will be tweaked and not completely removed, blizzard are checking stats at the moment to see how brig does.
I have to agree on this one.
Having to deal with the BS that is nanoblade every. Single. Fight. (Including from me when I play Ana, as a support main, for the genj)
I think nanoboost ult charge needs increasing. See where it goes from there. (Blade also needs the same change, imo, even moreso)
I’d argue it’s easier because of the trajectory and the fact that at a flat value does more; Bap’s healing feels like it’s doing nothing even if you hit every shot on a group of 3 teammates unless you stack his AOE cooldown with his regular healing.
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It is 100000% easier to heal as Ana in certain situations as well. Since you can hitscan her shots when necessary.
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Yep, most shots an ana heals with unless it’s only fat tanks she’s healing will be quickscopes, which are so much easier than spamming heals as bap. You have to do junkrat level equations in your mind to work out the trajectory to heal, say, a pharah, as bap. Although I do enjoy the challenge.
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Not to mention being picked less generally leads to a higher win rate. Historically we have seen this with heroes like Symmetra, bastion, and torb having extremely high win rates during periods of time when they were dumpster level heroes.
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people straigt up enjoy ana, people in high elo lock rein instead of orisa so u dont need to play bap
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